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Connecting anything to everything via SIP

By: Oana Ianc
21 May 2024 at 19:14

In the evolving landscape of virtual meetings, seamless connectivity remains paramount. SIP integration enables participants to join meetings from various devices, including hardware phones or softphones such as Bria, video conferencing systems such as Zoom, and traditional telephony systems. This broadens the scope of participants who can connect to Jitsi conferences, making it more inclusive.

Leveraging SIP for Video and Audio Connectivity


  1. JaaS Account: Create a JaaS account
  2. Host this sample code on your server 
  3. Zoom Account: Ensure you have Room System enabled in Zoom

Note: We are using JaaS here for the purpose of simplicity, but all of this can be deployed using the Open Source components available on GitHub.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Join a Jitsi conference on your hosted instance
  • Get the SIP Addresses for Dial-In

Note: Replace pinCode with the specific conference PIN provided for your Jitsi conference

  • Join a Zoom conference
    • To connect a Zoom conference to a Jitsi conference, use the Invite via Room System option in Zoom to call out to the provided SIP address
  • Testing:
    • Test the configuration by dialing the SIP address. Verify that the call connects to the Jitsi conference and that audio and video is properly routed.

SIP Audio-Only Connectivity: Cost-Effective and Reliable

SIP audio-only connectivity provides a cost-effective and reliable way for participants to join Jitsi conferences. It reduces bandwidth consumption and costs, making it ideal in scenarios where video isn’t really needed, such as webinars. This option ensures users with limited internet access or slower connections can participate without interruptions.

Under the Hood: Exploring the Technical Details

Integrating Voximplant with Jitsi Meet involves several key steps:

  1. Setting Up Voximplant Application:
    • Create a Voximplant application and configure it with the necessary call handling logic. This involves setting up a scenario for incoming calls, managing call routing, and defining custom IVRs 
    • Add logic in the scenario to validate the conference, select a SIP-Jibri and then forward the call to it
  2. Configuring SIP Video Gateways:
  3. Setting up a sip domain (Eg. video.8×
    • Define a sip domain and ask VoxImplant to map it to your VoxImplant application
  4. Testing:
    • One easy way to test the integration is using a softphone to dial in

Note: Voximplant can be replaced with a programmable SIP server such as Kamailio or OpenSIPS.

Wrapping up

While SIP is these days referred to as legacy, it remains the most used protocol for VoIP and acts as the common denominator across many vendors in the industry. Thus it’s a great candiate for connecting anything to everything 😉

❤ Your personal meetings team.

The post Connecting anything to everything via SIP appeared first on Jitsi.

Improving performance on very large calls: introducing SSRC rewriting

23 April 2024 at 18:56

In the last stable release, Jitsi enabled a new feature called SSRC rewriting that improves the system performance for very large calls. This feature helps reduce the overall load on the system by reducing the number of signaling messages that get exchanged during a large call involving hundreds of endpoints. It also reduces the load on the local endpoint drastically by restricting the number of audio and video decoders created by the WebRTC engine thereby offering a better user experience for large calls.

When this feature is enabled, only a fixed set (let’s say up to 50) of SSRCs are signaled to the downstream endpoints in the call irrespective of the call size. An SSRC is nothing but a unique ID used for identifying a stream of RTP packets that belong to an audio or a video source. When additional media sources are requested by the receiver, the Jitsi Videobridge (JVB) overwrites the SSRCs of the newly requested media streams with that of the ones that were already signaled to the client before and are no longer needed. Therefore, no more than 50 SSRCs need to be signaled to the endpoints even if the number of media sources that will be routed in total far exceeds the set limit.

Moving on to the why – what is the problem that we were trying to solve by implementing SSRC rewriting?

The challenges that we faced when adding support for very large calls with respect to source signaling with the existing approach of signaling every new source to every other participant in the call were two fold.

At the client level, the number of m-lines in the SDP grew linearly with every remote source that got added to the call irrespective of whether media for that particular source gets routed to the endpoint or not. When a new m-line with SSRC is added to the remote SDP, the libwebrtc engine creates a transceiver and does all the plumbing necessary to decode a media stream with the given SSRC if and when it starts receiving it from the JVB. This tied up resources on the local endpoint unnecessarily and introduced delays in renegotiation cycles which resulted in unpleasant user experience. The client can also hit transceiver and SDP parser limits imposed by the browser resulting in unexpected behaviors. These performance issues are more pronounced on mobile endpoints which have fewer resources to begin with compared to the endpoints running on desktops.

