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Before yesterdayLinux Mint

Monthly News – August 2024

By: Clem
12 September 2024 at 17:43

Many thanks for your donations and for your support.

Server upgrades

The repository servers were upgraded. They’re now able to serve packages at 10gbps, which is 10 times faster than before.

We no longer observe bottlenecks during large updates when packages such as Firefox or Chromium are updated concurrently.

Upgrade path

The upgrade between Mint 21.3 and 22 was broken last week due to package conflicts introduced upstream in Ubuntu 24.04 on samba and libreoffice.

When Debian unstable was frozen to make the Ubuntu 24.04 package base, Debian was performing a large transition towards new T64 packages. When the 24.04 release was delayed, it was to address the XZ backdoor (all packages had to be recompiled). The package base was also in really bad shape though. A week before it was due, we couldn’t even debootstrap it. Credits to Canonical, by the time 24.04 was released, everything was stable. The transition to T64 wasn’t finished though and so the path from 22.04 to 24.04 was delayed until 24.04.1.

This usually never happens. Post-release the 24.04 package base still needs to catch up with Debian to backport the rest of the T64 transition. Only then can the upgrade path be stable and open. This is really quite complex because the 24.04 base is frozen and stable.. but Debian unstable itself has moved on. The situation is being worked on and addressed upstream by Canonical. It’s getting better and better but regressions can pop in and break the upgrade path at any moment.

Canonical Pauses Ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04 Upgrade Path Due to Critical Bugs

Now, because the T64 situation was already a problem for the Mint 22 upgrade, it was addressed somehow in our upgrade tool. The 21.3 -> 22 upgrade is able to transition towards T64 packages even when the packaging doesn’t handle the transition. What it can’t do though is get passed actual dependency conflicts.

We’ve been re-testing the upgrade path 3 times since the last blog post. We’ve considered closing it. The situation with libreoffice and samba is now behind us. The upgrade path, as we speak, is functional.

As always and now more than ever though, I’d like to insist on performing system snapshots and data backups prior to any upgrade.

Default Cinnamon theme

Outside of Linux Mint, Cinnamon looks pretty ugly.

In our distribution the focus is on Mint-Y. The default Cinnamon theme is maintained for troubleshooting purposes and rarely gets attention from theme artists.

Ideally, it is the responsibility of the distributions to make things look good. In practice, many do not maintain their own themes, focus on other desktops or insist on using default settings.

To address this problem Cinnamon 6.4 will ship with a much improved default theme.

Maintaining better APT libraries and utilities

One of the big projects for Mint 22.1 is to review our APT dependencies to clean up, rationalize and modernize the tools and libraries we rely on.

APT isn’t just a command line utility. It’s a huge collection of tools and utilities. Think of aptitude, synaptic, gdebi, apturl.

It’s also a set of libraries such as aptdaemon or packagekit which allow many of the software applications we maintain to perform package management.

As you can see in the diagram below, many of our applications use these libraries: The MATE menu, the Cinnamon menu, the driver manager, software manager, software sources, update manager, welcome screen, reports manager, locale and input method configuration tools, backup tool…

Some of these APT tools and libraries were written more than a decade ago and are no longer maintained upstream. Linux Mint, Ubuntu and Debian have been patching them throughout the years so they still work, but their design, their translations, the features they provide are stuck in the past. Every Mint release is a reminder of this and a list of long-lasting paper cuts which we’re unable to address.

Because these utilities and libraries are very important to us we decided to simplify how we use them and to maintain them. Going forward we want perfect translations, no more paper cuts and if something we need is missing we’ll just implement it.

Gdebi and apturl were merged into a single utility application called Captain.

Aptdaemon and mintcommon-aptdaemon were merged into a library called Aptkit.

All the tools which previously used Aptdaemon, Synaptic or apturl will now use Aptkit and Captain.

The tools which use Packagekit don’t necessarily need to transition away from it. Packagekit is actively maintained. It doesn’t provide a set of Gtk3 widgets or translations like Aptkit does, but these tools don’t need them.

All in all, this is a lot of work and you as a user won’t really see much difference on your desktop. The paper cuts are gone though and if you find new ones, this time we’ll be able to fix them.


LMDE 5 “Elsie” reached End Of Life and is no longer maintained.

The repositories will continue to work for a while but this release will no longer receive updates from us.

If you are using LMDE 5 please visit the following link to upgrade to LMDE 6:


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC
Tinken Inc

Donations in July:

A total of $16,029 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 582 donors:

$500 (2nd donation), Ryan S.
$300 (2nd donation), Kathryn H.
$216, Mark F.
$200, Kody B.
$200, Orlando A.
$129, Michele C.
$120, Sarah H.
$116 (5th donation),
$108 (17th donation), Heiko P. aka “CyCroN
$108 (13th donation), Torsten P.
$108 (4th donation), Ruediger B.
$108 (2nd donation), Alan G.
$108, A.Alex
$108, Chris S.
$108, Dennis F.
$108, Dennis K.
$108, Hans-peter S.
$108, Heiko S.
$108, Martin S.
$100 (24th donation), Hans J.
$100 (21st donation), Philip W.
$100 (16th donation), Alfred H. aka “Varmint Al
$100 (9th donation), Michael S.
$100 (6th donation), John B.
$100 (3rd donation), Clive Newstead
$100 (3rd donation), Philip M.
$100 (2nd donation), William P.
$100, Doug H.
$100, Kevin K.
$100, Paul L.
$100, Scott D.
$99, Mark S.
$95 (2nd donation), Jérôme G.
$86 (3rd donation), J S.
$82 (64th donation), Michael R.
$80 (3rd donation), Terry Ya!
$65 (4th donation), Marcus A.
$65, William S.
$57 (2nd donation), Petros T.
$54 (22nd donation), Bjarne K.
$54 (18th donation), Bernard H.
$54 (15th donation), Claude M.
$54 (11th donation), Volker P.
$54 (8th donation), Andrew L.
$54 (5th donation), Martin A.
$54 (4th donation), Birgit B.
$54 (4th donation), Boris I.
$54 (4th donation), Florian L.
$54 (4th donation), Matthias B.
$54 (3rd donation), Dario D.
$54 (3rd donation), pk
$54 (3rd donation), Rainer L.
$54 (2nd donation), Rainer B.
$54 (2nd donation), Rüdiger T.
$54 (2nd donation), Syntega IT Schmitt
$54 (2nd donation), William H.
$54, Boris P.
$54, Cubes CAD Ltd
$54, Enrico V.
$54, Eric W.
$54, Hugues H.
$54, Inge H.
$54, Ingo P.
$54, Ivan I.
$54, Jens S. aka “Poerny HH – DL”
$54, Johann M.
$54, Kuno G.
$54, Matteo C.
$54, Michael K.
$54, Ralf-Andre L. aka “RAL”
$54, Thomas W.
$54, Toni P.
$53 (11th donation), John Mc
$50 (86th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (30th donation), Hemant Patel
$50 (15th donation), An L.
$50 (10th donation), Peter L. aka “Pedro
$50 (8th donation), Mike M.
$50 (6th donation), Jack B.
$50 (4th donation), aka “GM46”
$50 (2nd donation), Andrew K.
$50 (2nd donation), John P.
$50 (2nd donation), Mario A.
$50 (2nd donation), Michael M.
$50 (2nd donation), Robert M.
$50 (2nd donation), Ron H.
$50, Boris B.
$50, Christopher G.
$50, David F.
$50, David H.
$50, David J.
$50, David L.
$50, Dennis P.
$50, Doug V.
$50, Drew H.
$50, Edward L. aka “Edek”
$50, Ewan MacLeod
$50, Gregg R.
$50, Jay E.
$50, John F.
$50, Krzysztof D.
$50, Mark B.
$50, Matias Corporation
$50, Matthew H.
$50, N S.
$50, Nathan L.
$50, Paul H.
$50, Pha N.
$50, Philip E S.
$50, Richard M.
$50, Richard S.
$50, Ryan B.
$50, Tim V.
$50, Timothy J I.
$50, Wagner M.
$50, Whisley I.
$43, Arnaud R.
$43, NIck Glanzmann aka “Nick Glanzmann”
$43, Vizcarro A.
$41, Lucie T. aka “shaolinlucie
$40 (5th donation), Hans G. H.
$40, Anonymous
$40, Gilles L.
$40, Joseph H aka “Joseph”
$39 (24th donation), Joachim M.
$38, Marcos H.
$38, Ruschan B.
$36, John E.
$35 (2nd donation), Rune J.
$32 (10th donation), Wolfgang N.
$32 (6th donation), Richard H.
$32 (5th donation), Jürgen H.
$32 (4th donation), Günther H.
$32 (2nd donation), Geoff P.
$32, Andreas H.
$32, GB
$32, Jan C.
$32, Jerome P.
$32, Reinhard G.
$32, Tim H.
$31 (17th donation), Adam K.
$30 (35th donation), Wolfgang P.
$30 (6th donation), Kevin H.
$30 (2nd donation), Aliaksandr B.
$29 (5th donation), Kevin M.
$28 (2nd donation), Joel M.
$27 (22nd donation), John K. aka “jbrucek”
$27 (13th donation), Frank J.
$27 (3rd donation), Johanan M.
$27 (2nd donation), Rainer L.
$27, David H.
$27, Stephan K.
$27, Tom S.
$25 (41th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (19th donation), George R. aka “Az4x4”
$25 (16th donation), Vaughan Butler
$25 (13th donation), Andrew Currie
$25 (11th donation), Timothy C.
$25 (10th donation), Thomas C.
$25 (7th donation), John W.
$25 (4th donation), Samuel S.
$25 (3rd donation), Katherine K.
$25 (3rd donation), Ron S.
$25, ChoWard aka “dynamiclynk
$25, David R.
$25, Randall C S.
$24 (6th donation), Pavel P.
$23 (12th donation), Malte J.
$22 (50th donation), Peter E.
$22 (29th donation), Doriano G. M.
$22 (23rd donation), Ke C.
$22 (18th donation), Alain P.
$22 (13th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (12th donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (8th donation), Cornelis V.
$22 (6th donation), John V.
$22 (6th donation), Waldemar P. aka “valldek”
$22 (5th donation), Christoph B.
$22 (5th donation), Jan S.
$22 (5th donation), Lionel R.
$22 (5th donation), Patrick M.
$22 (5th donation), Roberto R. D. T.
$22 (5th donation), vieilletempête
$22 (4th donation), Thomas W.
$22 (3rd donation), Christopher P.
$22 (3rd donation), Guenther M.
$22 (3rd donation), Guillaume P.
$22 (3rd donation), James E.
$22 (3rd donation), Jörg B.
$22 (3rd donation), Markus L.
$22 (3rd donation), Reinhold K.
$22 (2nd donation), Andreï K.
$22 (2nd donation), Dennis H.
$22 (2nd donation), Dietmar B.
$22 (2nd donation), Emmanuel D.
$22 (2nd donation), Florian A.
$22 (2nd donation), Gines S.
$22 (2nd donation), John Baines
$22 (2nd donation), John E. O.
$22 (2nd donation), John S.
$22 (2nd donation), Krunoslav O.
$22 (2nd donation), Loïc A.
$22 (2nd donation), Patrick D.
$22 (2nd donation), Pep C. F.
$22 (2nd donation), Raymond B.
$22 (2nd donation), RP
$22, Alexander R.
$22, Antoine van Dinter
$22, C.H.
$22, Christian G.
$22, Christian W.
$22, Claude T.
$22, Curt S.
$22, Daniele C.
$22, Darryn R.
$22, David C.
$22, Dieter N.
$22, Dirk L.
$22, Dmitriy L.
$22, Dominik L.
$22, Dr. Imre B.
$22, Edward D.
$22, Enrique T.
$22, Falk-wimar H.
$22, Flavio S.
$22, Frank R.
$22, Gabriel P.
$22, Gianluca F.
$22, Grzegorz W.
$22, Hans-jürgen K.
$22, Irimie C. aka “volkunus”
$22, Izaro Basurko (Euskal Herria)
$22, Johan G.
$22, Jörg H.
$22, José R.
$22, Ken H.
$22, Konstantin H.
$22, Lukas E.
$22, Maarten L.
$22, Marcin C.
$22, Mario D.
$22, Oliver L.
$22, Pavel S.
$22, Pete H.
$22, Philip B.
$22, Pincemin F.
$22, Pius Alfred V.
$22, Raimond H.
$22, Ralf S.
$22, Reinhard N.
$22, Robert S.
$22, Rufus
$22, Sebastian S.
$22, Sergio C.
$22, Steve H.
$22, Stewart R.
$22, Susan R.
$22, Thierry J.
$22, Thomas R.
$22, Timo V.
$22, Wilhelm T.
$20 (48th donation), Stefan M. H.
$20 (26th donation), Denis D.
$20 (25th donation), Aimee W.
$20 (21st donation), Nigel B.
$20 (17th donation), Antoine T.
$20 (12th donation), Brandon W.
$20 (12th donation), platypus products
$20 (10th donation), Bill R.
$20 (8th donation), Antonio Misaka
$20 (8th donation), Jeffery G.
$20 (8th donation), Mark R.
$20 (7th donation), David K.
$20 (7th donation), Ulrich H.
$20 (6th donation), Thomas N.
$20 (5th donation), Dismas S. aka “Dismas”
$20 (5th donation), Harry T.
$20 (5th donation), Mark C.
$20 (4th donation), Józef S.
$20 (4th donation), Randolph M.
$20 (4th donation), Sam B.
$20 (3rd donation), Dale C.
$20 (3rd donation), Richard M.
$20 (2nd donation), Anthony L. aka “Badger2Tony”
$20 (2nd donation), David P.
$20 (2nd donation), Lars O.
$20 (2nd donation), Nicholas C.
$20 (2nd donation), Paul M.
$20 (2nd donation), Roger J.
$20 (2nd donation), Ronald B.
$20 (2nd donation), Samuel W.
$20 (2nd donation), Two Schuh’s
$20, Adinoél S.
$20, Andrew R.
$20, Andreza M.
$20, Caleb P.
$20, Caleb P.
$20, Cesar G.
$20, Charles F.
$20, Chris J.
$20, Daniel C.
$20, David Namisato
$20, Debbra H.
$20, Denny O.
$20, Denys K.
$20, Dion D.
$20, Douglas H.
$20, James A.
$20, Jason I.
$20, Jerry K.
$20, Jonathan N.
$20, Kevin D.
$20, Leonardo O.
$20, Lorenzo W.
$20, Matthew V.
$20, Oldies but Goodies
$20, Paul C.
$20, Raymond M.
$20, Robert G.
$20, Scott T.
$20, Steve K.
$20, Steven J.
$20, The Waldo School
$20, Timothy C.
$20, Timothy F.
$20, Tranquillino F.
$16 (78th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (14th donation), Francois B. aka “Makoto
$16 (2nd donation), Nicolas G.
$16 (2nd donation), Sebastian B.
$16 (2nd donation), Werner Palmen
$16, Jai N.
$15 (5th donation), Terry P.
$15, Captain Burgerland
$15, Nicholas F.
$14 (97th donation), Johann J.
$12, Aleksander B. aka “oloke”
$12, Pierre-luc D.
$12, Romulus Freeman
$11 (51th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (28th donation),
$11 (25th donation), Denys G.
$11 (21st donation), Eskild T
$11 (18th donation), José G. aka “picaso”
$11 (15th donation), Stefan W.
$11 (13th donation), Tomi P.
$11 (11th donation), Bengt Falke aka “Falke”
$11 (11th donation), Ivan Stamenov
$11 (10th donation), Axel R. aka “Airwave”
$11 (10th donation), Axel R.
$11 (10th donation), Ronald S.
$11 (9th donation), Francis N.
$11 (8th donation), Heston
$11 (8th donation), Johann K.
$11 (7th donation), Bjørn M. J. aka “BMJ”
$11 (7th donation), Francisco F.
$11 (6th donation), Noël D. K.
$11 (5th donation), Cor D.
$11 (5th donation), Jan Z.
$11 (5th donation), Jörg.K
$11 (5th donation), Jouko Tiilikainen aka “JT65”
$11 (5th donation), Marc
$11 (4th donation), Gregor K.
$11 (4th donation), Marko R.
$11 (4th donation), Martin Kamp Jensen
$11 (4th donation), Stefan V. B. aka “stefanvb”
$11 (3rd donation), Benjamin F.
$11 (3rd donation), Fernando A. P.
$11 (3rd donation), Gerard B.
$11 (3rd donation), Guillaume M.
$11 (3rd donation), Jose J.
$11 (3rd donation), Mario M.
$11 (3rd donation), Nicholas J.
$11 (3rd donation), Pietro C.
$11 (3rd donation), William M.
$11 (2nd donation), Andres J. A. L.
$11 (2nd donation), Daniele V.
$11 (2nd donation), Giacomo B.
$11 (2nd donation), Jacques V.
$11 (2nd donation), Johannes S.
$11 (2nd donation), Kevin L.
$11 (2nd donation), Konrad B.
$11 (2nd donation), Marcel G.
$11 (2nd donation), Maria Lina P.
$11 (2nd donation), Michael H.
$11 (2nd donation), Pierre B.
$11 (2nd donation), Rossano Paris
$11 (2nd donation), Ruben de V.
$11 (2nd donation), Victor B.
$11 (2nd donation), Xavier C.
$11, aka “Logos”
$11, Adam Z.
$11, Alberto M.
$11, Alexej S.
$11, Amir A.
$11, Daniel Barbosa Corbacho aka “-McClane2280-”
$11, David K.
$11, David N.
$11, David O.
$11, E J S.
$11, Eliakim B.
$11, Fethi I.
$11, Florian P.
$11, Florian R.
$11, Francesco C.
$11, Francisco Javier G.
$11, Gabriep P. aka “ga44”
$11, Hasan B.
$11, Heiko T.
$11, Hennie W.
$11, Henrique D.
$11, Hermine Hargreaves
$11, Ian S.
$11, Jakub T.
$11, Jörg B.
$11, Jorma O.
$11, Jose L.
$11, Joshua W.
$11, Khaled M.
$11, Marc K.
$11, Margriet V.
$11, Massimiliano M.
$11, Massimo G.
$11, Michael J.
$11, Michael W.
$11, Michele C.
$11, Michele M.
$11, Mihovil S.
$11, Mike T.
$11, Oleg L.
$11, Panon D.O.O.
$11, Paolo A.
$11, Pasquale C.
$11, Patrik .
$11, Pietro B.
$11, Ralf V.
$11, Reidar S.
$11, Riccardo D.
$11, Ringo K.
$11, Rok L.
$11, Ronald W.
$11, Salvatore B.
$11, Sasha A.
$11, Sebastian B.
$11, Stefan S.
$11, Sven B.
$11, Tim Büning aka “Tim Buening
$11, Uwe B.
$11, Vasco T.
$11, Wolfram R.
$11, Yannick D.
$10 (100th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (45th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (40th donation), Jim A.
$10 (23rd donation), Bruce M.
$10 (15th donation), Dave S.
$10 (14th donation), William M.
$10 (12th donation), Thevirtua
$10 (10th donation), Andreas G.
$10 (8th donation), Joel C.
$10 (7th donation), redman
$10 (6th donation), Alexei S.
$10 (6th donation), Michał K. aka “PoldekPL”
$10 (6th donation), TONY aka “STRUZZIN ELECTRONICS
$10 (4th donation), Frank K.
$10 (4th donation), Przemysław Z. aka “bodek”
$10 (4th donation), Tomasz K.
$10 (4th donation), William C.
$10 (4th donation), Zisis L.
$10 (3rd donation), Helgi J.
$10 (3rd donation), Larry G.
$10 (3rd donation), Simon M.
$10 (2nd donation), Chris B
$10 (2nd donation), Dane M.
$10 (2nd donation), Douglas W.
$10 (2nd donation), Evan M.
$10 (2nd donation), Gerald F.
$10 (2nd donation), James P.
$10 (2nd donation), Jeffrey G.
$10 (2nd donation), Ralph B.
$10, Adam D.
$10, Alberto R.
$10, Andrés P.
$10, Anthony A.
$10, Caleb P.
$10, Chuong H.
$10, Constantin D.
$10, Csaba V.
$10, Francis L.
$10, Gregory J.
$10, Jeffrey D.
$10, Jerry S. aka “jerryprague”
$10, Joseph G.
$10, Justin M.
$10, Ken P.
$10, Kiss J.
$10, Kyle J.
$10, Lelio L.
$10, Matt H.
$10, Mikhael M.
$10, Nebojsa D.
$10, Nicholas B.
$10, prodbyhx
$10, Quang T H.
$10, Richard H.
$10, Roberto S.
$10, Sam B.
$10, Sebastian S.
$10, SpongebobSquarepants
$10, Tomasz K.
$10, Veronique K.
$9, Holger S.
$8 (2nd donation), Alan N.
$7 (2nd donation), Michael F.
$6, Alan N.
$6, Tobias P.
$235 from 62 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,318 patrons, for a sum of $3,597 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

How to upgrade to Linux Mint 22

By: Clem
28 July 2024 at 16:24

If you’ve been waiting for this I’d like to thank you for your patience.

