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We had so much fun making HackSpace magazine (and we hope you had fun reading it). It’s been a couple of months now since we incorporated HackSpace into a bigger, brighter, better version of The MagPi. While the standalone magazine may have gone from the shelves, it’s still on the immortal internet, where you can download every issue for free. And if that’s not enough to cater for your desire to make semi-useful things out of home electronics, microcontrollers, 3D printers and the like, there’s the Book of Making 2025 to scratch your itch, on sale today in all good bookshops and online from the Raspberry Pi Press store.
Book of Making 2025 distills the essence of HackSpace magazine down to our favourite maker projects. Whether you want to build a rocket or hot air balloon, learn 3D-printed mechanical engineering, or control the world around you with a Raspberry Pi Pico, there’s something for you here.
This book is full of projects perfect for an hour, afternoon, or weekend; be inspired by the amazing community projects you’ll find in its pages and make your own creations using step-by-step guides.
You’ll learn how to:
Work with microcontrollers and electronic circuits
Design for 2D and 3D fabrication methods and make them a reality
Create amazing things with everyday items
…and loads more!
Hackspaces and makerspaces have exploded in popularity the world over, as more and more people want to make things and learn in the process. Written by makers for makers, this book features a diverse range of projects to sink your teeth into. Grab some duct tape, fire up a microcontroller, ready a 3D printer, and hack the world around you!
In the latest issue of The MagPi, out today, we talk to David Miles, who designed a Raspberry Pi Pico kit to bring junked joysticks back to life.
One of the many great things about the EMF Camp events is the swap shop tent, where all kinds of things are brought to be sold and exchanged. On one of my many visits there, I found a slightly worn (but very heavy) pair of joysticks which looked as if they had been part of a professional simulator at some point. In this article, I’ll talk about how I reverse-engineered them to create a fully fledged flight simulator controller. Along the way, I happened to create a Pico program that makes it easy to use any input device as a USB joystick.
Getting started
Figure 1 shows the joysticks as I found them. Ultra Electronics is a manufacturer of devices for the Ministry of Defence in the UK, so this looked like something interesting. My hope was to try and get them working so I could use them with a flight simulator for a plane that used joysticks like these. This meant I had two challenges:
Getting data out of the joystick
Making something which connects to a PC as a game controller
Follow the signals
To discover how to get data out of the joystick, I had a look at the wires that came out of it. The main unit has two plugs on the end of a (surprisingly long) wire — what looks like a nine-pin RS232 serial connector, and a 15-pin game port connector. The secondary joystick (the one on the right in Figure 1) has a 25-pin connector which plugs into the primary one, which suggests that it just contains switches, and that the first is the brains of the operation. The connector types fit the late-’90s feel of the hardware and give clues as to how we can talk to it, but we can take a look inside to confirm some assumptions.
Figure 2 shows the view inside the device. There are four screws holding the top part of the joystick inside the case. After removing these, the whole stick and gimbal assembly lifts out and we can see this circuit board. Some of the components on here give us some pointers on how this works.
There’s a chip with a label covering it. This is normally a sign of some sort of microcontroller, indicating that there’s more going on than just a simple controller. This is backed up by seeing some chips with ‘ADC’ on them — this stands for ‘Analogue to Digital Converter’, and could be used to turn an analogue value (e.g. the position of a potentiometer in a joystick) into a digital value sent to a computer.
Finally, in the middle, there is a chip with ‘MAX232’ written on it. This family of chips are used to convert 5v logic levels you often see used in microelectronics to the 15v levels used in RS232 communications. This is another sign that the nine-pin connector is probably a regular RS232 connector I can use to get data from the joystick.
This leaves the 15-pin connector. Is it a game port? Game port connectors were often used in the ’90s to connect a joystick to your PC (confusingly, often using a socket on your sound card). They allowed you to connect two joysticks to your computer, each with two buttons. We can see that this joystick has more than four buttons — doing a quick count, we seem to have about 30, so maybe it’s being used for something else.
If we pull the back off the connector, we can see that there are only two pins connected using red and black wires. If we check those pins on the game port specification, we see that these are connected to ground and 5v.