On the backend, as the number of participants grew, so did the number of audio and video sources that needed to be signaled to every other participant in the call. This made the signaling traffic from prosody (XMPP communication server) to the endpoints grow quadratically. This was a problem, because Prosody, which is single-threaded, was already the bottleneck when scaling calls. Previously we had to introduce artificial delays in signaling in order to reduce the load. This caused long delays for the media to be established across participants when they unmuted their audio or video for the first time and was very disruptive to large meetings.

The solution to both of these problems was to switch to a demand based signaling mechanism where only a limited number of remote audio and video tracks are signaled to the endpoints depending on what is being needed or requested by them in real time instead of signaling all the known media sources in the call as and when they get added to the call.

Implementation in Jitsi Videobridge

Jitsi Videobridge (JVB) uses a slightly different approach for audio and for video when determining what sources to forward. Forwarding decisions for audio are based simply on the “loudness” of the streams determined from the audio level RTP extension.

With SSRC rewriting, JVB uses a separate SSRC space for each receiver. It maintains a map from an SSRC number to the name of a source. Changes to the map are signaled to the receiver over the direct signaling channel (a WebRTC DataChannel over SCTP), using partial updates:

[modules/RTC/BridgeChannel.js] <e.onmessage>:  Received AudioSourcesMap: [{"source":"fc63db0f-a0","owner":"fc63db0f","ssrc":2602882473},{"source":"449360a0-a0","owner":"449360a0","ssrc":1358697798}]
[modules/RTC/BridgeChannel.js] <e.onmessage>:  Received VideoSourcesMap: [{"source":"e01f2103-v0","owner":"e01f2103","ssrc":3129389873,"rtx":3219602897,"videoType":"CAMERA"},{"source":"9ac8fef2-v0","owner":"9ac8fef2","ssrc":1542056973,"rtx":1571329554,"videoType":"CAMERA"},{"source":"ed6b60f5-v0","owner":"ed6b60f5","ssrc":550523896,"rtx":2808127984,"videoType":"CAMERA"}]

When a new stream needs to be forwarded, it is allocated an SSRC. Before the limit is reached, JVB simply generates a new SSRC number, and when the limit has been reached the oldest entry is reused. Let’s look at an example to make this more clear. Assume the limit is set to just 3, and the available sources are A, B, C, D, E. Initially the map is empty. When A starts sending packets, we allocate SSRC 101 to it and signal it to the receiver like this:

AudioSourcesMap: [{"source":"A","owner":"endpoint-A","ssrc":101}]

Similarly when B and C start to speak we allocate SSRCs 102 and 103 for them:

AudioSourcesMap: [{"source":"B","owner":"endpoint-B","ssrc":102}]
AudioSourcesMap: [{"source":"C","owner":"endpoint-C","ssrc":103}]

Now we have reached the limit of 3 SSRCs. When D starts to speak, we’ll find the source in the map that has been active least recently (let’s say that’s B) and re-use its SSRC for D. We’ll signal an update (“SSRC 102 now belongs to D”):

AudioSourcesMap: [{"source":"D","owner":"endpoint-D","ssrc":102}]

The scheme is identical for video, except the forwarding decisions are made in a different way. Receivers explicitly signal their preferences using video constraints. The source names and their mute status are published in presence when an endpoint signals its source information to the Jitsi Conference Focus (Jicofo) and therefore this information is already available with all the other endpoints in the call. Based on the current layout in the UI and the user’s preferences, the client sends the updated receiver video constraints over the bridge channel.

A bandwidth allocation algorithm in the JVB then decides which streams to forward to a particular receiver, based on its constraints and current network conditions:

[modules/RTC/BridgeChannel.js] <Fa.sendReceiverVideoConstraintsMessage>:  Sending ReceiverVideoConstraints with {"constraints":{"ed6b60f5-v0":{"maxHeight":360},"e01f2103-v0":{"maxHeight":360},"9ac8fef2-v0":{"maxHeight":360}},"defaultConstraints":{"maxHeight":0},"lastN":-1,"onStageSources":[],"selectedSources":[]}

Implementation on the receiver side in the client

On receiving an update to one of the maps (audio or video), the client adds the signaled SSRCs to the remote description on the peerconnection. The browser then fires a track event for each of the SSRCs, the corresponding remote tracks are then added to the HTMLElements associated with the remote user.