It is now possible to upgrade Linux Mint 21.3 to version 22.

Warning! We are anticipating very high server load and slow download/connection speeds. We recommend to follow this guide to switch to Fastly prior to performing this upgrade: Switch to Fastly to avoid slow upgrades and connection issues.

The upgrade instructions are available at:

Take your time

Read all the instructions and take the time to understand them, ask for help if you’re stuck.

The instructions will ask you to be up to date and to prepare system snapshots. Don’t rush into upgrading and do not take shortcuts.

Don’t panic

If you’re stuck or wondering about something don’t hesitate to ask for help:


Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” released!

By: Clem
25 July 2024 at 20:17

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 22 “Wilma”.

Linux Mint 22 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2029. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 22“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 22

System requirements:

  • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 20GB of disk space (100GB recommended).
  • 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).

Upgrade instructions:

  • If you are running the BETA you don’t need to upgrade, use the Update Manager to apply available updates.
  • Upgrade instructions for Linux Mint 21.3 will be provided in a few days.

Download links:

Cinnamon Edition:

Xfce Edition:

MATE Edition:

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!

Monthly News – July 2024

By: Clem
24 July 2024 at 16:44

Many thanks for your donations and for your support.

Linux Mint 22 is ready. The release will be announced this week. It will be followed by upgrade instructions for Linux Mint 21.3 and package backports for LMDE 6.

The BETA phase was very productive. We went through a total of 203 bug reports, it was intense 🙂

As always, I’d like to thank all the people who help us and make all of this possible. Thank you for your help and for your support.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC
Tinken Inc

Donations in June:

A total of $14,337 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 483 donors:

$1104, Maksim K.
$539 (2nd donation), Andreas B.
$432 (2nd donation), Julius H.
$250 (3rd donation), Benjamin M.
$250, Matthew N.
$216, Marco Q.
$215, Trevor S.
$200 (42th donation), Fast Junkie
$200, Benno B.
$162 (2nd donation), Friedrich D.
$150, Maxence L.
$120, D. Burton Bravo
$108 (8th donation), Christian G. aka “Chrissy”
$108 (8th donation), Marco V. aka “eMeM010NL”
$108 (5th donation), Stephan V.
$108, Gabriele R.
$108, Ralf K.
$108, Thomas D.
$101 (2nd donation), Jared G.
$100 (6th donation), Michael P.
$100 (2nd donation), David D.
$100 (2nd donation), Ronal M.
$100, Clyde N.
$100, Donald W.
$100, Douglas S.
$100, Keith W.
$100, Phillip D.
$60, Joseph B.
$54 (21st donation), Bjarne K.
$54 (12th donation), Roland H.
$54 (10th donation), Volker P.
$54 (5th donation), Jyrki A.
$54 (5th donation), Patrick R.
$54 (5th donation), Peer V.
$54 (4th donation), Daniel K.
$54 (4th donation), Johan P.
$54 (3rd donation), Danila Ganchar
$54 (3rd donation), Michael E.
$54 (2nd donation), aka “Ralle”
$54 (2nd donation), Bert V.
$54 (2nd donation), Elias A. aka “Biker”
$54 (2nd donation), Giorgio B.
$54 (2nd donation), Jacob A.
$54 (2nd donation), Sjoerd S.
$54 (2nd donation), Urs N.
$54 (2nd donation), Volker K.
$54, Alexander B.
$54, André W.
$54, Andreas L.
$54, Brian N.
$54, Brian R.
$54, E. D.
$54, Frank S.
$54, Hans G.
$54, Hans Mereyntje S.
$54, Jakub Z.
$54, Manfred H.
$54, Markus R.
$54, Martin B.
$54, Martin T.
$54, Matthieu B.
$54, Meindert P.
$54, Niko S.
$54, Praful K.
$54, RJ aka “Hav4k”
$54, Roeland D.
$54, Silke G.
$54, Thomas V.
$54, Udo L.
$52 (10th donation), John Mc
$50 (85th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (7th donation), Karl B.
$50 (4th donation), Brian H.
$50 (4th donation), Charles H.
$50 (4th donation), Peter J, aka “Dr Peter”
$50 (3rd donation), Derek M.
$50 (3rd donation), Norman K.
$50 (3rd donation), Thomas B.
$50 (2nd donation), Carlton S.
$50 (2nd donation), Ray A.
$50 (2nd donation), Robert S.
$50, Anthony L.
$50, Clainth F.
$50, Dana M.
$50, Henry P.
$50, Justin A.
$50, M L A.
$50, Mark F.
$50, Mark H.
$50, Mark J.
$50, Mark S.
$50, Matthew T.
$50, Roy K.
$43 (15th donation), Henk van C.
$43, Bogdan O.
$40 (10th donation), John Eady
$40, Scott C.
$40, Taylor K.
$35 (6th donation), John W.
$33, B
$32 (5th donation), R. Sch.
$32 (2nd donation), Anita B.
$32 (2nd donation), Johanan M.
$32 (2nd donation), Lothar S.
$32, Christian G.
$32, Stefan B.
$31 (16th donation), Adam K.
$30 (10th donation), jowind
$29, Holly Pickering aka “Birthday present for my brother, Adam Pickering”
$27, Christoph S.
$27, Christophe L.
$27, Simon G.
$25 (40th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (3rd donation), Daniel B.
$23, Juan D.
$23, Michael Mayer
$22 (96th donation), Johann J.
$22 (49th donation), Peter E.
$22 (17th donation), Alain P.
$22 (13th donation), Francois B. aka “Makoto
$22 (12th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (11th donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (5th donation), Artur K.
$22 (5th donation), Thomas M.
$22 (4th donation), Jean, Jacques G.
$22 (4th donation), Neil M.
$22 (3rd donation), Bernd K.
$22 (3rd donation), Hartmut P.
$22 (3rd donation), Ivan D.
$22 (3rd donation), Mirco U.
$22 (3rd donation), Rudolf W.
$22 (3rd donation), Thomas W.
$22 (2nd donation), Alexander R.
$22 (2nd donation), Andreas V.
$22 (2nd donation), Antonio F.
$22 (2nd donation), Bert A.
$22 (2nd donation), Braulio C.
$22 (2nd donation), Leo H.
$22 (2nd donation), Marvin D.
$22 (2nd donation), Maximilian G.
$22 (2nd donation), Mike W.
$22 (2nd donation), Tony B. aka “tROOT
$22, Alessandro P.
$22, Andre H.
$22, Arne T.
$22, Bengt-göran L.
$22, Carlo L.
$22, Daniel T.
$22, Davide C.
$22, Denis F.
$22, Emile S.
$22, Enos D’Andrea aka “EDLabs
$22, Fabien R.
$22, Fabio M.
$22, Filippo C.
$22, Finn R.
$22, Florian K.
$22, Giancarlo D.
$22, Gianluca C.
$22, Gianluca C.
$22, Helmut S.
$22, Hermann-josef W.
$22, Holger K.
$22, John Howard Jones
$22, Kaia Helena P.
$22, Luca P.
$22, Manlio P.
$22, Martin S.
$22, Mathias U.
$22, Matthias M.
$22, Maurizio G.
$22, Michael B.
$22, Michal B.
$22, Mohamed A.
$22, Nils L.
$22, Oliver P.
$22, Privato
$22, Reinhard R.
$22, Rosen K.
$22, Rudolf D.
$22, Sebastian K.
$22, Sebastian O.
$22, Stefano B.
$22, Thomas K.
$22, Tim J.
$22, Vitor G.
$20 (42th donation), John D.
$20 (29th donation), vagrantcow
$20 (24th donation), Aimee W.
$20 (16th donation), Dana S.
$20 (8th donation), DaveW
$20 (4th donation), Anthony K.
$20 (4th donation), Donald W. aka “Don
$20 (4th donation), Luigi Pirola aka “Lupiro ”
$20 (4th donation), M G U.
$20 (4th donation), Peter F.
$20 (3rd donation), R. G. .
$20 (2nd donation), Andrew V.
$20 (2nd donation), Claude L.
$20 (2nd donation), Dale C.
$20 (2nd donation), David M.
$20 (2nd donation), Dennis S.
$20 (2nd donation), Eric W.
$20 (2nd donation), J A S G.
$20 (2nd donation), Keith F.
$20 (2nd donation), Kenneth L.
$20 (2nd donation), Richard M.
$20 (2nd donation), Richard M.
$20, Adam Fennich
$20, Alan P.
$20, Alexander J.
$20, Andrew M.
$20, Andrew Y.
$20, Bob R.
$20, Brandon S.
$20, Brian Hatton
$20, Carl B.
$20, Catherine P.
$20, Cecilia B.
$20, Chris M.
$20, Constantine E.
$20, Daryl R.
$20, David A.
$20, Diego M.
$20, Ed K.
$20, Gary B.
$20, Gary D.
$20, Giovanni R. aka “gioriv”
$20, Grady S.
$20, Jacques T.
$20, Jared C.
$20, Javier G.
$20, Jennifer D.
$20, Joel R.
$20, Khayyam M.
$20, Martin V.
$20, Michael S.
$20, Richard S.
$20, Richard T.
$20, Robert C.
$20, Russell D.
$20, Steven A.
$20, Steven K.
$20, Sumit P.
$20, Thomas D.
$20, Tomasz C.
$20, Valmore J.
$20, Wesley L.
$20, William P.
$20, Winfried K.
$17, Frankie G.
$16 (77th donation), Andreas S.
$16, Dieter S.
$16, Ethan Lane
$16, Mia H.
$15 (15th donation), Edward A.
$15 (13th donation), Fred B.
$15, Ian M.
$15, Jeffrey W.
$15, Navid R.
$15, Troy B.
$14 (3rd donation), Jesus C.
$14, Dennis B.
$13, Jared P.
$13, Vladimir T.
$12 (54th donation), Francois-R L.
$12 (24th donation), aka “AsciiWolf”
$12, Steven S.
$12, Yu Shiyang aka “Shiyang
$11 (50th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (42th donation), Thomas R.
$11 (27th donation),
$11 (24th donation), Denys G.
$11 (14th donation), Bruno Weber
$11 (14th donation), Stefan W.
$11 (11th donation), Emanuele Proietti aka “Manuermejo”
$11 (10th donation), Bengt Falke aka “Falke”
$11 (10th donation), Thomas R.
$11 (9th donation), Ronald S.
$11 (6th donation), Francisco F.
$11 (6th donation), Peter C.
$11 (5th donation), Leo F.
$11 (5th donation), Luke B.
$11 (4th donation), Jaroslaw W.
$11 (4th donation), Jörg K. aka “Jku”
$11 (4th donation), Szymon R.
$11 (3rd donation), Adian K.
$11 (3rd donation), Bernd R.
$11 (3rd donation), Gregor K.
$11 (3rd donation), Luc V.
$11 (3rd donation), Massimo M.
$11 (3rd donation), Vladimir S.
$11 (2nd donation), Adrian R.
$11 (2nd donation), Alexander Dimitri H.
$11 (2nd donation), Andrea Ronchetti
$11 (2nd donation), Fred V.
$11 (2nd donation), Giuseppe M.
$11 (2nd donation), Massimo T.
$11 (2nd donation), Michael S.
$11 (2nd donation), Pasquale D.
$11 (2nd donation), Yavor N.
$11, aka “Madelmo’s”
$11, Andrea K.
$11, Andrea S.
$11, Antonio G.
$11, Arthur S.
$11, Axel B.
$11, Benjamin W.
$11, Carolin V.
$11, Chris S. aka “Toch288”
$11, Claude L.
$11, Daniel A.
$11, Daniele D.
$11, Došlo R.
$11, Fabio P.
$11, George C.
$11, Gianni G.
$11, Giorgio N.
$11, Herman P.
$11, Iván L.
$11, Jacques V.
$11, James W.
$11, Jere P.
$11, Jeremy G.
$11, Johan K.
$11, Karl Hagen M.
$11, Lorenzo C.
$11, Luc V.
$11, Mario K.
$11, Mauro P.
$11, Michael H.
$11, Olaf L.
$11, Paolo F.
$11, Peter A.
$11, Pier G.
$11, Pierre-louis D.
$11, Rainer P.
$11, Richard D.
$11, Ronald U.
$11, Salvatore T.
$11, Stefaan H.
$11, Thorsten S.
$11, Uwe K.
$11, Uwe R.
$11, Wander S.
$11, Wayne B.
$11, Werner A.
$11, Yury A.
$10 (99th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (44th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (26th donation), Wilson G.
$10 (24th donation), Christopher R.
$10 (22nd donation), Bruce M.
$10 (19th donation), Harold R.
$10 (10th donation), Gustavo A. B.
$10 (6th donation), Peter Vangsgaard aka “pvangsgaard
$10 (5th donation), Peers T.
$10 (5th donation), TONY aka “STRUZZIN ELECTRONICS
$10 (4th donation), Geoffrey P.
$10 (3rd donation), Allan S.
$10 (3rd donation), Aquilino
$10 (3rd donation), Frank K.
$10 (3rd donation), J. Camargo
$10 (3rd donation), Jeremy B.
$10 (3rd donation), Juan Q.
$10 (3rd donation), Óscar R.
$10 (3rd donation), Tomasz K.
$10 (2nd donation), Akiva G.
$10 (2nd donation), DARKKNEZZ
$10 (2nd donation), Timothy M.
$10, Adam S.
$10, Andrew F.
$10, Andrew S.
$10, Áron S.
$10, Bill W B.
$10, Cauã B.
$10, Gordon William M.
$10, James C.
$10, Joe L.
$10, John P.
$10, Jose F.
$10, Joseph L.
$10, Joseph Y.
$10, Kurt E.
$10, Lawrie G.
$10, LunarFox
$10, Mark B.
$10, Maxwell S.
$10, Michael L.
$10, Michael W.
$10, Mitchell L.
$10, Nick H.
$10, Pedro N. Rivera
$10, Peter S.
$10, Vinicius C.
$7, A.C.
$6, David B.
$6, Matthew G.
$6, Michael W.
$6, Vincent H.
$255 from 76 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,221 patrons, for a sum of $3,800 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

Monthly News – June 2024

By: Clem
7 July 2024 at 18:46

Many thanks for your donations and for your support.

I’d like to welcome and thank our new sponsor: IPv6rs. They specialize in self hosting solutions and make it easy to host a server from anywhere, at home, on the go, on your own computers. Many thanks to them for supporting our project!

Many thanks also to all the people who are participating in the BETA phase for Linux Mint 22. We received 109 bug reports so far, 53 are still open.

I’ll be very brief with the news this month because the BETA is taking all our time.

Linux Mint 22 looks like a solid base for the future, but there are many bugs in this BETA. Some of the issues are important (apparmor security changes leading to application crashes, HW acceleration playback libs making Xorg crash, Flatpak/mintinstall issues…etc.) so we’re really happy to get this feedback before the stable release. We’re fixing them bit by bit and sending updates as we go along. It’s exciting, the release gets better every day, but it takes time.

It’s hard to give a precise ETA for the Stable release. We will release this month, but this BETA phase will take longer than the traditional 2 weeks.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC

Donations in May:

A total of $12,907 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 410 donors:

