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Newsletter February 2025

By: udono
1 February 2025 at 14:00

Man Using a Laptop

In the last month we focused on fixing bugs, improving the behaviour of things, speeding-up performance issues - building on the changes from our last release. We also added some new features which we would like to introduce to you in this newsletter.

For an in depth overview of the Tryton issues please take a look at our issue tracker or see the issues and merge requests filtered by label.

Changes for the User

Accounting, Invoicing and Payments

In order to unify our terminology, we now use a reference field instead of the former description field for payments. The idea of the field is more about storing external references than describing the payments. As a reference, it also becomes part of the record name. This helps when using payments with bank checks, as the number of those checks is usually set in the reference field. It is implemented in the following modules:

  • account‎_payment‎
  • account_paym‎ent_braintree‎
  • account_pa‎yment_sepa‎
  • account_pay‎ment_stripe‎

User Interface

Now we implemented a generic sidebar to display attachment previews and in preparation of the coming chat functionality.

We now add the same bottom padding on the panel body as the top padding.

New Documentation

We re-worked the documentation of the product_classification module.

New Releases

We released bug fixes for the currently maintained long term support series
7.0 and 6.0, and for the penultimate series 7.4 and 7.2.

Changes for Implementers and Developers

To make the customization of accounting move lines from receivable rules we now return the move and lines unsaved. When now applying a rule, the move and the lines are no longer saved before being returned by _reconcile. So it’s now possible to customize the content.

Authors: @dave @pokoli @udono

1 post - 1 participant

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Newsletter January 2025

By: udono
1 January 2025 at 14:00

A woman wearing a "Happy New Year" hat is sitting at a terminal

During the last month we continued to fix bugs, improve the behaviour of things, and resolve performance issues - building on the other changes since our last release. We also added some new features which you can find out more about in this newsletter.

For an in depth overview of Tryton development you can take a look at our issue tracker and also see the issues and merge requests filtered by label.

Changes for the User

Sales, Purchases and Projects

It is common, for marketing purposes, to show the sale amount before the promotion and also the amount once the promotion has been applied. So we’ve now added the original amounts before the promotion.

We’ve strengthened the process of confirming sales with a payment and added a scheduled task to confirm sales based on payments.

Accounting, Invoicing and Payments

We now use the payment-element for Stripe checkouts.

To help users decide if they really want to overrule a credit limit, we now show the amount the credit limit has been exceeded by, the dunning level, the amount and the account code.

We’ve now added reporting with latest date and amount per statement journal.

The move description and description on the general ledger line have been merged together. As the move origin is a fall-back of the line origin, the description is now calculated as the move description.

Stock, Production and Shipments

Most of the time users are only interested by the storage, view and warehouse location types, so we filter out the other location types by default now.

User Interface

We’ve now added the relation to a foreign model for relational fields listed in Administration → Models → Models.

The search on model.fields.Char and model.fields.Text in the client will give different results when using Text: = or Text: ="" depending on whether the text is NULL or an empty string. So we now convert NULL values for Char and Text fields to an empty string when searching for Char or Text field values.

We now display the link symbol when hovering over a many2one or reference column in tree views.

We now prevent iOS input zooming in Sao.

The icons that we use are now more explicit:

Form List Form List Tree

System Data and Configuration

We updated the country subdivision types:

More (click for more details)

We now support searching on subdivision codes when searching a pattern.

We’ve merged the Colombian Business Tax Number (co_rut) tax identifier into the Colombian Identity Code (co_nit).

We’ve also updated the tax identifiers:

More (click for more details)

New Documentation

The contents of the Migration Topic have been moved into the Migration section of the Tryton documentation.

New Releases

We released bug fixes for the currently maintained long term support series
7.0 and 6.0, and for the penultimate series 7.4 and 7.2.


We enforce the record rules for resources now like we did with model access rules.

We now also use the party access rules for address, contact mechanism and identifier.

Changes for the System Administrator

We now log the request-duration at the wsgi-app-level instead of the with_pool level to get more accurate timings.