So when the audio packets with this SSRC arrive, the browser starts decoding the media and plays it through the selected audio output device. If the SSRC is already in use (i.e. the limit on the bridge has been reached) the client updates the owner of the associated track so that it gets attached to the corresponding HTMLAudioElement and the audio switches over to the new speaker seamlessly.

The video track creation process is the same as that of the audio tracks as described above. The client application needs to update the track’s owner whenever there is an updated source map involving the SSRC that is assigned to the track and re-attach it to the corresponding HTMLVideoElement so that the correct video stream is rendered in the remote participant’s viewport.


But wait, re-using an SSRC like this is okay for audio because the streams simply get mixed before playback, but what about video, how do we avoid video content being rendered in the wrong viewport when signaling and media race? That’s the elegance of this approach, we simply use a large enough limit (larger than the maximum number of streams forwarded at any one time) and the occurrence becomes extremely unlikely. If the limit is larger by K, then K new forwarding decisions must be made before the signaling arrives at the receiver for the problem to happen.

So how do we choose the limits? We have the constraint just mentioned, but also an interesting trade-off. If the limit is too high we’re using unnecessary resources at the receivers. But if the limit is too low, we’ll be signaling updates more often. We have chosen to set the limits to 50 by default. That’s 50 for audio and 50 for video, which is well above the maximum of 25 tiles that we display at any time.

When SSRC rewriting is enabled, the number of source signaling messages can increase drastically based on the SSRC limits set for the conference and the total number of participants in the call. Imagine a call with 100 participants where everyone has their video on; UI shows a grid of 25 participants and the SSRC limit is set to 25. Whenever the user scrolls to the next grid of 25 participants, existing SSRCs get remapped. This happens everytime the user scrolls back and forth. This results in a lot of signaling messages over the bridge channel. What if the websocket connection for the bridge channel is down at this time? This would result in videos not being rendered or audio from new dominant speakers not being heard which can be very disruptive to meetings. All the sources are signaled immediately after the websocket connection reforms but even minimal disruptions to audio can be very annoying.

To mitigate these issues, Jitsi client switches to using WebRTC’s SCTP data channel for establishing the bridge channel instead of using a websocket. This ensures that the bridge channel is up and running all the time as long as the media connection between the client and the JVB is up. This results in minimal or no disruptions to the signaling messages from the JVB to the downstream endpoints.

Current status of the feature

This feature has been well tested and has been running on for the past few months now, with limits set to 50. We also enabled it by default in our last stable release of the Debian packages and Docker images. We will be releasing it soon to all our production deployments in the next few releases pending investigation into some SCTP crashes that we are seeing in the JVB .

❤ Your personal meetings team.

The post Improving performance on very large calls: introducing SSRC rewriting appeared first on Jitsi.

Jitsi + Moodle, with a dash of JaaS

28 March 2024 at 15:56

So you want to have live meetings in Moodle courses. Well, as it turns out, this is quite an easy feat. Thanks to the wonderful work done by UDIMA (Universidad a Distancia de Madrid), you can use their Jitsi Moodle Plugin.

If your use-case doesn’t go beyond 25 monthly individual endpoints, you might want to opt for the JaaS Dev offering which is completely free. For users requiring more than 25 monthly endpoints or desiring premium features like transcriptions, dial-in, recordings or RTMP streaming, there are two options:

1. Add a credit card for overages, paying extra costs as needed, without any discounts.

2. Sign up for alternative plans offering an initial discount of 80% off for the first three months of JaaS usage.

To benefit of the 80% discount you need to use the MOODLE23 JaaS Coupon. The coupon expires on September 2024.

Setting up the Jitsi Moodle Plugin

Before starting the configuration process, you need to download and install the latest Jitsi Moodle Plugin in your Moodle instance and create a JaaS account.

Right off the bat, the plugin tries to use the freely accessible instance as the backend. This is only going to work for the first five minutes due to the changes announced here. This should be more than enough if you only want to give it a try.

Once you have created your JaaS Account, here are the steps to configure the plugin:

Go to the JaaS API Keys section and create a new key pair. Name it something meaningful. Download the private key and store it somewhere safe.