This fits in with our earlier findings. There’s no way to power a device over a regular serial connection, but using a game port alongside a serial connector would allow you to connect to a PC and transfer power and data.
Plugging it in
Now that we think we know how this works, we can have a go at connecting it to a computer. To do this, I used a regular USB-to-serial converter and a power adapter connected to a USB power bank.
After connecting power, I could see a steady 100ma power draw, which felt reassuring, so I hooked up the serial connection and tried a few different configurations to see if I could receive anything sensible. Eventually, I found one which gave me a regular stream of data which changed as I moved the controls and pressed buttons. It turns out that these joysticks work at 9600 baud (around 100 characters per second) and send 8-bit data.
Now that I had data, the next thing was to decode it. I started by writing a Python program to read from the joystick and write it out. By starting to build something on the PC, I would have something I could then use on a Pico with CircuitPython.
Working through the controls on the joystick, I found that each button corresponds to a single bit in the data, and each of the axes (X and Y movements of the sticks) with a byte in the output, ranging from -128 to 127, and encoded using two’s complement.
Making a game controller
Now that I could read from the joystick, I needed to send these to the computer as a proper game controller that could be used by programs such as Microsoft Flight Simulator. Figure 3 shows what I was aiming for: I wanted all the abilities of the joystick to be exposed for use on the PC.
A Raspberry Pi Pico was the perfect thing to use here as it has great IO options and support for working in Python. I needed to configure it to announce itself as a game controller over USB, and then adapt my code to run on the Pico and send the appropriate messages to the PC.
Fortunately, CircuitPython has great support for making custom devices like this. First, we need to define how we want our device to appear over USB, and write some Python to make sure this is registered whenever the Pico connects over USB.
This involves digging into the world of USB HID descriptors. HID stands for Human Interface Device, and covers a wide range of gadgets which you can connect over USB, including mice, keyboards, and game controllers, even going as far as volume controls and exercise equipment.
These descriptors contain information about the device, such as what class it is and which types of data it will send to the PC. By default, CircuitPython supports only a mouse and keyboard. We need to send a descriptor which contains the different axes, buttons, and hats the controller supports.
The full specification for this is on the official www.usb.org site, but we can extend the Adafruit example to increase the number of buttons to 32, and to add an additional entry for the joystick’s hats.
Putting the boot in
When building CircuitPython projects, you will normally write Python in the code.py file. Code in this file runs after the Pico has initialised USB, so it’s too late to change anything about the device. To do this, we need to look at the lesser-known boot.py file. This file runs when CircuitPython first boots, and before USB is configured, which means that you can make changes to the USB devices that are registered.
The program in the code.py file reads data packets from the joystick, decodes values from the data, and sends USB messages corresponding to the state of the joystick. The present version is in two parts. The first reads the data into a buffer, and the second pulls values out of this buffer and sends USB messages.
Bringing it all together
Finally, we need to integrate our project which reads from the PC serial port with our game controller code. As the Pico only supports 5v logic levels, we can use our own MAX232 to map the RS232 voltages to something the Pico can handle. To do this, I used an integrated module with a DB-9 connector on one side and a pin header on the other, connected to the Pico. I could also power the joystick from the Pico’s 5v supply.
Now that I had the two halves of the project working together, it was a case of going through the buttons on the device and mapping them across to the controls defined for the controller. This was one of the more tedious parts of the project, but it was a good chance to make sure everything was working correctly.
Finally, I’ve got everything I need to use the joystick to control a plane running on the PC. Here I’m using it to control the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 included with Flight Simulator, which has a similar stick to this, but with two hats swapped. I still don’t know precisely which plane (if any) this joystick is based on. The AV-8 Harrier has those hats in the correct order, but has an extra button just below them on the face of the joystick.
I’ve not been able to find any images of joysticks similar to the second stick anywhere, so if you have any idea where that could have come from, please let me know!
Read the full story, including some extra tips from the maker David Miles, in The MagPi #146.
The MagPi #146 out NOW!
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