Changes for Implementers and Developers

We now test that the on_change_with getter has the same name as the Function-field using it.

Updating XML-records which could be modified manually by the users is a complex task. In general the process works automatically, but sometimes the user has to manually check and decide whether to synchronize the model data from the menu entry Administration → Models → Data.
As we no longer import data like countries or currencies from the XML files, the whole mechanism is no longer necessary.
So we now, in general, forbid the manual modification of XML introduced data and always synchronise the XML-data with the database, even if it was modified. The only exception to this is if the noupdate flag is set on the XML data, in this case we just apply the XML-data once when the module is activated and leave the maintenance of that data to the users.

We now propagate notifications to the parent group on screens without an info bar, like a One2Many with an editable list.

Also we now call on_change_notify for fields updated by on_change and on_change_with methods.

We now support object-instances in addition to object-ids as default values.

We’ve added the metadata columns, by default, to ModelSQL based on table queries:

More (click for more details)

The data is now included as part of the ir.model.Report header key.

We now test that ids are of the right type when instantiating ModelStorage.

We now validate integer digits when they are not None.

We support EXTRACT from INTERVAL in the SQLite backend to be able to extract epoch durations.

Both msg_gettext and msg_ngettext have been added to the Report context.

Authors: @dave @pokoli @udono

2 posts - 2 participants

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Newsletter December 2024

By: udono
1 December 2024 at 14:00

Squirrel eating cone in forest

During the last month we focused on fixing bugs, improving the behaviour of things, speeding-up performance issues - building on the changes from our last Tryton Release 7.4. We also added some new features which we would like to introduce to you in this newsletter.

For an in depth overview of the Tryton issues please take a look at our issue tracker or see the issues and merge requests filtered by label.

Changes for the User

Accounting, Invoicing and Payments

Now we compute the maturity date of grouped account move lines per debit/credit.

New Releases

We released bug fixes for the currently maintained long term support series
7.0 and 6.0, and for the penultimate series 7.4 and 7.2.

Changes for the Translators

Now we support plural translations for report and ir.message. The other translatable strings are labels that have no count. The plural rule is a Python expression which returns an integer following the gettext design. For the report, it is possible to use the Genshi i18n:choose, i18n:singular, i18n:plural and for OpenDocument the gettext and ngettext methods are added to the evaluation context.

Changes for the System Administrator

Now we can set the decimal precision of default context from the environment variable TRYTOND_DECIMAL_PREC.

Changes for Implementers and Developers

To provide better feedback to the user, now we also add equivalent domains of SQL constraints.

Now we extract the timesheet cost computation from the _get_cost method to allow customization e.g. to use a different composition of the costs.
Also we round the work total with currency digits in get_total method now, to allow extending the computation methods, without rounding too early.

A trytond.model.Model is defined by a python class:

    from trytond.model import ModelSQL, fields

    class Party(ModelSQL):
        __name__ = ''

It was needed to define three different identifiers:

  1. Python class name: Party
  2. class doc-string: Party
  3. trytond.model.Model.__name__:

The translated text string of the model which is shown in the user interface was extracted from the __doc__ (doc-string) of the class definition.

Now we replaced the class doc-string extraction by parsing the trytond.model.Model.__name__ attribute and try to make it human readable. Changing an existing __name__ attribute usually implies a database migration.
To work-around existing not so useful __name__ values we introduced the new class attribute trytond.model.Model.__string__ which let you define the model string directly.

We also take the chance and clean-up the name-space by renaming

Finally we removed most of the former doc-strings from all the classes, only in some rare cases we add the __string__ attribute.

Authors: @dave @pokoli @udono

2 posts - 2 participants

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Tryton Release 7.4

By: ced
5 November 2024 at 14:00

Pumpkin by Laptop and Smartphone

We are proud to announce the 7.4 release of Tryton .
This release provides many bug fixes, performance improvements and some fine tuning.
You can give it a try on the demo server, use the docker image or download it here.
As usual upgrading from previous series is fully supported.