Open the Moodle Jitsi plugin settings and change the values as follows:

Domain: `8×`

Server type: pick `8×8 Servers`

App_ID: copy it from the JaaS Console API Keys page, i.e. `vpaas-magic-cookie-xxxxx`

Api Key ID: copy it from the keys table in the same page, it should be something like `vpaas-magic-cookie-xxxxx/somehex`

Private key: the contents of the private key you just downloaded from JaaS Console

– Make sure to leave the ID User (jitsi_id) dropdown to Username, the default


With just a few steps, you’ll now have a complete communication solution right within Moodle!

❤ Your personal meetings team.

The post Jitsi + Moodle, with a dash of JaaS appeared first on Jitsi.

Google Summer of Code 2024

22 February 2024 at 03:20

We’re happy to announce that Jitsi will be participating in Google Summer of Code 2024!

We have some very cool project ideas in the list for this year, and we’re still open to discussing new ones.

You can also check out the official program website, the list of accepted organizations and the full program timeline.

The next important date is March 18 when the contributor application period opens. In the meantime, please join me in welcoming the new contributors to our community!


The post Google Summer of Code 2024 appeared first on Jitsi.

Custom meeting controls with Elgato Stream Deck and WebHID

By: saghul
21 December 2023 at 20:08

With the holidays just around the corner we thought it would be a cool to show a perhaps non-conventional use of the Elgato StreamDeck, a gadget I recently acquired that would make a great gift!

The Elgato Stream Deck is a programmable hardware device that allows users to automate virtually any task with the press of a button. It has been around for a while but not too long ago I was at the RTC.ON conference chatting with my buddy Dan Jenkins when he told me there was a library to control these devices using WebHID. I instantly bought one (no, this is not a sponsored post).

The idea here is to use the Jitsi iframe API (you can start using it right away with a free JaaS account!) to map custom meeting controls on your own Stream Deck. Our iframe API provides a bunch of events and commands to interact with the meeting  and the WebHID library allows us to program each key individually, inluding the icon on each of the buttons, which is actually a tiny display!

Here is a video demonstrating the integration:

Cool, right! The potential for contextual controls for specific applications right from your browser is virtually boundless, what a time to be working on the Web Platform.

The source code can be found here. It works with 6 buttons by default (the Stream Deck Mini) but it’s easy to adapt to other models.

Have fun and happy holidays!

❤ Your personal meetings team.

The post Custom meeting controls with Elgato Stream Deck and WebHID appeared first on Jitsi.

Authentication on

By: Emil Ivov
22 August 2023 at 22:38

What’s going on?

Starting on August 24th, we will no longer support the anonymous creation of rooms on, and will require the use of an account (we will be supporting Google, GitHub and Facebook for starters but may modify the list later on). This is a first for us, so users may encounter a few bumps here and there as we are tweaking the experience to make sure there is as little friction as possible on the way into a meeting. 

Why make a change?

When we started the service back in 2013, our goal was to offer a meeting experience with as little friction and as much privacy as possible. We felt and still feel that both of these goals are very important and one of the main reasons that justified the existence of “yet another meeting service.” We wanted people to be able to converse easily and freely, without fear of expressing their views and opinions.

Our “one tap and you’re in” experience was a big part of our strategy to eliminate friction. We didn’t want people to have to worry about “creating” meetings in advance, remembering passwords, codes or long complicated sequences of numbers for a meeting ID. We wanted users to be able to think of a name and just go there. Through the years we’ve had to compromise on this a little bit. We ended up introducing a pre-meeting device check screen. We felt that checking your camera and microphone before you entered a room could save everyone some hassle so it was worth the pause. 

As for privacy, we previously made sure all communication was always encrypted and we retained no data beyond what is necessary to actually provide a decent meeting service. 

Offering the possibility to anonymously use the service felt like a good way to help with both its privacy and the usability.

Our commitment to both goals remains as strong as ever but anonymity is no longer going to be one of the tools we use to achieve them.

Earlier this year we saw an increase in the number of reports we received about some people using our service in ways that we cannot tolerate. To be more clear, this was not about some people merely saying things that others disliked. 