$550, Mikael T.
$500, Christopher M.
$453 (4th donation), B.Nikola aka “Germmare
$300 (3rd donation), Kaori E.
$216, AS G.
$200 (3rd donation), Robert H.
$162, Blunix GmbH aka “blunix
$156, Lucian L.
$149 (62th donation), Michael R.
$140 (7th donation), Wolfgang S.
$120 (7th donation), Markus S.
$120 (2nd donation), Michael A.
$108 (3rd donation), Oliver R.
$108, Abe Z.
$108, Hans V.
$108, Jean-françois G.
$108, Johannes A.
$108, Lukas R.
$108, Ronny K.
$100 (8th donation), Robert E.
$100 (2nd donation), Vincent P.
$100, Donald L.
$100, Josh L.
$100, Owen T.
$86 (3rd donation), Felix C.
$81, Florian S.
$80, Rick D.
$75, Stephen R.
$54 (16th donation), Paul S. E. aka “Paul”
$54 (8th donation), Mikko I.
$54 (5th donation), Heinz K. aka “krakelka”
$54 (4th donation), Ernst G. aka “Guldi”
$54 (4th donation), Fabiano C.
$54 (3rd donation), Christian S.
$54 (3rd donation), Danilo Cesari aka “Dany”
$54 (3rd donation), David V.
$54 (3rd donation), Marius M.
$54 (2nd donation), Cecilio P.
$54 (2nd donation), Gabriel A.
$54 (2nd donation), Jürgen P.
$54 (2nd donation), Louis B.
$54 (2nd donation), Ruggero V.
$54, Anneliese S.
$54, Daniel T.
$54, Darragh B.
$54, Erich V.
$54, Jennifer S.
$54, Jiri B.
$54, Josef M.
$54, Josu O.
$54, Lars L.
$54, Lucas G.
$54, Mario U.
$54, Michael L.
$54, Michael O.
$54, Mike S.
$54, Mirko F.
$54, Nathan I.
$54, Stefan L.
$54, Stephen H.
$54, Theodor D.
$54, Vincent C.
$54, Wolfdietrich B.
$52 (9th donation), John Mc
$50 (84th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (10th donation), Soeren S.
$50 (9th donation), Basic I. I.
$50 (7th donation), Erich K.
$50 (5th donation), William M.
$50 (3rd donation), David W.
$50 (3rd donation), Harry S.
$50 (3rd donation), James C.
$50 (3rd donation), Ronald Z.
$50 (2nd donation), John F.
$50 (2nd donation), Robert A.
$50 (2nd donation), Trent I.
$50, Ashwin B.
$50, Daniel M.
$50, David W.
$50, Derek B.
$50, Jessica S.
$50, Lothar W.
$50, Matthew T.
$50, Michael H.
$50, Nicholas B.
$50, Oliver Jacob Nicolaj G.
$50, Pearce N.
$50, Peter K.
$50, Richard M.
$50, Ronald J.
$50, Shira G.
$50, Terry F.
$50, Thomas R.
$45 (5th donation), Pavel P.
$44 (5th donation), Viesturs P.
$40 (7th donation), Bruce I.
$40 (5th donation), William L.
$40 (2nd donation), Richard B. T.
$40, Dean P.
$35 (6th donation), Ricardo M.
$35 (5th donation), John W.
$35, Nicolas M.
$35, Pierreandre B.
$33, awesometoast
$32 (10th donation), Chema Cortés
$32 (6th donation), Arno W.
$32 (4th donation), Arminas A.
$32, Alvaro R.
$32, Cyril Matthieu J.
$32, Helge Z.
$32, Jonathon M.
$32, Steffen P.
$31 (5th donation), Brent F.
$30, Charles B.
$30, Longo Vicivm Digital
$27 (2nd donation), Krešimir T.
$27, Wolfgang G.
$25 (39th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (16th donation), Richard N.
$25 (8th donation), Ron C.
$25 (7th donation), Timothy L.
$25 (3rd donation), Mike G.
$25 (2nd donation), Richard T.
$25, Greg A.
$25, Gregory E.
$25, Philip A.
$25, Robert O.
$24 (95th donation), Johann J.
$22 (48th donation), Peter E.
$22 (25th donation), Denis D.
$22 (11th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (10th donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (10th donation), Harald M.
$22 (8th donation), Gabriele B.
$22 (8th donation), Kostas M. K.
$22 (7th donation), Zile
$22 (4th donation), William H.
$22 (3rd donation), Dragomir Deltchev aka “Drago”
$22 (3rd donation), J.G.
$22 (3rd donation), Juan Francisco J.
$22 (3rd donation), Kai D.
$22 (3rd donation), Luis D.
$22 (3rd donation), Michalis L.
$22 (3rd donation), Sami K.
$22 (2nd donation), Adian K.
$22 (2nd donation), Ferdinand S.
$22 (2nd donation), Gonzalo M.
$22 (2nd donation), Hakan C.
$22 (2nd donation), Pierre V.
$22 (2nd donation), Ralf W.
$22 (2nd donation), Samy S.
$22 (2nd donation), Shaun M.
$22 (2nd donation), Stefan N.
$22 (2nd donation), Thomas W.
$22 (2nd donation), Ulrich I.
$22, Alessio R.
$22, Anquetil D.
$22, Armin G.
$22, Braulio C.
$22, Cyril C.
$22, David K.
$22, Dominik K.
$22, Eduard E.
$22, Florent D.
$22, Foivos S.
$22, Frederic H.
$22, Jan B.
$22, Janosch B.
$22, Jean-paul P.
$22, Joerg O.
$22, Jonas M.
$22, Jörg P.
$22, Lars H.
$22, Manolis R.
$22, Matthew L.
$22, Matthias K.
$22, Mauro P.
$22, Michael A.
$22, Rasmus K.
$22, Robin C.
$22, Shadow H.
$22, Stefan S.
$22, Torsten R.
$22, Valentin D.
$22, Wolfgang P.
$20 (47th donation), Stefan M. H.
$20 (9th donation), Andreas G.
$20 (7th donation), Antonio Misaka
$20 (4th donation), Bjorn P. M.
$20 (4th donation), Gary S.
$20 (3rd donation), Dave B.
$20 (3rd donation), Frank T.
$20 (3rd donation),
$20 (2nd donation), Arnis D.
$20 (2nd donation), N K.
$20, Aaron C.
$20, Anaximander G.
$20, Benjamin D.
$20, Brian B.
$20, Bruce D.
$20, Charles C.
$20, Clyde W.
$20, Eugenia Loli
$20, Frank E.
$20, Glenn L.
$20, Jarvis C.
$20, Jason C.
$20, Jorge T.
$20, Joshua D.
$20, Jovanotti T.
$20, Juan Z.
$20, Kenneth T.
$20, Krishna M.
$20, Leslie J.
$20, Michael S.
$20, Richard M.
$20, Rune J.
$20, Taylor K.
$20, Terence H.
$20, Tom B.
$20, Tracey A.
$20, Two Schuh’s
$20, William K.
$20, Yoram P.
$20, ZM
$19, Thomas K.
$18 (2nd donation), Mutinus Titinus
$16 (76th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (7th donation), Terry R.
$16, Daniel B.
$16, Federico Z.
$15 (4th donation), Terry P.
$15, Emma H.
$14 (5th donation), Matthew Gracie aka “Nethound
$13 (2nd donation), Alexander D.
$12 (5th donation), Panagiotis S.
$12, Jane C.
$11 (49th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (26th donation),
$11 (23rd donation), Denys G.
$11 (13th donation), Stefan W.
$11 (12th donation), Robert W.
$11 (9th donation), Axel R. aka “Airwave”
$11 (9th donation), Thomas R.
$11 (7th donation), Jeanmichel T.
$11 (5th donation), Daniel H.
$11 (5th donation), Ezequiel O.
$11 (5th donation), Matthias S.
$11 (5th donation), Sandu I.
$11 (4th donation), Christoph B.
$11 (4th donation), Harold H.
$11 (4th donation), Jan V.
$11 (4th donation), Miquel S. aka “msolde
$11 (3rd donation), Bernhard W.
$11 (3rd donation), Carlos P.
$11 (3rd donation), GYE
$11 (3rd donation), Marc L. aka “Néliox”
$11 (3rd donation), Pedro Antonio U.
$11 (3rd donation), Sascha M.
$11 (2nd donation), Alessio Ligabue aka “Consulenza Cloud e Supporto Linux
$11 (2nd donation), Andreas R.
$11 (2nd donation), Chrull
$11 (2nd donation), Ingo H.
$11 (2nd donation), Nikolaos S.
$11 (2nd donation), Rainer K.
$11 (2nd donation), Sascha S.
$11 (2nd donation), Simon M.
$11 (2nd donation), Vladimir S.
$11 (2nd donation), Volker S.
$11, Abu
$11, Alec B.
$11, Alessandro C.
$11, Alexander P.
$11, Alfredo E.
$11, András K.
$11, Andreas E.
$11, Anthony P.
$11, Antonio P.
$11, Bor G.
$11, Dagmar B.
$11, Erik K.
$11, Felix L.
$11, François D.
$11, Gica78R
$11, Ivan D.
$11, Javier C.
$11, Jean Charles A.
$11, Jean-luc S.
$11, Jochen aka “Schorsch”
$11, José M. V.
$11, José R.
$11, Kornel E.
$11, Laurent A.
$11, Leon B.
$11, Leonardo C.
$11, Louis O.
$11, Marco B. aka “OldSnake”
$11, Maxime H.
$11, Michael W.
$11, Mieterverein im Internet e.V.
$11, Miguel G.
$11, Mindaugas S.
$11, MoÏse H.
$11, Nicolas G.
$11, Patrick P.
$11, Philip S.
$11, Pietro G.
$11, Poul Hegelund
$11, Raimund O.
$11, Ramona M.
$11, Reinhard P.
$11, Roberto C.
$11, Szymon S. aka “Rzymoon”
$11, Thomas M.
$10 (98th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (35th donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (23rd donation), Christopher R.
$10 (14th donation), Dave S.
$10 (13th donation), William M.
$10 (11th donation), Thevirtua
$10 (9th donation), Andrei Sinkevich
$10 (9th donation), Neil B.
$10 (7th donation), Alan C.
$10 (7th donation), Joel C.
$10 (6th donation), Kevin K.
$10 (6th donation), Mario M.
$10 (4th donation), TONY aka “STRUZZIN ELECTRONICS
$10 (3rd donation), Andre D.
$10 (3rd donation), Casca de copiat
$10 (3rd donation), Dwane S.
$10 (3rd donation), Eric T.
$10 (3rd donation), Zsolt T.
$10 (2nd donation), casca de copiat
$10 (2nd donation), Frank K.
$10 (2nd donation), Fred B.
$10 (2nd donation), Harvey B.
$10 (2nd donation), Hung T.
$10 (2nd donation), Norman B.
$10 (2nd donation), Winfield B.
$10, Andrew E.
$10, Brandon H.
$10, David M.
$10, Gareth B.
$10, Gregory C.
$10, Ivan G.
$10, Ivan H.
$10, John H.
$10, Kalib B.
$10, Larry C.
$10, Matthew B.
$10, Matthew J.
$10, Nicolas M.
$10, Ping-charng L.
$10, Raymond B.
$10, Robert L.
$10, Saleh A.
$10, Samuel Q.
$10, Sergei G.
$10, Stefan L.
$10, Steven K.
$10, Van P.
$10, William Rivera
$155 from 41 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,184 patrons, for a sum of $3,444 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” – BETA Release

By: Clem
1 July 2024 at 22:07

This is the BETA release for Linux Mint 22 “Wilma”.

Linux Mint 22 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2029. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 22“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 22

System requirements:

  • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 20GB of disk space (100GB recommended).
  • 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).

Upgrade instructions:

  • This BETA release might contain critical bugs, please only use it for testing purposes and to help the Linux Mint team fix issues prior to the stable release.
  • Upgrade instructions will be published after the stable release of Linux Mint 22.
  • It will be possible to upgrade from this BETA to the stable release.
  • It will also be possible to upgrade from Linux Mint 21.3.

Bug reports:

  • Bugs in this release should be reported on Github at
  • Create one issue per bug.
  • As described in the Linux Mint Troubleshooting Guide, do not report or create issues for observations.
  • Be as accurate as possible and include any information that might help developers reproduce the issue or understand the cause of the issue:
    • Bugs we can reproduce, or which cause we understand are usually fixed very easily.
    • It is important to mention whether a bug happens “always”, or “sometimes”, and what triggers it.
    • If a bug happens but didn’t happen before, or doesn’t happen in another distribution, or doesn’t happen in a different environment, please mention it and try to pinpoint the differences at play.
    • If we can’t reproduce a particular bug and we don’t understand its cause, it’s unlikely we’ll be able to fix it.
  • The BETA phase is literally a bug squashing rush, where the team is extremely busy and developers try to fix as many bugs as fast as possible.
  • There usually are a huge number of reports and very little time to answer everyone or explain why a particular report is not considered a bug, or won’t get fixed. Don’t let this frustrate you, whether it’s acknowledged or not, we appreciate everyone’s help.

Download links:

Cinnamon Edition:

Xfce Edition:

MATE Edition:

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Many thanks in advance for testing the BETA!

Monthly News – May 2024

By: Clem
3 June 2024 at 17:25

Before we start with the news, I’d like to say a big thank you to our donors and sponsors. Many thanks for your support!

Package repositories

Work continues on the repositories.

We’re now using Datadog to monitor the bandwidth, connections and response time during high load.

This allows us to understand the nature and length of the bottlenecks better. It also provides us with long-term volume stats which are important when we look at pricing with Fastly and cloud solutions.

Software Manager

The mintinstall Software Manager received some welcome changes.

It loads faster than before and the main window appears instantly.

Unverified Flatpaks are disabled by default.

A warning explains the security risks associated with them in the newly added preferences window.

When enabled, these Flatpaks are clearly marked as unverified.

Note that unverified Flatpaks also do not feature any reviews and do not have a score.


We’ve been using Matrix for more than a month now and we’re really happy with it.

The integration in the upcoming Linux Mint 22 is fully ready.

There are more than 600 members in the Linux Mint space already, and more than 2400 in the main channel.

Other than providing support to users the Matrix channels also allowed us to communicate with other projects and to form a team of artists who focus on the Linux Mint artwork.

GTK, libAdwaita, Adwaita, Xapp

The concerns voiced last month about GTK, Adwaita and libAdwaita were heard.

They were heard by many projects, including upstream apps, desktop environments and distributions.

They led to many discussions with a huge number of developers involved.

I want to stress the fact that some of these discussions involve GNOME developers and are very constructive.

Although no big decisions or solutions emerged yet there is a general consensus on the issues of cross-DE compatibility and independence from the GNOME project. There’s also consensus on the idea of working together on common technologies.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC

Donations in April:

A total of $10,500 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 351 donors:

$539, Andreas B.
$500, Michael L.
$314 (2nd donation), Darwin H.
$300, Clark H.
$200 (3rd donation), Gregory F.
$200 (2nd donation), Charles K.
$200 (2nd donation), Larry F.
$200, James Fallin aka “Jimmy Fallin
$108 (2nd donation), aka “EAS”
$108, Gregor F.
$108, Marin L.
$108, Viktoria N.
$105, Myke C. (Minty since Bea)
$100 (12th donation), Mihail S.
$100 (11th donation), Mountain Computers, Inc aka “MTNCOMP aka GGPCTU
$100 (6th donation), David T.
$100, Caitlin M.
$100, Donald E.
$100, Goran L.
$74, Andy Frank S.
$65 (6th donation), Glen P.
$54 (22nd donation), Naoise G. aka “Gaff”
$54 (17th donation), Bernard H.
$54 (11th donation), Roland H.
$54 (8th donation), David M. D.
$54 (4th donation), John A.
$54 (4th donation), Jyrki A.
$54 (2nd donation), Mark L.
$54 (2nd donation), Roger B.
$54 (2nd donation), Ronan B.
$54 (2nd donation), Ulrich D.
$54, Andrew H.
$54, Andrey M.
$54, Christine S.
$54, Holger B.
$54, Jacek B.
$54, Lukas C.
$54, Mike D.
$54, Patricia T.
$54, Slawomir B.
$54, Steven W.
$54, Sylvain B.
$54, Thomas B.
$54, Thomas E.
$54, Thomas K.
$54, Thomas L.
$54, Tony A.
$54, Udo L.
$53 (8th donation), John Mc
$50 (83th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (23rd donation), George H.
$50 (10th donation), Robert K. aka “usmc_bob”
$50 (6th donation), Colin B.
$50 (5th donation), Far West Computer Consulting
$50 (5th donation), Frank F.
$50 (5th donation), Keith M.
$50 (5th donation), Martin Ch.
$50 (4th donation), Clifford N.
$50 (4th donation), Robert S.
$50 (2nd donation), Brenda C.
$50 (2nd donation), Christopher Y.
$50 (2nd donation), Eugene D.
$50 (2nd donation), Harry M.
$50, Charles P.
$50, Daryl F.
$50, Donald A.
$50, Donald C.
$50, Kaiden S.
$50, Richard S.
$50, Ryan Y.
$50, Shane R.
$50, Visaggio & Co., LLC
$43, Ignacio A.
$40 (7th donation), Kenneth R.
$40, Eric W.
$35 (2nd donation), Michael F.
$30 (9th donation), John Eady
$30 (5th donation), Kevin H.
$30 (4th donation), John W.
$30, pasu
$30, Raymond R.
$27 (4th donation), Kiaran Smyth.
$27 (2nd donation), William L. aka “Hilyxx”
$25 (38th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (10th donation), Timothy C.
$25 (8th donation), Stephen W.
$25 (3rd donation), Rashed D.
$25, Gary B.
$25, Patrick L.
$25, Paul C.
$24 (53th donation), Francois-R L.
$22 (47th donation), Peter E.
$22 (12th donation), H ScottB
$22 (12th donation), Stefan W.
$22 (11th donation), Nicklas L.
$22 (10th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (9th donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (9th donation), L. Mikkel
$22 (7th donation), Vittorio F.
$22 (6th donation), Antonio C.
$22 (6th donation), Davide P. aka “Dragone2
$22 (6th donation), Iain S.
$22 (5th donation), Manuel R.
$22 (4th donation), Alexandre Gambier
$22 (3rd donation), Christoph F.
$22 (3rd donation), Friedrich W. J.
$22 (3rd donation), Geurt S.
$22 (3rd donation), Jadran D.
$22 (3rd donation), Mr Christopher J W.
$22 (2nd donation), Alain M.
$22 (2nd donation), Charles A.
$22 (2nd donation), Florian H.
$22 (2nd donation), Frits M.
$22 (2nd donation), Heiko K.
$22 (2nd donation), Helgi J.
$22 (2nd donation), Herman Franciscus B.
$22 (2nd donation), Rolf S.
$22 (2nd donation), Ronnie B.
$22 (2nd donation), Stefan E.
$22, Albert P.
$22, Alwin K.
$22, Andrea Bonvicini aka “bonvi83”
$22, Christian W.
$22, Daniel T.
$22, David A.
$22, Enrico D.
$22, Hermann H.
$22, Jaime R.
$22, Jonathan B.
$22, Karl-heinz L.
$22, Kevin R.
$22, Laurent D.
$22, Manfred B.
$22, Marcel P.
$22, Mario P.
$22, Martin Huettemann aka “dr-huetti
$22, Nicholas A.
$22, Ortwin F.
$22, Patrick D.
$22, Peter L.
$22, Sebastian H.
$22, Stefan D.
$22, Stefan F.
$22, Thomas K.
$21 (22nd donation), aka “AsciiWolf”
$20 (41th donation), John D.
$20 (23rd donation), Aimee W.
$20 (15th donation), Dana S.
$20 (12th donation), RexAlan
$20 (11th donation), Robert D. aka “MacDhai
$20 (10th donation), Lamont C.
$20 (9th donation), Nate P. aka “cog_nate”
$20 (9th donation), Peter L. aka “Pedro
$20 (6th donation), Kendall G.
$20 (5th donation), Denis C.
$20 (4th donation), Chris B.
$20 (4th donation), Everett F.
$20 (4th donation), Mark S.
$20 (4th donation), Michael B.
$20 (3rd donation), Randolph M.
$20 (3rd donation), Sam B.
$20 (2nd donation), Duryea E.
$20 (2nd donation), Gordon L.
$20 (2nd donation), Ian J.
$20 (2nd donation), John B.
$20 (2nd donation), Steve S.
$20, Chad M.
$20, Charles M.
$20, Chris S.
$20, Damir T.
$20, Darrin B.
$20, Edward P W.
$20, Esteban Balmore C.
$20, Ethan T.
$20, Gustavo L.
$20, Jack B.
$20, John H N.
$20, Manuel G.
$20, Marcus J.
$20, Martin M.
$20, Michael C.
$20, Michael S.
$20, Raymond T.
$20, Regis G.
$20, Richard L K.
$20, Robert M S.
$20, Robert T.
$20, Steven T.
$20, Thomas K.
$20, Timothy H.
$20, Tyler Jones
$20, Wladyslaw T.
$20, Working Solutions
$18 (8th donation), ineuw
$16 (94th donation), Johann J.
$16 (75th donation), Andreas S.
$16, Joaquin P.
$15 (11th donation), Stephen F.
$15 (10th donation), Corey J.
$14 (12th donation), Francois B. aka “Makoto
$14 (7th donation), Heston
$11 (48th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (41th donation), Thomas R.
$11 (25th donation),
$11 (22nd donation), Denys G.
$11 (22nd donation), Raymond M. (retired)
$11 (19th donation), Arvis Lācis aka “arvislacis
$11 (9th donation), Axel R.
$11 (9th donation), Bengt Falke aka “Falke”
$11 (9th donation), Dimitar S.
$11 (9th donation), Hans-Dieter S. aka “hadisch”
$11 (8th donation), Antoni Aloy Torrens
$11 (8th donation), Enrico C.
$11 (8th donation), Ronald S.
$11 (6th donation), Donatas Dainys
$11 (6th donation), Joel E.
$11 (6th donation), Paolo C.
$11 (5th donation), Peter C.
$11 (4th donation), Claudio A.
$11 (4th donation), Jouko Tiilikainen aka “JT65”
$11 (3rd donation), Attila C.
$11 (3rd donation), Francois S.
$11 (3rd donation), Henry B.
$11 (3rd donation), John K.
$11 (2nd donation), Can G.
$11 (2nd donation), Emanuele S.
$11 (2nd donation), Francis B.
$11 (2nd donation), Guillaume M.
$11 (2nd donation), Heiko L.
$11 (2nd donation), Jose J.
$11 (2nd donation), Julio Cesar S.
$11 (2nd donation), Krzysztof M.
$11 (2nd donation), Robert H.
$11, Alexander R.
$11, Alistair W.
$11, Amedeo A.
$11, Anon
$11, Attila M.
$11, Daniel D.
$11, Daniel M.
$11, Daniele V.
$11, David K.
$11, Fabien S.
$11, Fabrizio C.
$11, Giancarlo T.
$11, Gianfranco C.
$11, Gita M.
$11, Hannes S.
$11, Hristo B.
$11, Ingo K.
$11, Jörg K.
$11, Josef H.
$11, Lukasz M.
$11, Martin G.
$11, Mick B.
$11, Noe Zhana A.
$11, Peter B.
$11, Peter O.
$11, Peter S.
$11, Raffaele S.
$11, Ralph O.
$11, Silvano C.
$11, Thomas S.
$11, Timothy W.
$11, Tobias H.
$11, Wojciech S.
$10 (97th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (34th donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (29th donation), Hemant Patel
$10 (22nd donation), Pawel M.
$10 (21st donation), Bruce M.
$10 (17th donation), Minneapolis Towing and Roadside Assistance
$10 (13th donation), Dave S.
$10 (10th donation), platypus products
$10 (9th donation), Allyn G.
$10 (5th donation), Chamnong N.
$10 (3rd donation), Alessandro M.
$10 (3rd donation), Michael S.
$10 (3rd donation), Timothy M.
$10 (3rd donation), TONY aka “STRUZZIN ELECTRONICS
$10 (2nd donation), Axel P.
$10 (2nd donation), Garry H.
$10 (2nd donation), Óscar R.
$10 (2nd donation), Robert N.
$10 (2nd donation), Santiago G.
$10 (2nd donation), Thomas A.
$10, 8 Hobbies, LLC
$10, Alessio Ligabue aka “Consulenza Cloud e Supporto Linux
$10, Anibal C.
$10, Arnold P.
$10, Benjamin B.
$10, Dave C.
$10, Denise D.
$10, Eli D.
$10, Frank K.
$10, Gaetan T.
$10, Gerardo F.
$10, Jaiden H.
$10, James W.
$10, Jonathan G.
$10, Marcus F.
$10, Matheus S.
$10, Michael K.
$10, Miguel B.
$10, Rowan C.
$163 from 43 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,115 patrons, for a sum of $3,311 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

Monthly News – April 2024

By: Clem
30 April 2024 at 22:04

Hello everybody,

First things first, a big thank you to all our sponsors and donors. Many thanks to you and to all the people who support our project. I know we say it every month, but it’s important.