Here is a list of the most noticeable changes:

Changes for the User


The Many2Many widget now has a restore button to revert the removal of records before saving.

The CSV export window stays open after the export is done so you can refine your export without having the redo all of the configuration.
It also supports exporting and importing translatable fields with a language per column.
The error messages displayed when there is a problem with the CSV import have been improved to include the row and column number of the value that caused the error.

The management window for the favourites has been removed and replaced by a simple “last favorite first” order.

The focus goes back to the search entry after performing a search/refresh.

You can now close a tab by middle clicking on it (as is common in other software).

Web Client

The left menu and the attachment preview can now be resized so the user can make them the optimal size for their screen.


The minimal chart of accounts has been replaced by the a universal chart of accounts which is a good base for IFRS and US GAAP.

It is now possible to copy an accounting move from a closed period. The closed period will be replaced by the current period after accepting the warning.

The payments are now numbered to make it easier to identify them inside the application.
An option has been added to the parties to allow direct debits to be created based on the balance instead of the accounting lines.
We’ve added a button on the Stripe payments and Stripe and Braintree customers to allow an updated to be forced. This helps when fixing missed webhooks.

When a stock move is cancelled, the corresponding stock account move is now cancelled automatically.
But it now no longer possible to cancel a done stock move which has been included in a calculation used for anglo-saxon accounting.


It is now possible to deactivate an agent so that they are no longer used for future orders.


It is now possible to add a company logo. This is then displayed in the header of generated documents.


A warning is now raised when the incoterm of a shipment is different from the original document (such as the sale or purchase).


We’ve added more identifiers for parties like the United Kingdom Unique Taxpayer Reference, Taiwanese Tax Number, Turkish tax identification number, El Salvador Tax Number, Singapore’s Unique Entity Number, Montenegro Tax Number and Kenya Tax Number.


We’ve added a wizard to manage the replacement of products. Once there is no more stock of the replaced product in any of the warehouses, all the stock on all pending orders are replaced automatically.

A description can now be set for each product image.

There is now a button on the price list form to open the list of lines. This is helpful when the price list has a lot of lines.


It is now possible to cancel a done production. All its stock moves are then cancelled.

The Bill of Materials now have an auto-generated internal code.


The wizard to handle exceptions has been improved to clearly display the list of lines to recreate and the list of lines to ignore.

The menu entry Parties associated to Purchases has been removed in favour of the per party reporting.

The purchase amendment now supports amending the quantity of a purchase line using the secondary unit.


It is now no longer possible to delete non-pending inspections.


The wizards to handle exceptions have been improved to clearly display the list of lines to recreate and the list of lines to ignore.

The menu entry Parties associated to Sales has been removed in favor of the per party reporting.

A warning is now raised when the user tries to submit a complaint for the same origin as an existing complaint.

The reporting can be grouped per promotion.

From a promotion, it is now possible to list of the sales related to it.
The coupon number of promotion can now be reused once the previous promotion has expired.

The sale amendment now supports amending the quantity of a sale line using the secondary unit.


It is now possible to cancel a done shipment. When this happens the stock moves of the shipment are cancelled.

The task to reschedule late shipments now includes any shipment that is not yet done.

The supplier shipments no longer have a default planned date.

The customer shipments now have an extra state, Shipped, before the Done state.

The lot trace now shows the inventory as a document.

The package weight and the warehouse are now criteria that can be used when selecting a shipping method.

Changes for the System Administrator

The clients automatically retry 5 times on a 503 Service Unavailable response. They respect the Retry-After value if it is set in the response header. This is useful when performing short maintenance on the server without causing an interruption for the users.

The scheduled tasks now show when they are running and prevent the user from editing them (as they are locked anyway).
We also store their last duration for a month by default. So the administrator can analyze and find slow tasks.

It is now possible to configure a license key for the TinyMCE editor.
Also TinyMCE has been updated to version 7.

It is now possible to configure the command to use to convert a report to a different format. This allows the use of an external service like document-converter.


The Accounting Party group has been merged into the *Accounting" group.