Over the past several months we tried multiple strategies in order to end the violations of our terms of service. However in the end, we determined that requiring authentication was a necessary step to continue operating

How does this impact user privacy on 

It is a good time to have a look at our privacy terms. 8×8 will now store the account responsible for creating rooms. Aside from the changes to our privacy terms referenced above, there is no other change to our meetings. We are still very much committed to holding user privacy in the highest regard and we still have no tools that would allow us to compromise the privacy of the actual audio or video content of a meeting, nor do we intend to create any.

That said, it is completely understandable that some users may feel uncomfortable using an account to access the service. For such cases we strongly recommend hosting your own deployment of Jitsi Meet. We spend a lot of effort to keep that a very simple process and this has always been the mode of use that gives people the highest degree of privacy.

If you see content that violates the terms of service you can always report it.

That’s all we’ve got for now!

The Jitsi Team

The post Authentication on appeared first on Jitsi.

Introducing the Jitsi Meet Flutter SDK

By: saghul
3 August 2023 at 14:44

Flutter‘s initial release occurred in 2017, the same year as the introduction of our mobile apps and mobile SDKs. For those who are unfamiliar with it, Flutter is one of the most popular frameworks for developing cross-platform applications.

Now a few years after their first release, we are thrilled to announce that our mobile SDKs and Flutter cross paths as the Jitsi Meet Flutter SDK. Yes that’s right, after multiple requests, an official Jitsi Meet Plugin for Flutter is now available.

As of now, our family of mobile SDKs is more complete than ever.

Android and iOS are supported, of course. The plugin serves as a wrapper for the iOS and Android SDKs, on top of which a Flutter API was created with functionality similar to those found in native APIs.

Add Jitsi Meet to your Flutter app

The plugin is available on under the jitsi_meet_flutter_sdk name. Discover it there, follow the instructions, and you’ll be able to utilize the API to the fullest extent.

Here is a sneak peek of how simple it is to add a meeting to a fresh page.

Here is how that looks like:

In your own Flutter app, you’ll have the same view as the one from the Jitsi Meet mobile apps, with just a few additional lines of code, amazing, right?

Have a look at the sample apps

We developed two apps using the Jitsi Meet Flutter SDK, one of which is the example app in the plugin repository and primarily acts as a tester app by displaying the majority of the plugin’s features in the user interface, and the other of which is an official sample app in the repository that contains all of our samples for all mobile SDKs and is just a straightforward example of integrating Jitsi Meet.

Flutter is new to us, and we hope this new SDK will make it easier for our users and JaaS customers to embed video meetings into their existing Flutter apps we agerly await your feedback!

❤ Your personal meetings team.

Author: Gabriel Borlea

The post Introducing the Jitsi Meet Flutter SDK appeared first on Jitsi.

Introducing the Jitsi Meet React Native SDK

By: saghul
20 July 2023 at 17:57

Ever since we introduced our mobile apps to the world back in 2017 they have been backed by React Native.

Using React Native allowed us to reach feature parity quickly since all logic is shared between our web and mobile codebases, because they are not 2 different things, it’s a single codebase 🙂

Later that year, we released our native mobile SDKs to the world. These SDKs werer a thin wrapper over our React Native application, so our users could embed the entire meeting experience into their own mobile apps, with little effort.

This has been our guiding priciple since the inception of the iframe API: to privide a high-level and fully-featured component that can be integrated into other apps.

Today we are taking another step in our mobile jouney by releasing a React Native SDK.

What does this mean? Before today if you had a React Native application we provided you with no way for embedding Jitsi Meet. Now we do!

As mentioned above, our mobile apps are built using React Native and over time we received a number of requests from our community and customers to have an actual React Native SDK. We finally managed to expose it as a React Native library. It’s not that we didn’t have it in the back of our minds, but we focused on native first to cater the needs of our internal consumers.

Exposing a React Native app as a component seems easy on the surface, but being so complex and having so many dependencies made it a lot harder han we had thought. Fortunately, this all changed thanks to Google Summer of Code. We were fortunate to have Filip Rejmus take on the project and kickstart it. After his amazing work, we took over and added the final touches and now it’s available on npm.

How can I start using it?

First go and grab our package from npm and follow the setup instructions.

In the screenshot below you can see how easy it is to integrate and enable different meeting options into your app, by simply importing the JitsiMeeting component and adding it to your code:

You will have access to the same features as the Jitsi Meet app.

Test the sample app!