Fastly powered repositories

Earlier this month we announced a BETA test for our new Fastly repositories. This is a long test. The more people join it, the better.

BETA Test: Fastly repositories

We’re working with Fastly on a partnership to power the next generation of Linux Mint repositories. Their CDN (Content Delivery Network) and its caching mechanism are extremely impressive. Unlike our repository servers which are located in one place and have a maximum bandwidth capacity, the Fastly network replicates and caches data to make it available anywhere in the World, consistently at fast speed, without downtime or slow-downs.

To give you an idea, a single Linux Mint server currently serves data from Chicago at 1Gbps. The further away you are from Chicago the slower it might be for you. When the load is high (during a release or during a peak of important security updates affecting large packages), the server serves more people at the same time and so its 1Gbps bandwidth gets shared/divided between all the people who try to get data from it. When there are too many people trying to update, we get really slow speeds or even errors.

When Linux Mint started in 2006 our bandwidth needs were relatively modest. As the project grew year after year, the servers were upgraded to have more and more resources and allow for higher bandwidth. We also set up multiple servers and balanced the load between them. This allowed us to increase our capacity and face higher and higher loads. But the problem remains, it just depends on the load.

The Fastly network allows us to address the issue in a much better way. First, Fastly has servers in many different places in the World, so it no longer matters if you’re close or far from our servers. The data is cached by the Fastly network and serves efficiently anywhere. Second, because the data is cached, Fastly is able to provide it even when/if our servers become unreachable.

We’re hoping this test will be a success and lead to a great partnership with Fastly. Don’t hesitate to join the test and give us your feedback.

New partnership with Datadog

We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with Datadog.

Datadog specializes in… data. It’s not just monitoring and log analysis, they provide an incredibly customizable set of tools which lets you define your own parsers, metrics, dimensions and basically get the information you want, analyzed and monitored in real time.

The stats we shared last month, which showed the popularity of each Linux Mint edition, were powered by Datadog.

Datadog could make us understand our own services better. What are the most downloaded packages in our repositories? Which versions? How big is i386? Where is most of the bandwidth going? When during the week? etc.

Note: This data comes from the traffic on the download pages of our website. We do not collect any telemetry inside the OS.

Joining the Matrix

Following the discontinuation of Hexchat we announced efforts to make IRC easier with the development of a new custom chat room application called Jargonaut.

Jargonaut works. It works well and does exactly what we want. Its implementation was relatively easy and I’d say it’s now 75% complete.

When we announced it though, we heard some of your feedback about Matrix. We tested that as well and started using it.

Today we’re announcing we’ll be moving to Matrix and integrating Element into Mint 22 instead of Jargonaut.

While being as open as IRC, Matrix provides a user experience which is similar to Slack or Discord to some extent. It’s modern, it’s persistent, and simply by being modern and persistent it’s actually less confusing to newcomers than an extremely simple application like Jargonaut which connects you to a room without even having to log in.

Matrix also feels future-proof. It has everything it needs to be backed by the FOSS community at large. Its specifications continue to evolve. Its many clients provide a variety of choices today on different platforms and if we ever needed to make a custom client in the future it would be possible as well.

With a bit of integration, Matrix can be simple too. Mint 22 will feature a preinstalled Web App called Matrix.

That Web App will show you some information to help you get started:

And then it will connect you to the Linux Mint space on Matrix using a Web client called Element:

The Web App will be present in the WebApp Manager. If you want to use a different Matrix client, you’ll be able to modify it or delete it.

Of course, you don’t need to wait for Mint 22 to connect to the Linux Mint space on Matrix. You can simply head over to

XApp should be independent

Linux Mint is the largest consumer of XApp applications, but the reason XApp was created, as a project, was to make these applications work everywhere and for everybody. Whenever a new XApp application was started, the goal was specifically to NOT make it Linux Mint and/or Cinnamon specific.

At a time where GNOME applications are less and less designed to work anywhere else than in GNOME, a project like XApp is extremely important.

Was it a success outside of Linux Mint though? Yes and no. Many Xapps are available in other distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, etc..) but very few distributions actually make use of them.

Take Xubuntu for instance. It used to ship with file-roller, gnome-calculator, evince. These applications moved to libAdwaita (more on that in the next paragraph) and now look completely out of place in Xfce so Xubuntu replaced them with engrampa, mate-calc, atril..

For GNOME-Scan, it couldn’t find alternatives though.

This is GNOME-Scan and Atril side by side in Xubuntu 24.04:

This isn’t ideal for Xubuntu. These applications are installed by default, this is how it looks out of the box.

Before I go on with this, I want to say this isn’t criticism directed at Xubuntu. As an official Ubuntu derivative they cannot ship with a previous version of GNOME Scan, and I think it’s partly our fault they got in this situation.

So on the right you have Atril which looks like all the other apps in Xubuntu 24.04, and on the left you’ve got an app which has nothing to do here and which is designed to integrate specifically with GNOME Shell.

To add to the issue, although MATE apps such as mate-calc work everywhere, they were designed for MATE, so if you open up the application menu you don’t see “Calculator” in your Xubuntu desktop, but “MATE Calculator”.

Now, why is it partly our fault? Because we never knocked on Xfce’s door and/or worked with them.

They have the same problems as us, as MATE, as Budgie, as many other desktops.. we made Xapps because we needed them in Mint, in Cinnamon. We didn’t want to make Cinnamon apps, so we made “Linux” apps which worked “everywhere”, we wrote it somewhere and we left it that.

It was enough for us, but it wasn’t enough for Xubuntu or other desktops. From their point of view they saw Linux Mint making something in their own little corner and putting it on, or even worse they saw nothing at all.

What should have happened ideally would have been more communication and an independent XApp project, not hosted or maintained by Linux Mint, but by people from various desktop and/or distributions.

XApp should be its own organization, with its own github repositories, chat room, website, etc. It should be a space which facilitates collaboration, compatibility and the development of application which works everywhere, not just apps which are needed or maintained by us.

If we want other developers and other projects to work together on compatible software and common solutions, we need a space like XApp. But this space needs to be independent of any DE and any distribution for everyone to feel equal and to feel welcome. Not just on paper, but in general, in discussions, empowerment and decision-making.

Xapp is on Matrix at Everyone is welcome.

libAdwaita is for GNOME only

No matter what happens upstream, we will always do our best to make each Linux Mint release a better experience than the one you already have. Applications will be native and look native. They will integrate well. If we let you choose a desktop theme, ALL installed applications will support it.

If an application doesn’t support Cinnamon we can’t ship with it in our Cinnamon edition. The same goes for MATE and Xfce.

It would be completely unacceptable for us to ship with an application which used its own window controls and didn’t follow the system theme. Looking at it long-term, we also do not want our apps to be designed by people who have no consideration for what is important to us, and whose decisions are motivated by a desktop we don’t even use.

This is File Roller 3.42. This application has always been labeled as “for GNOME”, but it integrated well in any GTK desktop. With File Roller 44 this is no longer the case. It looks just like GNOME Scan in the previous screenshot. It’s not made for MATE, Cinnamon or Xfce and it really shows.

By moving to GTK4/libAdwaita this app really became a GNOME app, an app which looks specifically designed for GNOME and nothing else.

So what do we do in Linux Mint 22?

We could do like Ubuntu 24.04. They provide a finished product with a high level of integration. The way they do that is by modifying libAdwaita to support their theme: Yaru. We could do the same with Mint-Y. It would make all GNOME applications look nice in Linux Mint, but we’d have to remove theme selection, since it would only work with Mint-Y. In the long term it wouldn’t solve the main issue either: These applications are designed for a desktop which is more and more different to ours by the day. It’s not just a question of themes or look. Today these apps are losing menubars, themes, tomorrow they might come with no minimize button or anything GNOME doesn’t use.

We didn’t want to fork a whole suite of apps right now. Not with the upcoming major release and not before we try to make XApp more independent and boost collaboration with other projects.

In Mint 22 GNOME Font Viewer was removed and the following applications were downgraded back to GTK3 versions:

  • Celluloid
  • GNOME Calculator
  • Simple Scan
  • Baobab
  • System Monitor
  • GNOME Calendar
  • File Roller
  • Zenity

These applications are very likely to be forked in the near future, except for Zenity which we’ll probably stop using altogether.

libAdwaita is for GNOME and GNOME only. We can’t blame GNOME for this, they’ve been very clear about it from the start. It was made specifically for GNOME to have more freedom and build its own ecosystem without impacting GTK.

We want to send a strong signal upstream and towards other projects. We cannot and will not support applications which do not support our users and environments.

We can’t promote applications to our users which don’t support our users. The software manager will be vigilant towards that going forward and list compatible software by default.

I want to reach out to upstream developers here. If your application is only for GNOME, then by all means, ignore this and use libAdwaita, it’s made for that.

If you intend to support all environments then don’t use this library. At the very least please get in touch with us so we’re aware of your intention and keep you listed as a supported app. You can reach us at

Adwaita no longer works outside of GNOME

Adwaita (the theme) will be removed from the list of available themes in Cinnamon 6.2.

Here is the Adwaita icon theme in Ubuntu 24.04:

As you can see the theme provides icons for some categories (Internet, Accessories..etc) but not others. Many icons are missing, the desktop looks completely broken and it’s not a bug, it’s a feature. The direction Adwaita is taking is to only support GNOME and nothing else.

It would be OK if we could remove Adwaita or not ship with it, but we can’t. GTK depends on it.

Budgie didn’t wait for it to break and blacklisted Adwaita 2 years ago. We’re doing it now in Cinnamon. MATE and Xfce should probably do it since it looks just as bad on any non-GNOME desktop.

Flatpak verification is extremely important

In Linux Mint, is it safe to open up the Software Manager and install Google Chrome? Yes? No? Well.. it depends, and it has nothing to do with how much you trust Linux Mint, or Google.

You need to trust refi64 because it isn’t Mint or Google who update the Flatpak for Chrome, it’s someone who goes by the name of “refi64” on the Internet.

Now as it happens, refi64 is very nice developer. The problem isn’t refi64. The problem is that amongst the 6 million people who installed his Flatpak, very few people know who refi64 is.

In Flathub, a verified app is an app that is published by its original developer or a third party approved by the developer. Chrome is published by refi64 and is therefore “unverified”.

Right now, 42% of Flatpaks have been verified by Flathub. The store is actively trying to verify apps, especially now after the XZ story and the multiple times malware was injected in the Snap Store.

This is Chrome in the Linux Mint Software Manager:

There isn’t a single mention of refi64 here.

The situation online on the Flathub website is a little bit better:

The app is shown as “Unverified” but you still have to dig to find who’s maintaining it.

We’ve been lucky so far. We really need to take action:

  • We’ll update the Software Manager to not show unverified Flatpaks by default. This will be an opt-in.
  • When shown, unverified apps will have a score of 0. The score can help a user build trust towards the application, but the issue here isn’t the application, it’s the fact that the maintainers aren’t who people think they are.
  • When shown, unverified apps will be clearly marked as unverified.

We’re fully aware this goes against convenience and will hurt Linux Mint a little bit. It might not be a popular decision but we think it’s a very important one.

By the time malware hits Flathub, we hope these measures and the measures taken by Flathub will have minimized the number of exposed users and raised awareness around the risks which are being taken.

In the case of XZ, the maintainer would have been “verified”. What worked for us was the vigilance of upstream developers and the time it took for new code to make its way into Linux Mint. The malware in XZ affected Debian Sid but it never made its way into Debian Stable, or Ubuntu LTS or Linux Mint.

Unlike the Debian base which takes months or even years to stabilize and reach you here, a Flatpak updated by its maintainer can reach millions of users almost instantaneously. We recommend automated updates, also for security reasons. When it comes to Flatpak the risk isn’t just taken at installation time, it’s taken with every update, at a time when you might not even think about Flatpaks. This is more risky than Windows users downloading software from random websites. It’s supported by the update manager.

You REALLY need to trust where you get your software from and in our own Software Manager we don’t show you the info you need to make informed decisions.

We’ll address this ASAP. Thank you for your attention on this important topic.

Edit: Refi64 wasn’t aware his identity was publicly available and asked for his real name not to be published. This article was edited to remove it.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC

Donations in March:

A total of $9,626 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 302 donors:

$1200 (8th donation), Abigail M.
$216, Luca P.
$200, John R.
$162, Karsten K.
$162, Thomas Metzinger
$150 (5th donation), Scott G.
$128, Christopher B.
$120 (4th donation), George C.
$120, Christopher L.
$108 (4th donation), Michael F.
$108 (3rd donation), Franky W.
$108, Endris
$108, Jean-pierre V.
$108, Michael K.
$100 (6th donation), Robin S.
$100 (5th donation), Brittany Taylor F.
$100 (3rd donation), Charlotte B.
$100, Douglas P.
$100, John R.
$100, Larry M.
$100, Rich B.
$100, Vaughn A.
$95, Jérôme G.
$80, Brendan Gilet Graphic Design
$59, Julie M.
$54 (18th donation), David M.
$54 (9th donation), Volker P.
$54 (4th donation), Reg O.
$54 (4th donation), Robert H. M.
$54 (3rd donation), Hubert F.
$54 (3rd donation), Jan Sepp
$54 (3rd donation), Kees K.
$54 (3rd donation), Philippe Robert aka “phsrobert”
$54 (2nd donation), Christian S.
$54 (2nd donation), Sergio B.
$54 (2nd donation), Siegfried S.
$54, Brian T.
$54, Christina R.
$54, Jürgen N.
$54, Konrad T.
$54, Laurent B.
$54, Leo P.
$54, Philippe A.
$54, Ryan M.
$54, Urs K.
$54, Yvo D.
$52 (7th donation), John Mc
$50 (82th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (10th donation), Wade T.
$50 (8th donation), Terrence P.
$50 (6th donation), W G. M.
$50 (5th donation), Linden R.
$50 (4th donation), Brandon O.
$50 (4th donation), Peter B.
$50 (3rd donation), Charles H.
$50 (3rd donation), Clifford N.
$50 (2nd donation), Che H.
$50 (2nd donation), Neil M.
$50 (2nd donation), Willard M.
$50, Anders J.
$50, David B.
$50, Denis B.
$50, Erik M.
$50, Glenna D.
$50, Jeff M.
$40, Thomas L. aka “Calvicii”
$39 (2nd donation), Online Biz Builders SEO
$35, Willie E.
$32 (10th donation), Mark A.
$32 (5th donation), Andrew C.
$32 (4th donation), 974_RUN
$32 (3rd donation), jjb
$32 (2nd donation), Peter K.
$32, Antonio M.
$32, Bruno L.
$32, Harry F.
$30 (4th donation), Kevin H.
$30 (3rd donation), Carl T.
$30 (2nd donation), Ron N. aka “TechNick”
$27 (10th donation), Alexander M.
$27 (4th donation), Cezary Z.
$27, Rafael M.
$25 (37th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (14th donation), Charles W.
$25 (4th donation), William B.
$25 (2nd donation), John S.
$25 (2nd donation), Tim S.
$25, Anthony C.
$25, ATV Brakes N More
$25, Derek S.
$25, Kelvin W.
$25, Ross B.
$23 (2nd donation), Paul F.
$22 (46th donation), Peter E.
$22 (11th donation), Francois B. aka “Makoto
$22 (9th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (8th donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (5th donation), Arno W.
$22 (5th donation), Mircea V.
$22 (4th donation), Ingo P.
$22 (4th donation), Neil S.
$22 (3rd donation), Frank S.
$22 (3rd donation), Jean, Jacques G.
$22 (3rd donation), Mario N.
$22 (3rd donation), Michael M.
$22 (3rd donation), P V.
$22 (2nd donation), Anthony O.
$22 (2nd donation), Daniel J.
$22 (2nd donation), Eero V.
$22 (2nd donation), Marc LASTHAUS
$22 (2nd donation), Reinhold S.
$22 (2nd donation), Robert B.
$22, André M.
$22, Charles A.
$22, Charles F.
$22, Charles V.
$22, Christopher R.
$22, David E.
$22, Elder D.
$22, Eric H.
$22, Franco H.
$22, Gerhard K.
$22, Jan Z.
$22, Jean-françois H.
$22, Jean-marie M.
$22, Jens K.
$22, Jeroen B.
$22, Jose Luis D.
$22, Leena N.
$22, Philip R.
$22, Rainer V.
$22, Sandro G.
$22, Stephane L.
$22, Xabier A.
$20 (46th donation), Stefan M. H.
$20 (28th donation), vagrantcow
$20 (22nd donation), Aimee W.
$20 (11th donation), Uncle Geek
$20 (10th donation), Robert D. aka “MacDhai
$20 (9th donation), Daniel V. M.
$20 (7th donation), Andreas G.
$20 (3rd donation), Charles B.
$20 (3rd donation), Christian M. aka “manygave”
$20 (3rd donation), Illya Konnoff K.
$20 (3rd donation), M G U.
$20 (2nd donation), Melvin M.
$20 (2nd donation), Ted C.
$20, Alex R.
$20, David B.
$20, Edward R K.
$20, Eric M.
$20, Financial Advisor Diddel & Diddel
$20, Harry B.
$20, Howard B.
$20, Jason M.
$20, Jesse G.
$20, Karen L.
$20, Kimberly L.
$20, Marion P.
$20, Mark D.
$20, Paul C.
$20, Peter M.
$20, Ross B.
$16 (74th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (3rd donation), Helmuth P.
$16 (2nd donation), Martin B.
$15 (3rd donation), Terry P.
$15, Ewan T. aka “Blinks7588”
$11 (93th donation), Johann J.
$11 (47th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (24th donation),
$11 (21st donation), Denys G.
$11 (16th donation), Adis H.
$11 (15th donation), Peter R.
$11 (13th donation), Christian B.
$11 (11th donation), Robert W.
$11 (11th donation), Stefan W.
$11 (10th donation), François L.
$11 (10th donation), Karlheinz R.
$11 (9th donation), Darius O.
$11 (8th donation), Thomas R.
$11 (7th donation), Ivo H.
$11 (5th donation), Kjerkreit Ytre, Anders Kiær
$11 (5th donation), Joel E.
$11 (5th donation), Joerg B.
$11 (5th donation), Johnny H.
$11 (5th donation), Keith W.
$11 (4th donation), Aghiles C.
$11 (4th donation), Carlo R.
$11 (4th donation), Jan Z.
$11 (4th donation), Massimo F.
$11 (3rd donation), Karl-heinz P.
$11 (3rd donation), Rimas V.
$11 (2nd donation), Giovanni T.
$11 (2nd donation), Graham T.
$11 (2nd donation), K. M.
$11 (2nd donation), Neil E.
$11 (2nd donation), Pablo M.
$11 (2nd donation), Sami S.
$11 (2nd donation), Vinay B.
$11, Andrzej H.
$11, Armando M.
$11, Carolina S.
$11, Daniel C.
$11, Georg G.
$11, Innocenzo M.
$11, J.
$11, Joan P.
$11, John F.
$11, Klaus B.
$11, Knut L.
$11, Konstantinos A.
$11, Lorenzo P.
$11, Maurizio D.
$11, Mirjam S.
$11, Oana U.
$11, Pedro S.
$11, Robert A.
$11, Tim M.
$11, Tobias R.
$10 (96th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (90th donation), Frank K.
$10 (43th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (15th donation), Troy T.
$10 (12th donation), Dave S.
$10 (12th donation), Fábio Ranquetat aka “Ranquetat
$10 (10th donation), Thevirtua
$10 (8th donation), Michael B.
$10 (6th donation), Mihai-Vlad N.
$10 (5th donation), Carl T.
$10 (4th donation), Conrad M.
$10 (3rd donation), Geoffrey P.
$10 (3rd donation), George D.
$10 (3rd donation), Lubos K.
$10 (2nd donation), Jeffrey S.
$10 (2nd donation), Landscaping Fresno CA
$10 (2nd donation), Loren D.
$10 (2nd donation), Marcelo A. Maito
$10 (2nd donation), Michele D.
$10 (2nd donation), Oleksandra K.
$10 (2nd donation), Rick Edwards aka ” ”
$10 (2nd donation), Szymon G.
$10 (2nd donation), Tomasz K.
$10, B R S.
$10, Barbara W.
$10, Barry M.
$10, Computronix
$10, Computronix Managed IT Support & Cyber Security
$10, David N.
$10, Edward G.
$10, George R.
$10, H2Z45Y2K
$10, Luke P.
$10, Oleksandr O.
$10, Paul B.
$10, Paul C.
$10, Psychedelic Medicine Centers Of America
$10, REI Capital Growth Real Estate Investment Fund
$10, Steven R.
$10, Tarcísio F.
$10, Todd D. aka “Newfoundlander”
$10, Vlad N.
$8 (2nd donation), Ivan D.
$7 (35th donation), Sami Mannila
$147 from 38 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,086 patrons, for a sum of $3,304 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

Monthly News – March 2024

By: Clem
1 April 2024 at 18:35

Hi everyone,

We’ve got a lot to talk about this month, but first and foremost I’d like to thank our donors, our sponsors and all the people who support us.