We now raise a warning when the user is changing one of the configured credentials used on external services. This is to prevent accidental modification.

Document Incoming

It is now possible to set a maximum size for the content of the document incoming requests.

Inbound Email

It is now possible to set a maximum size for the inbound email requests.

Web Shop

There is now a scheduled task that updates the cache that contains the product data feeds.

Changes for the Developer


The ORM supports SQL Range functions and operators to build exclusion constraints. This allows, for example, the use of non-overlapping constraints using an index.
On PostgreSQL the btree_gist extension may be needed otherwise the ORM will fallback to locking querying the table.
The SQLite backend adds simple SQL constraints to the table schema.

The relational fields with a filter are no longer copied by default. This was a frequent source of bugs as the same relational field without the filter was already copied so it generated duplicates.

We’ve added a sparkline tool to generate textual sparklines. This allows the removal of the pygal dependency.

The activate_modules from testing now accepts a list of setup methods that are run before taking the backup. This speeds up any other tests which restore the backup as they then do not need to run those setup methods.

The backend now has a method to estimate the number of rows in a table. This is faster than counting when we only need an estimate, for example when choosing between a join and a sub-query.

We’ve added a ModelSQL.__setup_indexes__ method that prepares the indexes once the Pool has been loaded.

It is now possible to generate many sequential numbers in a single call. This allows, for example, to number a group of invoices with a single call.

The backend now uses JSONB by default for MultiSelection fields. It was already supported, but the database needed to be altered to activate the feature.

You can now define the cardinality (low, normal or high) for the index usage. This allows the backend to choose an optimal type of index to create.

We now have tools that apply the typing to columns of an SQLite query. This is needed because SQLite doesn’t do a good job of supporting CAST.

The RPC responses are now compressed if their size if large enough and the client accepts it.

The ModelView._changed_values and ModelStorage._save_values are now methods instead of properties. This makes it is easier to debug errors because AttributeError exceptions are no longer hidden.

The scheduled task runner now uses a pool of processes for better parallelism and management. Only the running task is now locked.

We’ve added an environment variable TEST_NETWORK so we can avoid running tests that require network access.

There is now a command line option for exporting translations and storing them as a po file in the corresponding module.
Tryton sets the python-format flag in the po file for the translations containing python formats. This allows Weblate (our translation service) to check if the translations keep the right placeholders.


The payment amounts are now cached on the account move line to improve the performance when searching for lines to pay.
The payment amounts now have to be greater or equal to zero.


Only purchase lines of type line can be used as an origin for a stock move.


Only sales lines of type line can be used as an origin for a stock move.

The fields from the Sale Shipment Cost Module are now all prefixed with sale_.


Cancelled moves are no longer included in the shipment and package measurements.

3 posts - 2 participants

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Security Release for issue #93

By: ced
2 October 2024 at 13:00

Cédric Krier has found that python-sql does not escape non-Expression for unary operators (like And and Or) which makes any system exposing those vulnerable to an SQL injection attack.


CVSS v3.0 Base Score: 9.1

  • Attack Vector: Network
  • Attack Complexity: Low
  • Privileges Required: Low
  • User Interaction: None
  • Scope: Changed
  • Confidentiality: High
  • Integrity: Low
  • Availability: Low


There is no known workaround.


All affected users should upgrade python-sql to the latest version.

Affected versions: <= 1.5.1
Non affected versions: >= 1.5.2



Any security concerns should be reported on the bug-tracker at with the confidential checkbox checked.

3 posts - 3 participants

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Newsletter September 2024

By: udono
1 October 2024 at 13:00

Picture of penguins on a beach in South Africa

During the last month we mainly focus on bug fixes, behaviour improvements of several things and speeding-up performance issues stepping forward to our next release 7.4 scheduled to the 4th of November. We also added some new features which we would like to introduce to you in this newsletter.

For an in depth overview of the Tryton issues please take a look at our issue tracker or see the issues and merge requests filtered by label.

Changes for the User

Sales, Purchases and Projects

We add a new sale reporting per promotion.

We add now a relate from promotions to their sales.