We created a sample app which integrates our brand new SDK together with react-native-navigation, check it out!

This new SDK will make it easier for our users and JaaS customers to embed video meetings into their existing React Native apps, we agerly await your feedback!

❤ Your personal meetings team.

Author: Calin Chitu

The post Introducing the Jitsi Meet React Native SDK appeared first on Jitsi.

Self-hosting a fully-featured Jitsi Meet instance just got as easy as pie

By: saghul
16 December 2022 at 19:20

Hey there Fellow Jitsters!

Have you ever considered adding telephony to your Jitsi Meet self-hosted instance?

Up until now you only had the option to run Jigasi and deal with telephony yourself. Many of our users do this every day, but when we asked we learned that there was interest in offloading that part. Could someone else host it?

Today we’re launching a new way to quickly connect to the public telephone network and offer dial-in capabilities to your users without the need for hosting and managing the entire telephony infrastructure: JaaS components. You can give it a try today!

Are you running Jitsi Meet on a Debian instance or are you using Docker? Either way, you can opt-in for this feature and it will be automatically set up. A new JaaS account will be created for you and you’re good to… call.

If you’re running Jitsi Meet on Debian all you need to do is to answer ‘Yes’ to this question and you will have dial-in capability on your Jitsi instance.

Note: A Let’s Encrypt certificate is required and the email address used to generate the certificate will be used also for creating your new JaaS account.

If you’re running Jitsi Meet on Docker you’ll need to set the following variables on your .env file:

  • PUBLIC_URL: the domain were Jitsi Meet runs
  • A Let’s Encrypt certificate is required so do enable it too

Now you can restart your setup with `docker-compose up –force-recreate`


An email will be sent to you, asking you to set up a password for the JaaS admin account:

From the JaaS admin console you can manage your account, see the overall activity and upgrade to another plan if needed.

You’re all set up now! Let’s make a phone call! Join a call on your Jitsi Meet instance and notice how the dial-in option becomes available when trying to invite participants. You can now dial-in to one of the phone numbers provided in the list and you’ll be connected to the meeting.

Get started today, a free trial is available! Please check the JaaS components website for details on pricing.

Jigasi is the first Jitsi component offered as a service, with more to come. Stay tuned!


❤ Your personal meetings team.

Author: Oana Emilia Ianc


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Trust, but verify: introducing user verification

By: saghul
6 December 2022 at 17:51

It’s been a while since we introduced End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) over two years ago. Back then we started with a simple model consisting of a passphrase everyone needed to type and later migrated to a model with randomly generated keys per participant. Each have different characteristic and we ultimately chose to stick with the latter. Today we are introducing a missing piece in the E2EE puzzle: user verification.

User verification was not previously possible in Jitsi Meet. Just like our core E2EE we are basing our implementation on the Matrix protocol. Matrix’s libolm / vodozemac provide a Short Authentication String (SAS) mechanism implementation which developers can use. They even have great documentation on how it works, thanks Matrix!

So, how does it work?

First, you’d gather in a meeting and turn E2EE on.

Now you’ll see a new option for each participant in their tile menu that allows you to verify them:

After choosing to verify a user a dialog will open with a list of emojis:


Wait what? Emoji? These emojis conform the SAS. They have been carefully chosen to avoid ambiguity and make the process more user friendly than comparing random numbers. You can find more information in the Matrix spec.  You must verbally compare them with the other participant and if they match, mark it as verified.

Once a user is verified this will be reflected in the user information tooltip:

At this point you can be sure that not only your data is encrypted end-to-end, but also that there is no man-in-the-middle (MITM) attach happening.


User verification is currently available in Jitsi Meet master and deployed in beta. It will be part of the next stable release, but expect more improvements specially in the UX front.


We’d like to thank Robertas Maleckas (ETH Zurich), Prof. Kenny Paterson (ETH Zurich) and Prof. Martin Albrecht (Royal Holloway, University of London) for their work researching Jitsi Meet’s E2EE and encouragement, and Matrix for their tools, which make implementing E2EE a much better experience.


Please note that we still consider our E2EE experimental and are still working on improvements. Please make sure you check out our post on how end-to-end encryption in general does NOT offer a meaningful level of trust and protection when it comes to modern meetings services.

❤ Your personal meetings team.

The post Trust, but verify: introducing user verification appeared first on Jitsi.