Many thanks to you all.


Improvements were made for Linux Mint 22 installations to be better localized and to use less disk space than before.

Preinstalled packages for languages other than English and the one you select will be removed at the end of the installation. This was not optimized in previous Linux Mint releases. The removal of these packages in Linux Mint 22 will save a significant amount of disk space post-installation.

If you’re connected to the Internet during the installation, language packs for your selected language will be downloaded.

In addition, the following languages won’t require an Internet connections since their language packs will be present on the ISO image: English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch and Italian.

Deb822 support

The Software Sources tool will feature support for the new Deb822 format.


The default sound server in Linux Mint 22 will be Pipewire.

JXL support in Pix

The next version of Pix will support JXL images.

Kernels Series

To prioritize stability our 21.x releases shipped with Ubuntu LTS kernels (5.15). EDGE ISOs were made available, with HWE kernels, to bring support for new hardware.

Ubuntu 22.04.x releases used HWE kernels, and version 24.04 is set to use kernel 6.8.

During the last two years we didn’t observe significant differences in terms of stability between LTS and HWE series. Both were pretty stable. A growing number of users with new laptops/chipsets relied on EDGE images to be able to install Linux Mint though.

Linux Mint 22 will follow Ubuntu going forward and ship with new kernel series release after release.

XAPP Thumbnailer Gimp

A new thumbnailer for Gimp files was implemented.

It will be available in xapp-thumbnailers 1.2.4.

Online Accounts

GNOME Online Accounts, aka “GOA”, is a project which allows users to connect to their data in the cloud. This project was only designed for GNOME though so it doesn’t provide any front-end. It only provides libraries (namely libgoa and libgoa-backend).

Other than GNOME, many desktop environments integrated a front-end to these libraries in their control center: Cinnamon, Budgie, Unity, etc.

This project is important because it doesn’t just connect a desktop to the cloud, it’s used by many applications and libraries. Among other things you might use it to connect the Calendar application, the Thunderbird email program or the file browser to your online data.

With GNOME 46, libgoa/libgoa-backend 3.50 moved to GTK4. It can no longer be used by GTK3 applications.

To solve this problem a new XApp called GNOME Online Account GTK was created. As any XApp its goal is to work for everybody, in any desktop environment and in any Linux distribution.

This app makes it possible for Cinnamon/Budgie/Unity users to continue to use this functionality. It also provides it to any desktop that didn’t have access to it before (for instance: MATE and Xfce editions in Linux Mint).

It features two versions: One in GTK4 to support distributions which ship the new libgoa 3.50, and one in GTK3 for distributions which ship older versions of libgoa.


In Ubuntu 24.04, Thunderbird was moved to a Snap.

Since we don’t want to ship with Snaps we had to choose between removing Thunderbird from the default software selection or packaging it. We decided to package it.

Thunderbird will continue to be available in Linux Mint 22 as a native .deb package.


Work continues on the Chat Room application.

It received a new layout, a tray icon, image thumbnails, channel events, nickserv authentication, text formatting, /me commands, scrolling/catch-up support, auto-completion, spell-check…etc.

Package repositories

Our package repositories were tuned last month to accept a larger number of concurrent connections. Although this helped address some of the issues we had, they’re still really slow when the traffic is high.

We’re currently working on a new partnership with Fastly.

Fastly provides a global CDN with load balancing, TLS encryption and a powerful programmable cache engine called Varnish.

Their solution has the potential to significantly and consistently increase the speed of our repositories.

It also opens the door to better fault tolerance, better monitoring and logging.

We’re hoping to have more news on this soon. We’re really excited about it, the testing so far has been very promising.

Editions Stats

We also started experimenting with observability and monitoring solutions.

We don’t have news on this yet, but as part of our experiments we measured the popularity of the Linux Mint editions.

Note: This chart is based on the traffic on our website.

Cinnamon (also represented by EDGE and LMDE 6) represents 2/3 of our audience. Xfce is a solid second with a 1/5 share. MATE sits in third at 13%.


Advertisement on our websites was drastically reduced.

No more popups, no more overlays.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC

Donations in February:

$270, Oliver H.
$250 (15th donation), Tomasz E.
$213 (6th donation), Andreas S.
$200 (3rd donation), Timothy R.
$119 (5th donation), Oliver G.
$115 (4th donation), Philip W.
$108 (9th donation), Mimi
$108 (2nd donation), Daniel M.
$108 (2nd donation), Jessica R.
$108 (2nd donation), Ueli H.
$108, Anna S.
$100 (20th donation), Philip W.
$100 (4th donation), Neil F.
$100 (2nd donation), Dan
$100 (2nd donation), Soren K.
$100, Carl J.
$100, Craig D.
$100, Harlan K.
$100, Michael T.
$100, Randolph L.
$100, Stephen H.
$80 (2nd donation), Timothy R.
$70 (4th donation), Vincent F.
$69, Jeffrey C.
$65 (2nd donation), Klaus S.
$55 (6th donation), John Mc
$55 (4th donation), Olivia C.
$54 (21st donation), Naoise G. aka “Gaff”
$54 (20th donation), Bjarne K.
$54 (12th donation), Adam H.
$54 (4th donation), Ivan Y.
$54 (4th donation), Nicolas S.
$54 (4th donation), Rainer Werner B.
$54 (4th donation), Richard H.
$54 (4th donation), Stephan Tietz
$54 (3rd donation), Guillaume
$54 (3rd donation), Jyrki A.
$54 (3rd donation), Rolf H.
$54 (2nd donation), Boris G.
$54 (2nd donation), Chris B.
$54 (2nd donation), Goran N.
$54, António Salsinha – Graphic Designer
$54, Armin S.
$54, Christopher A.
$54, Dominic H.
$54, Dym S.
$54, Georg P.
$54, Gioele V.
$54, Holger H.
$54, Johan R.
$54, Johannes A.
$54, Miquel Lluís B.
$54, Uwe S.
$54, Willibald S.
$51, Joan F.
$50 (81th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (60th donation), Michael R.
$50 (9th donation), Greg C.
$50 (6th donation), Ray W.
$50 (4th donation), Alan R.
$50 (4th donation), Benoit F.
$50 (4th donation), Jason B.
$50 (3rd donation), Douglas B.
$50 (3rd donation), German Genaro R.
$50 (3rd donation), Jerry R.
$50 (3rd donation), Mike H.
$50 (2nd donation), Daniel L.
$50 (2nd donation), Derek B.
$50 (2nd donation), Illya Konnoff K.
$50 (2nd donation), John D.
$50 (2nd donation), Patrick S.
$50 (2nd donation), Richard M. R.
$50, Andreas S.
$50, Charles D L.
$50, Emma H.
$50, Eugene W.
$50, Jacob A.
$50, James M.
$50, James N.
$50, Jeremy E.
$50, John R.
$50, John W.
$50, Matthew G.
$50, Michael F.
$50, Peter I.
$50, Richard G.
$50, Ryan R.
$50, William B.
$43 (4th donation), Wielant B.
$42 (7th donation), Martin K.
$40 (9th donation), John B.
$40 (5th donation), Clark R.
$40, Ethan H.
$35 (15th donation), B. H. .
$33, Cesar G.
$32 (9th donation), Alexander M.
$32 (5th donation), Henry T.
$32 (2nd donation), Lukas P.
$32, Enrico D.
$32, Fernando M.
$32, Jaroslaw C.
$32, Joerg B. aka “minerson”
$32, Steve E.
$30 (3rd donation), Birger M.
$30 (3rd donation), Kevin H.
$29 (2nd donation), Timothy L.
$27 (7th donation), Jonathan. H
$27 (6th donation), Niklas
$27 (2nd donation), René W.
$27, Dries
$27, Franz R.
$27, Sebastian L.
$27, Stéphane B.
$25 (36th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (15th donation), Richard N.
$25 (5th donation), Robert L. T.
$25, Douglas D.
$25, Mark W.
$25, Rick A.
$24, Khalid A.
$22 (45th donation), Peter E.
$22 (8th donation), Jorge R. R.
$22 (8th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (7th donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (7th donation), Danilo S.
$22 (6th donation), Chistoph B.
$22 (5th donation), Riccardo C.
$22 (4th donation), Andreas M. aka “AnMe2k22”
$22 (4th donation), Erkki J.
$22 (3rd donation), James P.
$22 (3rd donation), Jörg K. aka “Jku”
$22 (3rd donation), Neil S.
$22 (2nd donation), Alessandro P.
$22 (2nd donation), Juan B. S.
$22 (2nd donation), Lennart J.
$22 (2nd donation), Odie P.
$22 (2nd donation), Rafael V.
$22, Alexander S.
$22, Bastian S.
$22, Benjami L.
$22, Bernhard S.
$22, Carmen A.
$22, Christian B.
$22, David H.
$22, Denovan F.
$22, Francesco I.
$22, Georg W.
$22, Han M.
$22, Jean-pierre B.
$22, Jens G.
$22, Joerg M.
$22, John G.
$22, Karl Felix K.
$22, Klaus H.
$22, Leo
$22, Marcus B.
$22, Norbert J.
$22, Perrin M.
$22, Rafaz W.
$22, Roland R.
$22, Volker B.
$22, Werner M.
$20 (40th donation), John D.
$20 (21st donation), Aimee W.
$20 (21st donation), Pawel M.
$20 (17th donation), Kwan L. aka “DigitalHermit
$20 (9th donation), Thevirtua
$20 (6th donation), Joel C.
$20 (6th donation), Ralph G.
$20 (5th donation), Curtis S.
$20 (5th donation), Joe V.
$20 (4th donation), David H.
$20 (4th donation), Miles S. P.
$20 (4th donation), Robin V.
$20 (3rd donation), Alex S.
$20 (3rd donation), Harald M.
$20 (3rd donation), Paul S.
$20 (2nd donation), A D R.
$20 (2nd donation), Brian U.
$20 (2nd donation), Carlos L.
$20 (2nd donation), Charles B.
$20 (2nd donation), Douglas K.
$20 (2nd donation), James P.
$20 (2nd donation), Michael S.
$20 (2nd donation), Michal E.
$20 (2nd donation), Samuel F.
$20 (2nd donation), Stephen S.
$20 (2nd donation), TONY aka “STRUZZIN ELECTRONICS
$20 (2nd donation), William B.
$20, Benjamin L.
$20, Dale C.
$20, Dean L.
$20, Don M.
$20, Gary S.
$20, George M.
$20, Greg C.
$20, Helen H.
$20, Ivan N.
$20, James B.
$20, Jason W.
$20, John B M.
$20, John M.
$20, Kelly B.
$20, Larry G.
$20, Liam P.
$20, Logan H.
$20, Marie
$20, Marius V.
$20, Martin A.
$20, Nicholas M.
$20, Rebecca L.
$20, Rick Edwards aka ” ”
$20, Roger G.
$20, Serge S.
$20, Theodore H.
$18 (7th donation), ineuw
$16 (92th donation), Johann J.
$16 (73th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (3rd donation), Richard K.
$16 (2nd donation), Benito H.
$15 (4th donation), Laszlo F.
$15 (2nd donation), Terry P.
$13 (8th donation), Andrei Sinkevich
$12 (4th donation), John W.
$11 (46th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (23rd donation),
$11 (20th donation), Denys G.
$11 (8th donation), Axel R.
$11 (8th donation), Bengt Falke aka “Falke”
$11 (7th donation), Ronald S.
$11 (6th donation), Ivo H.
$11 (6th donation), RJ
$11 (5th donation), J. S. .
$11 (4th donation), Cor D.
$11 (4th donation), Harald H.
$11 (4th donation), Joel E.
$11 (3rd donation), Anthony S.
$11 (3rd donation), Björn H.
$11 (3rd donation), Ferruccio R.
$11 (3rd donation), Henry L. aka “Henry”
$11 (3rd donation), Jouko Tiilikainen aka “JT65”
$11 (2nd donation), Åke J.
$11 (2nd donation), Francisca M.
$11 (2nd donation), Gerard B.
$11 (2nd donation), Giorgio F. L.
$11 (2nd donation), Jan.c J.
$11 (2nd donation), jjb
$11 (2nd donation), John K.
$11 (2nd donation), Jose Maria
$11 (2nd donation), Martin Tobias S.
$11 (2nd donation), Rafel H.
$11 (2nd donation), Sebastian B.
$11 (2nd donation), Stefan E.
$11, Aleksei V.
$11, Andreas S.
$11, Anthony G.
$11, Athanasios F.
$11, Chelmerland
$11, Csaba G.
$11, Dafnis R.
$11, Dominik K.
$11, Fabio C.
$11, Frederic W.
$11, Giorgio D.
$11, Idris H.
$11, John van den Bosch aka “Jovadebo
$11, Jorge C.
$11, Jose Antonio V.
$11, Jose Arturo T.
$11, Linus A.
$11, Luca Bellinazzi aka “ilfolle”
$11, Marco L.
$11, Matthias K.
$11, Michael M.
$11, Michele S.
$11, Morgan P.
$11, Nadine B.
$11, Neville M.
$11, Oséias K.
$11, Ralf L.
$11, Roberto T.
$11, Ruben de V.
$11, Sami S.
$11, Simon W.
$11, Sven-oliver K.
$11, Thibaut P.
$11, Walter S.
$11, Yan R.
$10 (95th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (89th donation), Frank K.
$10 (42th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (34th donation), Sami Mannila
$10 (33rd donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (11th donation), Dave S.
$10 (9th donation), Gustavo A. B.
$10 (9th donation), platypus products
$10 (8th donation), Bogdan P.
$10 (6th donation), Jürgen
$10 (5th donation), Attila K.
$10 (5th donation), Peter Vangsgaard aka “pvangsgaard
$10 (4th donation), Gary R.
$10 (3rd donation), Patrick P.
$10 (3rd donation), Robert E.
$10 (3rd donation), Robert M.
$10 (2nd donation), Ameen J.
$10 (2nd donation), Attila T.
$10 (2nd donation), Daniel T.
$10 (2nd donation), Gary I.
$10 (2nd donation), Glenn P.
$10 (2nd donation), Maciej D.
$10 (2nd donation), Tom V.
$10, Alben H.
$10, Csrl Richard S.
$10, Dan M.
$10, Editions Artisan Devereaux LLC
$10, Eduardo P.
$10, Georgette D.
$10, Gerardo A.
$10, Jack K.
$10, James W.
$10, Jeffrey K.
$10, Nickalou B.
$10, Randal C.
$10, Ronald Fernando F.
$10, Ryan Z.
$10, Steven S.
$10, True Altitude LLC aka “True Altitude LLC
$10, Wojciech J.
$10, Won K.
$8 (4th donation), Matthew Gracie aka “Nethound”
$8 (3rd donation), John H.
$132 from 46 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,045 patrons, for a sum of $3,503 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

Monthly News – February 2024

By: Clem
5 March 2024 at 22:22

Many thanks to all of you for your donations and your amazing support.


We’re using Google Adsense here on the blog and on the forums.

It came to our attention that the advertising platform had become much more intrusive than before.

We will take action to reduce the number and placement of ads on our website or failing that to remove them altogether.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience.


Patrick Griffis (aka “Tingping”), known for his work on many open-source projects (GNOME, Flatpak, Gnome-MPV, Meson, etc.), announced the end of the Hexchat project:

I’ll take the opportunity to link to Patrick’s blog and commit for those of you who want to send him a donation or just thank him for his work:

In Linux Mint, Hexchat has been the default IRC client since 2014.

Before that Linux Mint shipped with Xchat, which Hexchat was based on. I can’t remember the last time we shipped without an IRC client, if we ever did.

Going forward, since Hexchat is discontinued, we need to either remove it from the default selection or replace it with another application.

Hexchat has been rock solid but we’ve been thinking about replacing it for a couple of years.

We didn’t know it was going to be discontinued but we faced two growing issues with it.

It’s one of the very few remaining applications in our software selection which doesn’t scale on an HiDPI screen. It would have needed to migrate to GTK3. It was a lot of work for Hexchat and that never happened.

It’s also is a full-featured IRC client. IRC? Yes IRC. The open protocol which divides our community.


Some of you think IRC is extremely important, some of you think it’s archaic and some of you have never heard of it.

In the 90’s IRC was popular on UNIX terminals way before we had Linux, Windows 3.1 or the Internet at home. Just like email or the Web, it goes way back and it doesn’t belong to anybody. It’s an open protocol. Anyone can make an IRC server or an IRC client.

Discord is modern and easy to use but there’s only one Discord implementation. IRC is an open protocol. This is important because it creates tensions which we need to address.

Die-hard IRC users are very proud of this and look down on closed alternatives, and shall I say, rightly so.

Younger users which sometimes have been using Discord even before they moved to Linux expect chat programs to work a certain way and can also look down on IRC. And again, I’d be tempted to say rightly so.

IRC clients are made for IRC users. Users are expected to know what IRC is and how to use it.

People often wonder what Hexchat is when they see it in the menu and don’t understand what happens when they launch it. When they land in the support channel and ask “What is this?” they’re not always welcomed properly.


There are IRC clients written in GTK3 which are HiDPI compatible, but replacing Hexchat with one of them doesn’t really solve our problem.

What Linux Mint needs, first and foremost, is a place for people to ask questions to other users.

An IRC client can provide that but it’s not dedicated to doing that. So with that in mind we started working on a new app called Jargonaut.

Jargonaut will be a dedicated app. It will do just that and do it better.

Although it uses the IRC, it won’t be developed as an IRC client. It will support pastebin/imgur via DND, uploading your system specifications, troubleshooting and many features which have nothing to do with IRC. Yet you won’t be able to join channels or perform common IRC commands.

Hexchat was a great IRC client which helped us make a relatively good support chat room. We’re hoping Jargonaut will help us make this chat room even better and much easier to use.

If you want to follow our work on this new app visit

Jargonaut is an XAPP so it’s designed to work on all Linux distributions and all desktop environments.