We improved the exception handling wizards on sales and purchases. We added two fields to let the user explicitly fill with the records to ignore or to re-create.
Any cancelled record that is not added to one of the fields, will stay in exception state to be proceeded later. Also we changed the view between a MultiSelection to a Many2Many field depending on the number of records in the exception state.

Now, Tryton doesn’t add extra lines on sale orders for inactive products. Also Tryton does no longer recommend inactive products.

We removed the Menu: Parties → Parties → Parties Associated to Sales/Purchases entries, because the result is not limited to sales or purchases in state validated or processing. A draft, quotation or cancelled order doesn’t qualify a party as a customer or supplier. The functionality is already replaced by the reports in Menu: Sales → Reporting → Sales, Sales per Customer and Menu: Purchases → Reporting → Purchases, Purchases per Supplier which adds the ability to filter per state and per period.

Accounting, Invoicing and Payments

Now we re-launch the update of the payment customer for Stripe and Braintree in case it failed. Also the users can manually initiate the update process.

Stock, Production and Shipments

Now we round up weights and the other measurements to two decimals for the shipping carriers DPD, Sendcloud and UPS.

We make package measurements read-only once they are closed.

User Interface

We remove the favourite management from the favourite menu, because of
several issues [1] [2] and duplicated functionality.

Now we group links with a similar functional scope together.

In Menu: Administration → User Interface the entries

  • View Tree Widths,
  • View Tree Optionals,
  • View Tree States and
  • View Searches

are moved to the Open related records toolbar-menu of Menu: Administration → Models → Models.

We improve the widget for MultiSelection fields in the Tryton clients by adding checkboxes which display the selection state of the row. If the users clicks on a row, the selection state will be changed.

Now we visually remove records from Many2Many fields used in Wizard instead of greying them out.

We keep the CSV export dialogue now opened after exporting, to have a better user experience when fixing bugs, export and again fixing bugs.

Since we moved the functionality from product_price_list_dates to product_price_list, you can open price list lines in a new tab to be able to filtering, search or import import them.

New Documentation or Naming

We improved and unified the stock action naming and re-worked documentation:

New Releases

We released bug fixes for the currently maintained long term support series
7.0 and 6.0, and for the penultimate series 7.2.


Please update your systems to take care of a security related bug we found last month: trytond allows to execute reports for records for which the user has no read access and also for reports limited to a set of groups that the user is not member of.

Changes for the System Administrator

Now we use a random value for cron next call field when no value is defined.

Now we log the last cron scheduler runs and their durations. A new cron task periodically cleans the log entries. The new cron-section configuration variable clean_days (default 30) sets this period.

Changes for Implementers and Developers

The Tryton view-tests now check for some more attributes like sequence and on_write in tree-views or dtstart and dtend in calendar-views.

Now we unify the term “email”, as it is now the most common and recommended form.

We add to all “cost”-terms a “sale”-suffix in sale shipment cost fields to improve the naming convention and to avoid collisions or misinterpretations.

Authors: @dave @pokoli @udono

2 posts - 2 participants

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Security Release for issues #13505 and #13506

By: ced
17 September 2024 at 13:00

Albert Cervera has found that trytond allows to execute reports for records that user has no read access and also for reports limited to a set of group that the user is not.


CVSS v3.0 Base Score: 4.3

  • Attack Vector: Network
  • Attack Complexity: Low
  • Privileges Required: Low
  • User Interaction: None
  • Scope: Unchanged
  • Confidentiality: Low
  • Integrity: None
  • Availability: None


There is no known workaround.


All affected users should upgrade trytond to the latest version.

Affected versions per series:

  • trytond:
    • 7.2: <= 7.2.8
    • 7.0: <= 7.0.17
    • 6.0: <= 6.0.51

Non affected versions per series:

  • trytond:
    • 7.2: >= 7.2.9
    • 7.0: >= 7.0.18
    • 6.0: >= 6.0.52



Any security concerns should be reported on the bug-tracker at with the confidential checkbox checked.

2 posts - 2 participants

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