Note: It’s only a few days old so it’s currently using #minttest on It will eventually move to #jargonaut and a different server. Linux distributions will be able to set custom defaults via gsettings overrides. In Linux Mint we’re planning to make it connect to #linuxmint-help and #linuxmint-chat on Spotchat.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC

Donations in January:

A total of $18,326 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 647 donors:

$300 (2nd donation), Kaori E.
$250 (2nd donation), James M.
$216 (2nd donation), Ralph J.
$216, Jan D.
$200, anonymous
$162 (4th donation), Wolfgang S.
$150, Christian T.
$108 (12th donation), Jack W. S. aka “kundalinijack”
$108 (3rd donation), Christof S.
$108 (2nd donation), E. V. S. .
$108 (2nd donation), Andrei M.
$108, Anthony H.
$108, Bas Vermulst aka “Bazz0847
$108, Carsten F.
$108, Daniil S.
$108, Friedrich D.
$108, Marcel G. aka “spozzi99
$108, Michael K.
$108, Romain Derocle
$108, Thomas L.
$107, Paul E.
$101 (2nd donation), D & M Cabot Pty Ltd
$100 (34th donation), Wolfgang P.
$100 (10th donation), John M.
$100 (8th donation), Jean P. R.
$100 (4th donation), David H.
$100 (2nd donation), Anthony G.
$100 (2nd donation), Clive Newstead
$100 (2nd donation), David J S.
$100 (2nd donation), Eric J.
$100 (2nd donation), Faisal Yousuf
$100 (2nd donation), Jeffrey L.
$100, Aleksandr G.
$100, Robert G.
$100, Steven E.
$100, Vojtech S.
$72, Miguel R.
$70 (4th donation), Mathieu C.
$70, Andrew Lamond
$65, bnther
$60 (11th donation), James L.
$60, Valued C.
$54 (16th donation), Bernard H.
$54 (10th donation), Roland H.
$54 (7th donation), Peter G.
$54 (6th donation), Eugenio B. aka “OdyArt”
$54 (6th donation), Giovanni D. S. aka “ChibiOS
$54 (6th donation), Jean-luc W.
$54 (5th donation), Dominique P.
$54 (5th donation), Rosanna & Alex
$54 (5th donation), Thomas R.
$54 (4th donation), Eduard K.
$54 (3rd donation), @tiagoameller
$54 (3rd donation), AllanR
$54 (3rd donation), Guenter B.
$54 (3rd donation), John S.
$54 (3rd donation), Karl-heinz R.
$54 (3rd donation), Konrad S.
$54 (3rd donation), Peter G.
$54 (3rd donation), Rob B.
$54 (2nd donation), Albert-jozef P.
$54 (2nd donation), Alejandro M. A.
$54 (2nd donation), Christian G.
$54 (2nd donation), Karl G.
$54 (2nd donation), Leonhard G.
$54 (2nd donation), Martin K.
$54 (2nd donation), Roland D.J.
$54 (2nd donation), Siegfried S.
$54 (2nd donation), Wolfgang U.
$54, Alfred G.
$54, Andreas K.
$54, Christian P.
$54, Dieter P.
$54, Domagoj Ž.
$54, Erwin T.
$54, Gabriel A.
$54, Geoff P.
$54, Isa T.
$54, Joakim D.
$54, Jürgen M.
$54, Manfred H.
$54, Marc R.
$54, Martin K. aka “heavy-e
$54, Mika M.
$54, Norbert T.
$54, Rene L.
$54, Stefan A.
$54, Til M.
$54, Trevor K.
$54, Winfried H.
$53 (5th donation), John Mc
$50 (80th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (59th donation), Michael R.
$50 (22nd donation), George H.
$50 (14th donation), An L.
$50 (9th donation), Nasser Bader aka “VIRUS
$50 (8th donation), Kyle S.
$50 (8th donation), Marty L.
$50 (7th donation), Don P.
$50 (7th donation), Michael C.
$50 (6th donation), L. H. .
$50 (6th donation), David H. W.
$50 (6th donation), David V.
$50 (6th donation), Dean R.
$50 (6th donation), Derek S. aka “Corky357”
$50 (6th donation), Harry Fine
$50 (5th donation), Gerard S.
$50 (5th donation), Herman B.
$50 (4th donation), Salomon G.
$50 (4th donation), Stuart C. D.
$50 (3rd donation), Mark K.
$50 (3rd donation), Media Dynamics, Inc.
$50 (3rd donation), Olivia C.
$50 (3rd donation), Peter C.
$50 (3rd donation), Stephen C.
$50 (2nd donation), Darryl E.
$50 (2nd donation), Edmund B.
$50 (2nd donation), Ehrhardt G.
$50 (2nd donation), Elizabeth L.
$50 (2nd donation), German Genaro R.
$50 (2nd donation), Tony Whelan
$50, Alford F.
$50, Andrew G.
$50, Arestor B.
$50, Chris M.
$50, David R S.
$50, dogbyte
$50, Gordon B.
$50, James B.
$50, James R.
$50, Jeffrey J.
$50, Jesse B.
$50, lpmdesigns
$50, Michael L.
$50, Raymond Young
$50, Robert M.
$50, Robert M.
$50, Robert W.
$50, SSR
$50, Thierry S.
$50, Thomas B.
$50, Timothy O.
$50, torstenvl
$50, W9OQI aka “Chip”
$44 (6th donation), Benjamin W.
$44 (2nd donation), Jorge Arturo V.
$43 (10th donation), Pavel B.
$40 (45th donation), Stefan M. H.
$40 (14th donation), Real F.
$40 (9th donation), Pablo L. aka “LAFO”
$40 (7th donation), Darin W.
$39 (2nd donation), René Z.
$38 (7th donation), Clifford H.
$36, Mark C.
$35 (6th donation), Ken S. aka “knucklehead”
$35 (2nd donation), Rodney M.
$32 (12th donation), Marc S.
$32 (9th donation), Tom S.
$32 (8th donation), Bobcam Computer Solutions aka “Rob
$32 (6th donation), Wolfgang S.
$32 (5th donation), Gerardo A. M.
$32 (5th donation), Ralf W.
$32 (4th donation), Jürgen H.
$32 (4th donation), Luc F.
$32 (2nd donation), A R.
$32 (2nd donation), Fabrice D.
$32, adios aka “windows”
$32, Dominique Z.
$32, Florian M.
$30 (5th donation), Daniel T.
$30, David R.
$30, Jinnah M.
$30, John W.
$27 (23rd donation), Joachim M.
$27 (21st donation), John K. aka “jbrucek”
$27 (7th donation), Stoyan
$27 (4th donation), Wouter W.
$27, Marc B.
$27, Sabine M.
$26, Óscar R.
$25 (35th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (12th donation), Andrew Currie
$25 (9th donation), Thomas C.
$25 (9th donation), Timothy C.
$25 (5th donation), Chuck G.
$25 (4th donation), Patrick M.
$25 (3rd donation), Myron J.
$25 (2nd donation), Chaz C.
$25 (2nd donation), Logan C.
$25 (2nd donation), macglen
$25 (2nd donation), Maxime R.
$25, Al B.
$25, Eric C.
$25, Steve
$24, Joachim N.
$24, Natashe F.
$22 (44th donation), Peter E.
$22 (20th donation), Nigel B.
$22 (15th donation), Pentti T.
$22 (14th donation), Peter R.
$22 (10th donation), Gabriele Bandini aka “GiBi Gab
$22 (10th donation), Stefan W.
$22 (8th donation), Eduard L.
$22 (8th donation), Florian G.
$22 (8th donation), Francis N.
$22 (7th donation), Alexander H.
$22 (7th donation), Cornelis V.
$22 (7th donation), Divoto
$22 (7th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (6th donation), Henrik Simonsen
$22 (6th donation), Rolf-Jürgen G.
$22 (6th donation), Thomas W.
$22 (5th donation), Gareth L.
$22 (5th donation), Giovanni M. aka “gmaggior”
$22 (5th donation), Martin O.
$22 (5th donation), Michael K.
$22 (5th donation), Rüdiger A.
$22 (5th donation), Soren ONeill
$22 (5th donation), Waldemar P. aka “valldek”
$22 (4th donation), Andreas Agoumis aka “IntCon”
$22 (4th donation), Andreas Z.
$22 (4th donation), Jan S.
$22 (4th donation), Maurizio Giacobbe aka “maurizioweb
$22 (4th donation), Mike E.
$22 (3rd donation), Andrew W.
$22 (3rd donation), Bernard G.
$22 (3rd donation), Christian S.
$22 (3rd donation), Daniel K.
$22 (3rd donation), Francis D.
$22 (3rd donation), Gerhard K.
$22 (3rd donation), Henk V.
$22 (3rd donation), Jakub G.
$22 (3rd donation), Manfred H.
$22 (3rd donation), Michel C.
$22 (3rd donation), Michel W.
$22 (3rd donation), Nabil aka “Billy”
$22 (3rd donation), Richard H.
$22 (3rd donation), Sophie K.
$22 (3rd donation), Tobias B.
$22 (2nd donation), André K.
$22 (2nd donation), Branislav P.
$22 (2nd donation), Gerard Gerritsen.
$22 (2nd donation), Heikki L.
$22 (2nd donation), Herbert G.
$22 (2nd donation), Ines R.
$22 (2nd donation), Jason T.
$22 (2nd donation), John C.
$22 (2nd donation), Ludwig K.
$22 (2nd donation), Matthew D.
$22 (2nd donation), Michael P.
$22 (2nd donation), Pablo L.
$22 (2nd donation), Reinhold K.
$22 (2nd donation), Robert H.
$22 (2nd donation), Tamas C.
$22 (2nd donation), Trevor C.
$22, Adamczyk A.
$22, Alan M.
$22, Andreas M.
$22, Atelier Du Naturopathe
$22, Bernd H.
$22, Christian G.
$22, Christopher C.
$22, Daniel W.
$22, David V.
$22, Dirk R.
$22, Eriks K.
$22, Etienne G.
$22, Eugene G.
$22, Feike D.
$22, Frederik H.
$22, Friedemann S.
$22, Grzegorz O.
$22, Hans-joerg H.
$22, Horst F.
$22, Ivaylo M.
$22, John T.
$22, Juan L.
$22, Kurt H.
$22, Laura K.
$22, Luis A.
$22, Manfred Gehann aka “mdgmdg
$22, Manfred H.
$22, Mara S.
$22, Marco A.
$22, Mark M.
$22, Martin B.
$22, Maurizio B.
$22, Mr S.
$22, Nejc Š.
$22, Nico L.
$22, Nicole S.
$22, Nigel M.
$22, Paolo B.
$22, Patrice W.
$22, Patrick F.
$22, Pietro L.
$22, Rainer B.
$22, Rocco C.
$22, Rosemary T.
$22, S. G.
$22, Sándor C.
$22, Stefan E.
$22, Stefan P.
$22, Thomas K.
$22, Thomas V.
$22, Thorsten R.
$22, Tim N.
$22, Ulrich M.
$22, Volker W.
$22, Wladimir B.
$21 (22nd donation), Ke C.
$21 (20th donation), François P.
$20 (20th donation), Aimee W.
$20 (13th donation), Joao Kodama
$20 (9th donation), Douglas W.
$20 (7th donation), Mark R.
$20 (6th donation), Andreas G.
$20 (6th donation), Stacey B.
$20 (6th donation), Vittorio F.
$20 (5th donation), Anonymous
$20 (5th donation), Gary D.
$20 (5th donation), Lawrence C.
$20 (5th donation), William C.
$20 (4th donation), Benoit R.
$20 (4th donation), Hans G. H.
$20 (4th donation), Hary A.
$20 (4th donation), Timothy P.
$20 (3rd donation), Alonzo J.
$20 (3rd donation), Andrew P.
$20 (3rd donation), Benoit L.
$20 (3rd donation), Chris N.
$20 (3rd donation), David N. B.
$20 (3rd donation), John H.
$20 (3rd donation), Lee R.
$20 (3rd donation), Matthew Gracie aka “Nethound
$20 (3rd donation), Robin V.
$20 (2nd donation), Angelos S.
$20 (2nd donation), Antoni G.
$20 (2nd donation), David W.
$20 (2nd donation), Fear_of_Oneself
$20 (2nd donation), Hayden G. M.
$20 (2nd donation), James F.
$20 (2nd donation), James H.
$20 (2nd donation), Luc L.
$20 (2nd donation), Luke B
$20 (2nd donation), R Michael A.
$20 (2nd donation), Raymond F.
$20 (2nd donation), Teobaldo R.
$20, Anonymous
$20, Ariel H.
$20, Arthur J.
$20, Bradley P.
$20, Chris G.
$20, Craig K.
$20, Daniel D.
$20, Dante P.
$20, David .
$20, David K.
$20, David Michael D.
$20, Dennis D.
$20, Dom D. aka “WinterMute”
$20, Erik Ivey
$20, Gabriele W.
$20, Gary L.
$20, Gregor W.
$20, Harold N.
$20, James C.
$20, John O.
$20, Joshua P.
$20, Kim B.
$20, Kyle L.
$20, Luther P.
$20, Manuel G.
$20, Mark L.
$20, Mathilda B.
$20, Michael H.
$20, Mikhail M.
$20, Paul A.
$20, Pete D.
$20, Richard S.
$20, Robert H.
$20, Roger S.
$20, Ruby L.
$20, Russell P.
$20, Vincent P.
$20, Wayne M.
$16 (72th donation), Andreas S.
$16 (10th donation), Francois B. aka “Makoto
$16 (5th donation), Elias B.
$16, Jacques G.
$16, Michael V.
$16, Simon M.
$15 (47th donation), Hristo Gatsinski
$15, Archisman P.
$15, Grace
$15, Terry P.
$14 (91th donation), Johann J.
$13 (8th donation), Theofanis-Emmanouil T.
$13, Giuseppe L.
$13, Roger R.
$12 (7th donation), Bengt Falke aka “Falke”
$12 (2nd donation), Attila C.
$11 (45th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (40th donation), Thomas R.
$11 (22nd donation),
$11 (20th donation), Eskild T
$11 (18th donation), Arvis Lācis aka “arvislacis
$11 (17th donation), José G. aka “picaso”
$11 (16th donation), Marc V. K.
$11 (15th donation), Yves R. aka “Long_Time_User”
$11 (13th donation), Alan B.
$11 (12th donation), JCSenar –
$11 (12th donation), Terry B.
$11 (11th donation), Florian U.
$11 (10th donation), Rupert B.
$11 (8th donation), Geoffrey Allgood
$11 (8th donation), Hans-Dieter S. aka “hadisch”
$11 (5th donation), Christophe C.
$11 (5th donation), Daniela K.
$11 (5th donation), Donatas Dainys
$11 (5th donation), Francisco F.
$11 (5th donation), Günter W.
$11 (5th donation), John T.
$11 (5th donation), Nikolay G.
$11 (4th donation), Leo F.
$11 (4th donation), Ernest T.
$11 (4th donation), Joerg B.
$11 (4th donation), John W.
$11 (4th donation), Marc
$11 (4th donation), Omar C. aka “kenoby75”
$11 (4th donation), Thomas L. aka “hensys”
$11 (4th donation), Thomas W.
$11 (3rd donation), Barna K.
$11 (3rd donation), BGEN
$11 (3rd donation), Carlos D.
$11 (3rd donation), Carsten P.
$11 (3rd donation), Günther H.
$11 (3rd donation), Harry W.
$11 (3rd donation), Iker L.
$11 (3rd donation), Jaroslav K.
$11 (3rd donation), Joel E.
$11 (3rd donation), Massimo C.
$11 (3rd donation), Mihai R.
$11 (3rd donation), Robert B.
$11 (3rd donation), Thomas S.
$11 (2nd donation), Agustín P.
$11 (2nd donation), Alberts S.
$11 (2nd donation), Armin
$11 (2nd donation), Balázs V.
$11 (2nd donation), Björn H.
$11 (2nd donation), Dfiler W.
$11 (2nd donation), Emilio G.
$11 (2nd donation), François B.
$11 (2nd donation), Giordano A.
$11 (2nd donation), Hans Joachim O.
$11 (2nd donation), Henk R.
$11 (2nd donation), Jan G.
$11 (2nd donation), Jörg K. aka “Jku”
$11 (2nd donation), Manfred H.
$11 (2nd donation), Marko U.
$11 (2nd donation), Oldrich B.
$11 (2nd donation), Peter W.
$11 (2nd donation), Robert L.
$11 (2nd donation), Roy R.
$11 (2nd donation), Thi B.
$11, Achim V.
$11, Alexander Dimitri H.
$11, Alfred V.
$11, Attila T.
$11, Bernhard C.
$11, Branimir D.
$11, Chris D.
$11, Cris van G.
$11, Cristian U.
$11, Daniel C.
$11, Daniel F.
$11, Edas P.
$11, Evaldas M.
$11, Florian R.
$11, Franco B.
$11, Frieder K.
$11, Gary W.
$11, Gonzalo C.
$11, Gustav H.
$11, Hans E.
$11, Ilmo Y.
$11, Ingo H.
$11, Jacques P.
$11, Jakub Š.
$11, Jean T.
$11, Jean-françois B.
$11, João R.
$11, Karolis K.
$11, Kaylen M.
$11, Leonhard P.
$11, Linus W.
$11, Mario N.
$11, Marko S.
$11, Michael A.
$11, Michael K.
$11, Michael S.
$11, Minh T.
$11, Ola P.
$11, Patrick B.
$11, Pedro P.
$11, Peter H.
$11, Philippe GM
$11, Sandesh P.
$11, Stefan P.
$11, Stefan W.
$11, Thomas B.
$11, Thomas L.
$11, Tomislav Marić aka “Tomy, 9A5ALL”
$11, Torsten W.
$10 (94th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (88th donation), Frank K.
$10 (41th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (25th donation), Wilson G.
$10 (20th donation), Bruce M.
$10 (18th donation), Abdulkadir H. aka “Askari”
$10 (16th donation), Jorge R.
$10 (15th donation), Michel C.
$10 (8th donation), Allyn G.
$10 (8th donation), platypus products
$10 (7th donation), S. Falcão aka “S. Falcao”
$10 (7th donation), Thevirtua
$10 (7th donation), Wojciech S.
$10 (6th donation), redman
$10 (6th donation), Robert W.
$10 (5th donation), Alf-ivar O.
$10 (5th donation), Joseph C.
$10 (5th donation), Michał K. aka “PoldekPL”
$10 (4th donation), Alik M.
$10 (4th donation), Chamnong N.
$10 (4th donation), Jody M.
$10 (4th donation), Peers T.
$10 (3rd donation), Andrew D.
$10 (3rd donation), Joe K.
$10 (3rd donation), Kiril P.
$10 (3rd donation), Mark S.
$10 (3rd donation), Michael A.
$10 (3rd donation), Nicholas M.
$10 (3rd donation), Rimon K.
$10 (3rd donation), Vincent D.
$10 (2nd donation), Anton V.
$10 (2nd donation), David aka “smalldogclub
$10 (2nd donation), Donald C.
$10 (2nd donation), Jeffery S.
$10 (2nd donation), John K.
$10 (2nd donation), Perry B.
$10 (2nd donation), Thomas S.
$10 (2nd donation), Vinícius Piazzi
$10, Alejandro R.
$10, Andrew M.
$10, Aris Joel J.
$10, Axel P.
$10, Ben M.
$10, Boris L.
$10, Christopher O.
$10, Cuauhtemoc T.
$10, Don A.
$10, Donald W.
$10, Hung T.
$10, Ian Hill
$10, J W.
$10, Jakub P.
$10, James M.
$10, James P.
$10, Jeff N.
$10, John P.
$10, Kamil Z.
$10, Kevin H.
$10, Leonel U.
$10, Mark C.
$10, Mayer S.
$10, Michael H.
$10, Przemyslaw P.
$10, Robert Z.
$10, Roger J.
$10, Roland E.
$10, Steve H.
$10, Winfield B.
$10, Yves D.
$9 (5th donation), Diego A. O.
$8 (6th donation), Dmitry N. aka “Dimex”
$6 (5th donation), Kostas K. aka “ELeoZz”
$6, Daniel T.
$6, Noah R.
$205 from 55 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,008 patrons, for a sum of $3,455 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

Monthly News – January 2024

By: Clem
31 January 2024 at 22:49

Hi everyone,

First of all, many many thanks to all of you for your donations. As I mentioned in the previous blog post, we received a huge amount of support last month. 751 people donated to us in December for a total of $24,146. It’s pretty amazing!

January is strong too with 633 donors already. We don’t have statistics on downloads or installations but these donations speak volumes. Thank you!

Linux Mint 20.3

The latest version of the upgrade tool, which features improved detection and handling of orphan/foreign packages, was backported to Linux Mint 20.3.

This makes the upgrade path from 20.3 to 21 much easier than before.

Linux Mint 21.3

The stable release for Linux Mint 21.3 was announced early this month.

The upgrade path from 21, 21.1 and 21.2 was opened shortly after.

Bug fixes

We fixed a few regressions which had gone through the BETA phase unnoticed:

  • mintstick couldn’t handle space characters in the file path
  • Cinnamon screensaver showed a black screen in HiDPI when all windows were minimized or no windows were open
  • When multiple users were logged in, Cinnamon session only showed a dialog window on quit/logout for the first user


It came to our attention that Wayland sessions in Linux Mint 21.3 could potentially affect Xorg sessions and triggered specific issues.

Until these issues are fixed, we’d like to raise awareness on this and remind you that Wayland support in 21.3 is experimental. Although it is possible to switch from Wayland to Xorg with a simple logout, we recommend a reboot.


The EDGE ISO for Linux Mint 21.3 was released with a 6.5 kernel.

The following regressions were also fixed in this ISO:

  • Support for loopback.cfg
  • Invalid /EFI/boot/bootx64.efi file (which broke Rufus support)

Note that Rufus 4.4 also added a workaround, so it now works with LMDE 6 and Linux Mint 21.3.

For more info:


All the new features from Linux Mint 21.3 were backported to LMDE 6.

Linux Mint 22

The codename for Linux Mint 22 was chosen. It will be “Wilma”.

Here’s a sneak peek at one of its features..

Its Cinnamon edition will include a new Nemo Actions Organizer:

You’ll be able to organize your Nemo actions in menus and submenus.

This tool will support nested submenus, menu icons, separators and drag-and-drop.

You’ll also be able to rename actions and override their icon.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC

Donations in December:

A total of $24,146 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 751 donors:

$500 (6th donation), Gerald L.
$500 (4th donation), Morten K. A.
$500, Kenneth S.
$500, Lee B.
$431 (6th donation), Tanev, T.
$377 (4th donation), Soldev sàrl
$200 (4th donation), Brittany Taylor F.
$200 (3rd donation), Meherdil I.
$150 (9th donation), Robert D. aka “MacDhai
$150, German Genaro R.
$135 (4th donation), Kristoff S.
$108 (23rd donation), Hans J.
$108 (11th donation), Laurent P.
$108 (8th donation), aka “Phantasus
$108 (7th donation), Karl H.
$108 (7th donation), Walter K.
$108 (2nd donation), Kevin S.
$108 (2nd donation), Udo J.
$108, Holger K.
$108, Lucas A.
$107 (6th donation), J aka “look but don’t touch. Thank you”
$100 (6th donation), Michael H.
$100 (3rd donation), James J. Q.
$100 (3rd donation), Matt S.
$100 (3rd donation), Michel R.
$100 (3rd donation), Patrick L.
$100 (3rd donation), Stephanie S.
$100 (2nd donation), Charles H.
$100 (2nd donation), Lawrence W S.
$100 (2nd donation), Vance West
$100, Anthony H.
$100, Automated webpage schema aka “schemawriter
$100, Bernard K.
$100, Dan B.
$100, Faisal Yousuf
$100, John A.
$100, Michael D.
$100, Patrick M.
$100, Richard C L.
$100, Thomas M.
$99, Jeff K. aka “Pupalei”
$86 (5th donation), Rhydwen V.
$81 (5th donation), Jean-baptiste P.
$81 (4th donation), Klaus B.
$75 (2nd donation), Dragan M.
$75, Mark A.
$69 (2nd donation), Guillaume
$67, Neil P.
$65 (3rd donation), Ludo W.
$65 (2nd donation), Manuel K.
$65, Cameron S.
$63, Thomas Y.
$59 (4th donation), John Mc
$55 (2nd donation), Tom K.
$55, Francisco G.
$54 (15th donation), Paul S. E. aka “Paul”
$54 (10th donation), More Linux
$54 (9th donation), Ian H White.
$54 (9th donation), Martin R.
$54 (9th donation), Wolfgang N.
$54 (7th donation), Jose L. D.
$54 (6th donation), Armin F.
$54 (6th donation), Brian S.
$54 (6th donation), Christian G. aka “Chrissy”
$54 (6th donation), Ronald Severin
$54 (6th donation), Stefan L.
$54 (5th donation), Christian T.
$54 (5th donation), erwn16 aka “erwn”
$54 (5th donation), Luis R.
$54 (4th donation), Anton M.
$54 (4th donation), Jörg G.
$54 (4th donation), Julian N.
$54 (4th donation), Marco L. aka “mar9000
$54 (4th donation), Patrick R.
$54 (4th donation), Sébastien B.
$54 (4th donation), Stefan G.
$54 (3rd donation), Awrjpm V.
$54 (3rd donation), Bastian H.
$54 (3rd donation), Birgit B.
$54 (3rd donation), Frank L.
$54 (3rd donation), Isabell C.
$54 (3rd donation), Jean-loup P.
$54 (3rd donation), Jens A.
$54 (3rd donation), Malte K.
$54 (2nd donation), Christian W.
$54 (2nd donation), Jyrki A.
$54 (2nd donation), Olaf S.
$54 (2nd donation), Sylvain L.
$54 (2nd donation), Willem L.
$54 (2nd donation), Wolfgang W.
$54, Adrian K.
$54, Andreas K.
$54, Benoît H.
$54, Bernhard S.
$54, Christina B.
$54, Daniel L.
$54, Dimitri S.
$54, Dirk T.
$54, Eckart H.
$54, Estelle P.
$54, Eugen A.
$54, Fernando G.
$54, Georg B.
$54, Gertraud P.
$54, Giacomino aka “pengiacomo”
$54, Hans D.
$54, Hubert S.
$54, Jeremia A.
$54, Katharina G.
$54, Lennart S.
$54, Ludovic M.
$54, Martin M.
$54, MBAdept
$54, Michael K.
$54, Michael M.
$54, Peter T.
$54, Rafael M.
$54, Reinhard B.
$54, Rene K.
$54, Richard F.
$54, Ronny N.
$54, Stefan B.
$54, Stefan G.
$54, Stefan L.
$54, Stefan R.
$54, Stefan S.
$54, Stephen T.
$54, Vincent V.
$52 (7th donation), Chris M.
$50 (79th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (58th donation), Michael R.
$50 (14th donation), Donna B.
$50 (9th donation), Christophe Caillé aka “KKY”
$50 (8th donation), David S.
$50 (8th donation), Paul R.
$50 (8th donation), Thomas B.
$50 (8th donation), William G.
$50 (7th donation), Bob Tregilus
$50 (7th donation), Bogdan P.
$50 (7th donation), Ralph P.
$50 (7th donation), Stacey F.
$50 (6th donation), Ed T aka “EdBot”
$50 (6th donation), GELvdH
$50 (6th donation), greerd
$50 (5th donation), James G.
$50 (4th donation), Harrison W.
$50 (4th donation), Jim W.
$50 (4th donation), Kurt T.
$50 (4th donation), Stephen R.
$50 (4th donation), Urban R.
$50 (3rd donation), Doug S.
$50 (3rd donation), Gilles B.
$50 (3rd donation), Jean-francois L.
$50 (3rd donation), John S.
$50 (3rd donation), Kevin R.
$50 (3rd donation), L. I.
$50 (2nd donation), Charles W.
$50 (2nd donation), David Diaz
$50 (2nd donation), Evan S.
$50 (2nd donation), James W.
$50 (2nd donation), Jeffrey E.
$50 (2nd donation), John R.
$50 (2nd donation), Julie A G.
$50 (2nd donation), Kevin C.
$50 (2nd donation), Marc H.
$50 (2nd donation), Michael R.
$50 (2nd donation), Ricardo P.
$50 (2nd donation), Richard F.
$50 (2nd donation), Rodney S.
$50 (2nd donation), Rylen L.
$50 (2nd donation), Stephen C.
$50 (2nd donation), TNMedia aka “MetroManOne”
$50 (2nd donation), Todd P.
$50, Andrew G.
$50, Arthur B.
$50, Beau L.
$50, C. F.
$50, Christopher W.
$50, Daniel S.
$50, David B.
$50, David R.
$50, E R E.
$50, Eugene D.
$50, Geoffrey G.
$50, John H.
$50, John H.
$50, John M.
$50, John W.
$50, Josh G.
$50, Karl G.
$50, Kevin M.
$50, Matthew C.
$50, Michael C.
$50, Michael M.
$50, Nicolas F.
$50, Reynold R.
$50, Robert L.
$50, Rodney B.
$50, Ryan D.
$50, Samuel C.
$50, Satoshi T.
$50, Scott P.
$50, Waymond Y.
$45 (5th donation), David K.
$43 (5th donation), Mathias P.
$43 (2nd donation), Ettore G. aka “Hanamigi”
$43, Hans Peter L.
$40 (7th donation), Oblong Software Products
$40 (2nd donation), Steve K.
$40, Gregory M.
$38 (10th donation), Steve Glyn.
$38 (2nd donation), Greg P.
$35 (3rd donation), Steven H.
$32 (15th donation), Adis H.
$32 (9th donation), Peter Schallmoser-Schlogl
$32 (8th donation), Jürgen F.
$32 (7th donation), Daniel K.
$32 (6th donation), Olaf Bousche aka “Bushman”
$32 (5th donation), Andreas G.
$32 (4th donation), Bobby
$32 (4th donation), Gilles S.
$32 (4th donation), Keith H.
$32 (4th donation), Lutz B.
$32 (3rd donation), Raimund L.
$32 (2nd donation), Jannis S.
$32, Alessio P.
$32, Markus G.
$32, Martin U.
$32, Matthias G.
$32, Matthias S.
$32, Stephen L.
$31 (15th donation), Adam K.
$30 (8th donation), John Eady
$30 (6th donation), Kirk W.
$30 (3rd donation), Paul S.
$30 (2nd donation), Bart L.
$30 (2nd donation), Lubos K.
$30, Earl T.
$30, Garrett F.
$30, Leon K.
$27 (15th donation), Anthony M.
$27 (10th donation), Reidar S.
$27 (9th donation), Alexander M.
$27 (9th donation), Jürgen B.
$27 (8th donation), Juergen S.
$27 (7th donation), Sebastian J.
$27 (6th donation), Alessio B.
$27 (4th donation), Amir Perviz
$27 (3rd donation), Christoph F.
$27 (3rd donation), Sape S.
$27 (2nd donation), Marcus R.
$27 (2nd donation), Marijn V.
$27 (2nd donation), Mark
$27, Jesus F. M.
$26, Michael S.
$25 (34th donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (15th donation), Vaughan Butler
$25 (14th donation), Richard N.
$25 (13th donation), Jon G.
$25 (11th donation), Frances K.
$25 (11th donation), Todd W.
$25 (8th donation), Edmond I.
$25 (8th donation), Robert S.
$25 (7th donation), George I.
$25 (6th donation), Thomas H.
$25 (5th donation), Harrie K.
$25 (5th donation), Raymond F.
$25 (5th donation), Shaun I.
$25 (4th donation), Edward C.
$25 (4th donation), Keith C.
$25 (3rd donation), Marek M.
$25 (3rd donation), Tulio J S.
$25 (2nd donation), Chris L.
$25 (2nd donation), Corey P.
$25 (2nd donation), Kelechi A.
$25 (2nd donation), Kevin H.
$25 (2nd donation), Kyle N.
$25, C M
$25, Daniel B.
$25, Dennis K.
$25, Paul V.
$25, Shawn S.
$22 (43th donation), Peter E.
$22 (13th donation), Bill Metzenthen
$22 (13th donation), Luca D.
$22 (10th donation), Dirk M.
$22 (10th donation), Frank V.
$22 (9th donation), Alexander Lang
$22 (9th donation), Andreas M.
$22 (9th donation), Chema Cortés
$22 (8th donation), Tom B.
$22 (7th donation), Alfred H.
$22 (7th donation), Marco P.
$22 (7th donation), Mark F.
$22 (7th donation), Richard L. F.
$22 (7th donation), Vidal Santos
$22 (6th donation), Christian K.
$22 (6th donation), Goran L.
$22 (6th donation), Herberth M.
$22 (6th donation), Kai H.
$22 (6th donation), Marek S. [LMDE SUPPORTER]
$22 (5th donation), aka “Max”
$22 (5th donation), Anthony G M.
$22 (5th donation), Cuauhtemoc M.
$22 (5th donation), Derek B.
$22 (5th donation), Iain S.
$22 (5th donation), RobH
$22 (4th donation), akaIDIOT
$22 (4th donation), Andreas F.
$22 (4th donation), Andreas F.
$22 (4th donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (4th donation), Chris F.
$22 (4th donation), Erwin S.
$22 (4th donation), Florian S.
$22 (4th donation), Jens G.
$22 (4th donation), Miss anon aka “Anonymous ”
$22 (4th donation), Pavlos G.
$22 (3rd donation), Axel D.
$22 (3rd donation), Christian H.
$22 (3rd donation), Fais T.
$22 (3rd donation), Jose F.
$22 (3rd donation), Josef K.
$22 (3rd donation), Juan Antonio C.
$22 (3rd donation), Krassen D.
$22 (3rd donation), Nils D.
$22 (3rd donation), Norbert D.
$22 (3rd donation), Paul W.
$22 (3rd donation), Sybren H.
$22 (3rd donation), Thomas K.
$22 (3rd donation), Thomas L.
$22 (2nd donation), Alberto A.
$22 (2nd donation), Albrecht H.
$22 (2nd donation), Christoph F.
$22 (2nd donation), Daniel B.
$22 (2nd donation), Floris V.
$22 (2nd donation), Mario N.
$22 (2nd donation), Michel C.
$22 (2nd donation), Michel T.
$22 (2nd donation), Sönke M.
$22 (2nd donation), Tery H.
$22 (2nd donation), zilfe
$22, Antonio Maria D.
$22, Benito R.
$22, Bernd O.
$22, Bernt Stefan Angelo A.
$22, Bettina S.
$22, Boris B.
$22, Daniel H.
$22, Dimitri P.
$22, Dominic V.
$22, Emmanuel O.
$22, Hans-jürgen L.
$22, Harun-kerim T.
$22, Jean-claude B.
$22, Jean-yves D.
$22, Jens S.
$22, Jochen B.
$22, Josef C.
$22, Kai G.
$22, Kai K.
$22, Kai S.
$22, Manfred K.
$22, Marek Z.
$22, Mario B.
$22, Martin V.
$22, Michael G.
$22, Michael G.
$22, Michael S.
$22, Mike H.
$22, Oliver M.
$22, Osmo L.
$22, Paul L.
$22, Ronald K.
$22, Ronny D.
$22, Sven V.
$22, Thomas L.
$22, Thorsten W.
$22, Tim aka “uvulpos”
$20 (138th donation), Tony C. aka “S. LaRocca”
$20 (63th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (39th donation), John D.
$20 (27th donation), vagrantcow
$20 (18th donation), Dylan B.
$20 (14th donation), Dana S.
$20 (13th donation), Robert S. aka “Bob”
$20 (9th donation), Peter L. aka “Myfathersson”
$20 (7th donation), Graeme M. J.
$20 (6th donation), Paul K.
$20 (5th donation), Carl W.
$20 (5th donation), David B.
$20 (5th donation), James W.
$20 (5th donation), Mario M.
$20 (5th donation), Wiilliam N. H.
$20 (5th donation), youme
$20 (4th donation), R. C. F.
$20 (4th donation), Charles N.
$20 (4th donation), Charles P.
$20 (4th donation), Digvijay C.
$20 (4th donation), Dismas S. aka “Dismas”
$20 (4th donation), Jim W.
$20 (4th donation), John L.
$20 (4th donation), Robert C.
$20 (4th donation), Timothy S.
$20 (4th donation), Trevor H.
$20 (3rd donation), Allen G.
$20 (3rd donation), Claude G.
$20 (3rd donation), Donald O.
$20 (3rd donation), Frederick D.
$20 (3rd donation), Geoff A.
$20 (3rd donation), Ian M.
$20 (3rd donation), Joel M.
$20 (3rd donation), Michael M.
$20 (3rd donation), Nathaniel A.
$20 (3rd donation), Robert W.
$20 (3rd donation), Vincent A.
$20 (2nd donation), Andrew D.
$20 (2nd donation), Bede W.
$20 (2nd donation), Brian S.
$20 (2nd donation), Daniel L.
$20 (2nd donation), David B.
$20 (2nd donation), David M.
$20 (2nd donation), David S.
$20 (2nd donation), David W.
$20 (2nd donation), Jack W.
$20 (2nd donation), John
$20 (2nd donation), Kálmán V.
$20 (2nd donation), Mayra M.
$20 (2nd donation), Michael S.
$20 (2nd donation), Mike W.
$20 (2nd donation), Stephen T.
$20 (2nd donation), Steven M.
$20 (2nd donation), Wolfgang R.
$20, Aaron P.
$20, Alexander M.
$20, Amar M.
$20, Art H.
$20, Bart B.
$20, Charles B.
$20, Christopher W.
$20, Darren W.
$20, David W.
$20, David W.
$20, Don V.
$20, Donald B.
$20, Donald D.
$20, G R.
$20, Geoffrey L.
$20, Geraldo F.
$20, James C.
$20, Jamie J.
$20, John F.
$20, John S.
$20, Johnny Riber L.
$20, Joshua D.
$20, Keith T.
$20, Kevin W.
$20, Lawrence W.
$20, Michael B.
$20, Nick M.
$20, Nikolay R.
$20, Patrick W.
$20, Richard S.
$20, Robert L.
$20, Susam H.
$20, Thomas L.
$16 (90th donation), Johann J.
$16 (4th donation), Gorazd B.
$16 (4th donation), Peter C.
$16 (3rd donation), Philippe F.
$16 (2nd donation), Manfred T.
$16 (2nd donation), Patrick H.
$16, Mihovil S.
$16, Sandro I.
$15 (71th donation), Andreas S.
$15 (6th donation), Marcin A.
$15 (6th donation), Terry R.
$15 (4th donation), Pavlo Pyshkin aka “hydrodynamic electron flow
$15 (3rd donation), Georges A.
$15, Aleksandar J.
$15, Paul S.
$15, Robert B.
$14, Attila C.
$14, Tony L.
$13 (7th donation), Brian H.
$13 (4th donation), David Fletcher
$13 (2nd donation), Brian H.
$13, Pierre Willfried B.
$12 (5th donation), Alfredo O.
$12 (4th donation), Andre J.
$12, BV
$12, Michal E.
$11 (44th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (21st donation),
$11 (20th donation), aka “AsciiWolf”
$11 (19th donation), Denys G.
$11 (12th donation), Tomi P.
$11 (10th donation), Pierre G.
$11 (10th donation), Robert W.
$11 (9th donation), Francois B. aka “Makoto
$11 (9th donation), Stefan W.
$11 (7th donation), Andrei Z.
$11 (7th donation), Augusto B.
$11 (7th donation), Florian J.
$11 (7th donation), Guillaume O. aka “Gandalf81”
$11 (7th donation), Helmut S.
$11 (7th donation), Marco V.
$11 (6th donation), Bengt Falke aka “Falke”
$11 (6th donation), Goran V.
$11 (6th donation), Heiko W.
$11 (6th donation), Lukas N.
$11 (6th donation), Michael Z.
$11 (6th donation), Philippe A. aka “Phreezoo”
$11 (5th donation), Dino G.
$11 (5th donation), Ulrich P.
$11 (4th donation), Amazias O.
$11 (4th donation), Daniel A.
$11 (4th donation), Francisco F.
$11 (4th donation), John B.
$11 (4th donation), Sandu I.
$11 (4th donation), Thomas B.
$11 (3rd donation), Aleksi L.
$11 (3rd donation), Benjamin L. aka “indivisual
$11 (3rd donation), Davide M.
$11 (3rd donation), Elmar V.
$11 (3rd donation), Hans-peter M.
$11 (3rd donation), Jan V.
$11 (3rd donation), Maurizio C. aka “bluoltremauri”
$11 (3rd donation), Nick M. aka “manikos
$11 (3rd donation), Ticià Sala
$11 (2nd donation), Anders C.
$11 (2nd donation), Andreas Z.
$11 (2nd donation), Davide F.
$11 (2nd donation), Derek S.
$11 (2nd donation), Elena S.
$11 (2nd donation), Frank S.
$11 (2nd donation), Gezinus V.
$11 (2nd donation), Ioannis B.
$11 (2nd donation), J.C.Navarrete
$11 (2nd donation), Jean, Jacques G.
$11 (2nd donation), Jens B.
$11 (2nd donation), Jibi
$11 (2nd donation), Joel E.
$11 (2nd donation), Jürgen B.
$11 (2nd donation), Martin S.
$11 (2nd donation), Philip B.
$11 (2nd donation), Sébastien F.
$11 (2nd donation), Senad K.
$11 (2nd donation), Ulrich D.
$11 (2nd donation), Z. Lambov
$11, Aaron D.
$11, Albert P.
$11, Algirdas L.
$11, Andrea K.
$11, Andreas H.
$11, Andreas R.
$11, Antonio G.
$11, Attila K.
$11, Bertrand S.
$11, Björn H.
$11, CCS S.A
$11, Christian B.
$11, Christoph G.
$11, Denis Š.
$11, Elliot N.
$11, Francisco J A.
$11, Francisco Rafael H.
$11, G. L.
$11, Hansueli A.
$11, Holger M.
$11, Hugo M.
$11, Jean-jacques T.
$11, Joachim D.
$11, Johannes K.
$11, John M aka “Sparky51”
$11, Jorge G.
$11, Kamil P.
$11, Karsten B.
$11, Ken M.
$11, Kevin V.
$11, Mario G.
$11, Marko A.
$11, Michael H.
$11, Michal A.
$11, Mika P.
$11, Ralf P.
$11, Ronald K.
$11, Ruben L.
$11, Ruskin H.
$11, Samuel C.
$11, Sebastian H.
$11, Sebastian U.
$11, Shane B.
$11, Sven V.
$11, Thomas F.
$11, Vinicius P.
$11, Willi B.
$11, Zoltan L.
$10 (93th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (87th donation), Frank K.
$10 (40th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (32nd donation), Carpet Cleaning Winnipeg
$10 (24th donation), Wilson G.
$10 (19th donation), Bruce M.
$10 (18th donation), Harold R.
$10 (14th donation), Troy T.
$10 (12th donation), Antonio Carlos L. Sampaio aka “tnsampa
$10 (12th donation), William M.
$10 (10th donation), Dave S.
$10 (9th donation), Ian C.
$10 (9th donation), Organic CBD Gummies
$10 (8th donation), Joseph G.
$10 (7th donation), Eric L.
$10 (6th donation), Hans M.
$10 (6th donation), Thevirtua
$10 (5th donation), Kurt W.
$10 (5th donation), Patryk H.
$10 (4th donation), moon musiq aka “Netlabel for Industrial, Dark Ambient, and Noise
$10 (4th donation), Timothy D.
$10 (3rd donation), Emmanuel T.
$10 (3rd donation), jfoxwoosh
$10 (3rd donation), Vincent L.
$10 (2nd donation), Alan H.
$10 (2nd donation), Axel Z.
$10 (2nd donation), Ernest B.
$10 (2nd donation), Geoffrey P.
$10 (2nd donation), Jeremy B.
$10 (2nd donation), Matheus E.
$10 (2nd donation), Michael H.
$10 (2nd donation), Michael W.
$10 (2nd donation), Musa U.
$10 (2nd donation), PF
$10, Adam S.
$10, Andrija O.
$10, Anthony L.
$10, Arenas R.
$10, Christopher F.
$10, Daniel R.
$10, Evan H.
$10, Gabriel R.
$10, Gerald F.
$10, Go SEO
$10, Guillaume M.
$10, Ian M.
$10, Johan D.
$10, Joshua B.
$10, Josue L.
$10, Kenneth B.
$10, Liliana N.
$10, Lonnie J.
$10, Lotem Sakira aka “Vision_74532”
$10, Marshall W.
$10, Matthew Gracie aka “Nethound
$10, Matthew R.
$10, Max
$10, Michael E.
$10, Mike P.
$10, Morgan C.
$10, Murray S.
$10, N K.
$10, Neil B.
$10, Nevin N.
$10, Ralph B.
$10, Rhys L.
$10, Richard L.
$10, Ronald M.
$10, Russell P.
$10, Sandra B.
$10, Thomas W.
$8 (2nd donation), Karl-heinz W.
$314 from 76 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 1,000 patrons, for a sum of $3,430 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit

Edge ISO available for Linux Mint 21.3

By: Clem
22 January 2024 at 18:31

This is a quick announcement to let you know an “Edge” ISO image is now available for Linux Mint 21.3.

This image is made for people whose hardware is too new to boot the 5.15 LTS kernel included in Linux Mint 21.x. It ships with kernel 6.5 instead.

For information on Edge ISO images visit

How to upgrade to Linux Mint 21.3

By: Clem
14 January 2024 at 17:42

It is now possible to upgrade Linux Mint 21, 21.1 and 21.2 to version 21.3.

If you’ve been waiting for this we’d like to thank you for your patience.

1. Create a system snapshot

You can use Timeshift to make a system snapshot before the upgrade.

If anything goes wrong, you can easily restore your operating system to its previous state.

Launch Timeshift from the application menu, follow the instructions on the screen to configure it and create a system snapshot.

2. Prepare for the upgrade

If you installed Cinnamon spices (applets, desklets, extensions, themes), upgrade them from the System Settings.

3. Upgrade the operating system

Upgrading to Linux Mint 21.3 is fast and easy.

In the Update Manager, click on the Refresh button to check for any new version of mintupdate or mint-upgrade-info. If there are updates for these packages, apply them.

Launch the System Upgrade by clicking on “Edit->Upgrade to Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia”.

Follow the instructions on the screen.

If asked whether to keep or replace configuration files, choose to replace them.

4. Change artwork (optional)

Linux Mint 21.3 features artwork changes.

We recommend you reboot your computer for all changes to properly apply.

To select a theme launch the “Themes” settings. The 20.2 look is available under the name “Mint-L”.

5. Reboot the computer

Once the upgrade is finished, reboot your computer.

Commonly asked questions

  • If the upgrade is not available to you, check that you have the latest version of mint-upgrade-info (1.2.5 or higher) and restart the Update Manager by launching it again from the applications menu.
  • If the latest version of mint-upgrade-info is not yet available in your mirror, switch to the default repositories.
  • This happens rarely, but if you ever got locked and were unable to log back in, switch to console with CTRL+ALT+F2, log in, and type “killall cinnamon-screensaver” (or “killall mate-screensaver” in MATE). Use CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back to your session.

Linux Mint 21.3 “Virginia” released!

By: Clem
12 January 2024 at 18:24

The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 21.3 “Virginia”.

Linux Mint 21.3 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2027. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features:

This new version of Linux Mint contains many improvements.

For an overview of the new features please visit:

What’s new in Linux Mint 21.3“.

Important info:

The release notes provide important information about known issues, as well as explanations, workarounds and solutions.

To read the release notes, please visit:

Release Notes for Linux Mint 21.3

System requirements:

  • 2GB RAM (4GB recommended for a comfortable usage).
  • 20GB of disk space (100GB recommended).
  • 1024×768 resolution (on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit in the screen).

Upgrade instructions:

  • If you are running the BETA you don’t need to upgrade, use the Update Manager to apply available updates.
  • Upgrade instructions for Linux Mint 21, 21.1 and 21.2 will be provided shortly.

Download links:

Cinnamon Edition:

MATE Edition:

Xfce Edition:

Integrity and authenticity checks:

Once you have downloaded an image, please verify its integrity and authenticity.

Anyone can produce fake ISO images, it is your responsibility to check you are downloading the official ones.


We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using Linux Mint and have a lot of fun with this new release!

Monthly News – December 2023

By: Clem
3 January 2024 at 21:37

Happy New Year!

Many thanks for your support and for your donations. We received $10191 in November and $24146 in December. The number of donors was also quite impressive: 383 in November and 751 in December!

I’d like to thank you all for this and what it means to us. It doesn’t just help us financially, it makes us feel awesome and extremely proud of you, of us, of our project and our community. Thank you!

Linux Mint 21.3

The BETA phase for Linux Mint 21.3 has been relatively quiet. We received 50 bug reports. 35 of them are closed.

We’ll tackle the remaining 15 this week and make the preparations for a stable release and an upgrade path.


LMDE 6 will receive all the new updates featured in Linux Mint 21.3. This will happen shortly before the stable release.


During BETA testing we identified compatibility issues between Linux Mint and new hardware devices (recent AMD graphics but also wireless chipsets and SSD controllers used in Acer laptops). These are solved by upgrading the kernel series from 5.15 to 6.5.

We’ll therefore prepare a new EDGE ISO for Linux Mint 21.3 shipping with a kernel 6.5.


Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by:

Gold Sponsors:
Linux VPS Hosting
Silver Sponsors:
ThinkPenguin: For Everything Freedom
Bronze Sponsors:
Vault Networks *
AYKsolutions Server & Cloud Hosting
BGASoft Inc
DeepTide, LLC

Donations in November:

A total of $10,191 were raised thanks to the generous contributions of 383 donors:

$500 (4th donation), B
$216 (2nd donation), Franky W.
$167 (4th donation), Michael M.
$150 (8th donation), Duncan G. aka “catraeus
$150 (7th donation), Abigail M.
$150 (2nd donation), Gregory F.
$132 (7th donation), Alan H.
$108 (3rd donation), Nicolas S.
$108 (3rd donation), Wolfgang B.
$108, Claudia H.
$108, Thorsten R.
$100 (41th donation), Fast Junkie
$100 (10th donation), Timothy P.
$100 (6th donation), Sivaguru
$100 (2nd donation), Bruce K.
$100 (2nd donation), Matt S.
$100 (2nd donation), Michael H.
$100, Kaori E.
$80 (3rd donation), Brandon O.
$75 (3rd donation), James Y.
$65 (2nd donation), Jerome L.
$60 (5th donation), Allan G.
$54 (153th donation), Olli K.
$54 (20th donation), Naoise G.
$54 (19th donation), Bjarne K.
$54 (12th donation), Torsten P.
$54 (6th donation), Uwe O.
$54 (3rd donation), Markus F.
$54 (2nd donation), Christoph F.
$54, Andreas F.
$54, Armin B.
$54, Bernhard
$54, Cecilio P.
$54, Christian M.
$54, Christoph H.
$54, Hans-georg P.
$54, Jens C.
$54, Karl-martin K.
$54, Mark B.
$54, Martin Wozenilek
$54, Matthias R.
$54, Michele P.
$54, Roberto T.
$54, Siegfried G.
$54, Simon W.
$54, Torsten B.
$54, Wilfried K.
$53 (3rd donation), John Mc
$50 (78th donation), Anthony C. aka “ciak”
$50 (57th donation), Michael R.
$50 (12th donation), Intrinsic
$50 (9th donation), Stuart B.
$50 (9th donation), Wallace P. M. J.
$50 (8th donation), John B.
$50 (5th donation), Ray W.
$50 (3rd donation), Alfred W.
$50, Allen P.
$50, David S.
$50, Donald G.
$50, Eric J.
$50, George H.
$50, James W.
$50, Joanne S.
$50, Mark M.
$50, Michael D.
$50, Minty F.
$50, Richard H.
$50, Sultan A.
$47 (4th donation), Ingo S.
$43 (6th donation), Mark E.
$43, Jaromír J.
$40 (9th donation), Patrick C.
$40 (7th donation), John S.
$40 (2nd donation), Norman K.
$40, Allan C.
$40, Lise C.
$39, Jeffrey W.
$36, Jasper N.
$35 (2nd donation), Ralf K.
$35, Hayden G. M.
$32 (3rd donation), Stephan D.
$32 (2nd donation), Wolfgang R.
$32, Maurits V.
$31 (8th donation), Dimitar S.
$30 (5th donation), Tannis E.
$30, Markus H.
$30, Michael M.
$30, Stephen C.
$28, Andreas W.
$27 (7th donation), Kari Y.
$27 (2nd donation), Christoph W.
$27, Maria Gerda B.
$25 (33rd donation), Linux Mint Sverige
$25 (13th donation), Charles W.
$25 (4th donation), Craig B.
$25 (3rd donation), Ivan D.
$25 (3rd donation), John W.
$25, Fahri Taha C.
$25, Gavin H.
$25, Kevin H.
$22 (42th donation), Peter E.
$22 (28th donation), Doriano G. M.
$22 (14th donation), Pentti T.
$22 (9th donation), Juergen M. B.
$22 (7th donation), Frank H.
$22 (6th donation), goppermann
$22 (5th donation), Dominique M. O.
$22 (5th donation), Jose Luis Nuñez Crespi
$22 (5th donation), Marek S. (LMDE Supporter)
$22 (5th donation), Ralf S.
$22 (4th donation), Arno W.
$22 (4th donation), Jens F.
$22 (4th donation), Jürgen S.
$22 (4th donation), Pavel P.
$22 (3rd donation), Alexandre Gambier
$22 (3rd donation), Benjamin W.
$22 (3rd donation), David P.
$22 (3rd donation), Michael S.
$22 (3rd donation), Viesturs P.
$22 (2nd donation), Andre D.
$22 (2nd donation), Balazs B.
$22 (2nd donation), Damian P P.
$22 (2nd donation), Ed C.
$22 (2nd donation), Gunnar P.
$22 (2nd donation), Kai D.
$22 (2nd donation), Mika S.
$22, Aidam IT-Services
$22, Alejandro T.
$22, Andrea P.
$22, Andreas G.
$22, Arie K.
$22, Bartosz S.
$22, Bas H.
$22, Bernd B.
$22, Carlos G.
$22, Daniel W.
$22, Enzo C.
$22, Felfer J.
$22, Felix K.
$22, Hakan C.
$22, Harry P.
$22, Heikki L.
$22, Heinz D.
$22, J.a.m. V.
$22, Jan.c J.
$22, Jim L.
$22, K J K.
$22, Kai K.
$22, Kai S.
$22, Manuel S.
$22, Markus R.
$22, Martin M.
$22, Michael L.
$22, Murilo aka “muras”
$22, Ole L.
$22, Patrick F.
$22, Patryk C.
$22, Rafael V.
$22, Roy V.
$22, Susan D.
$22, Timothy W.
$22, Zsolnay I.
$21, Alan G.
$20 (62th donation), Bryan F.
$20 (44th donation), Stefan M. H.
$20 (9th donation), Mark F.
$20 (8th donation), Brian H. Y.
$20 (4th donation), Andrii S.
$20 (4th donation), Denis A. W.
$20 (4th donation), Linden R.
$20 (4th donation), Sanket W.
$20 (4th donation), William T. aka “Beel
$20 (3rd donation), Donald W. aka “Don
$20 (3rd donation), Nikola V.
$20 (3rd donation), Sarah A.
$20 (2nd donation), Alan W.
$20 (2nd donation), Garrett W.
$20 (2nd donation), Gerald L.
$20 (2nd donation), Henning P.
$20 (2nd donation), Joel M.
$20 (2nd donation), Jutta S.
$20 (2nd donation), Ken K.
$20 (2nd donation), Mark B.
$20 (2nd donation), Narate T.
$20 (2nd donation), Paul D.
$20 (2nd donation), Rob’s Small Engines
$20 (2nd donation), Stephen B.
$20 (2nd donation), Stevan F.
$20 (2nd donation), Thomas S.
$20, André C Franciscatto
$20, Anonymous
$20, Brad M.
$20, Bradley K.
$20, Christopher F.
$20, Cindy Clark
$20, David P.
$20, David S.
$20, Gene McManus
$20, Greg R.
$20, Ian J.
$20, Jack W.
$20, Jason H.
$20, Jean Louis M.
$20, Jesse L.
$20, Joel M.
$20, Joseph Ericson A.
$20, Karen P. aka “Karie”
$20, Luc K.
$20, Michael B.
$20, Nunez Aguila P.
$20, Serge N.
$20, Suchipi
$20, Waylon R. aka “Lynk
$20, Wesley A.
$16 (6th donation), Thomas T.
$16 (4th donation), Clive M.
$16 (3rd donation), Christoph D.
$16 (2nd donation), André F.
$16, Radek C.
$16, Scarlett V.
$15 (8th donation), Corey J.
$15 (3rd donation), Steve T.
$15, Randolph W.
$14 (89th donation), Johann J.
$13 (3rd donation), S Russo
$12 (5th donation), Bengt Falke aka “Falke”
$11 (43th donation), Daniel S.
$11 (39th donation), Thomas R.
$11 (21st donation), Raymond M. (retired)
$11 (20th donation),
$11 (18th donation), Denys G.
$11 (13th donation), Jeff aka “Jambalak
$11 (8th donation), Stefan W.
$11 (8th donation), Tony H. aka “TonyH1212”
$11 (6th donation), Ronald S.
$11 (6th donation), Zdravko S.
$11 (5th donation), Heiko W.
$11 (5th donation), Kai U. J.
$11 (5th donation), L.B.
$11 (5th donation), Massimo R.
$11 (4th donation), Bernd Lauert
$11 (4th donation), H.V. L.
$11 (4th donation), Patrick T.
$11 (3rd donation), Carlo R.
$11 (3rd donation), Harold H.
$11 (3rd donation), Paul R.
$11 (2nd donation), Brian L.
$11 (2nd donation), Christian G.
$11 (2nd donation), Michel S.
$11 (2nd donation), Olivier F.
$11 (2nd donation), Quentin A.
$11, Amer Kheir
$11, Carlo B.
$11, Carlos F.
$11, Christian S.
$11, Christopher O.
$11, Daniela K.
$11, Familie F.
$11, Fox W.
$11, François D.
$11, Franz M.
$11, Gilles V.
$11, Günter B.
$11, Gusa C.
$11, Heinz-dieter H.
$11, Helmut S.
$11, Istvan K.
$11, Iztok M.
$11, Jean, Jacques G.
$11, Joel E.
$11, Johannes S.
$11, Jonas H.
$11, Jose J.
$11, K. M.
$11, Kévin G.
$11, Manfred W.
$11, Matthew W.
$11, Michael O.
$11, Niclas B.
$11, Oleg G.
$11, Pawel H.
$11, Philip H.
$11, Rainer S.
$11, Robert G.
$11, Roger G.
$11, Sasa B.
$11, Saverio A.
$11, Thomas M.
$11, Thomas S.
$11, Ulf K.
$11, Vancs O.
$11, Vladimir S.
$11, Volodymyr S.
$10 (92th donation), Thomas C.
$10 (86th donation), Frank K.
$10 (39th donation), Philip Woodward
$10 (17th donation), Harold R.
$10 (13th donation), Philip E.
$10 (9th donation), Daniel Tan
$10 (9th donation), Dave S.
$10 (6th donation), Ricardo C N aka “V
$10 (4th donation), Simon Clark
$10 (3rd donation), Go to
$10 (3rd donation), Leandro Garcia aka “leojg”
$10 (3rd donation), Lloyd H.
$10 (3rd donation), Lynn Z.
$10 (3rd donation), Volker K.
$10 (2nd donation), Mark S.
$10 (2nd donation), Matthew W.
$10, Agustín K.
$10, Aryeh G.
$10, Awesome LLC
$10, David S.
$10, Donald C.
$10, Emmanuel Octavio aka “EmmanuelOctavi0”
$10, Firma SEO
$10, Gavin H.
$10, Grzegorz W.
$10, Harmony Ophelia C.
$10, Jucării din Lemn
$10, Kenneth E.
$10, Michael C.
$10, Musa U.
$10, Optimizare SEO
$10, Richard M.
$10, Salvatore L.
$10, Vitaliy P.
$10, William D.
$9 (33rd donation), Sami Mannila
$8 (10th donation), Z. K. .
$6 (4th donation), John B.
$183 from 49 smaller donations

If you want to help Linux Mint with a donation, please visit


Linux Mint is proudly supported by 945 patrons, for a sum of $3,300 per month.

To become a Linux Mint patron, please visit
