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Python 3.13.0RC2, 3.12.6, 3.11.10, 3.10.15, 3.9.20, and 3.8.20 are now available!

Hi there!
A big joint release today. Mostly security fixes but we also have the final release candidate of 3.13 so let’s start with that!

Python 3.13.0RC2

Final opportunity to test and find any show-stopper bugs before we bless and release 3.13.0 final on October 1st.

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.13.0rc2 |

Call to action

We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to prepare their projects for 3.13 compatibilities during this phase, and where necessary publish Python 3.13 wheels on PyPI to be ready for the final release of 3.13.0. Any binary wheels built against Python 3.13.0rc2 will work with future versions of Python 3.13. As always, report any issues to the Python bug tracker.

Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and while it’s as close to the final release as we can get it, its use is not recommended for production environments.

Core developers: time to work on documentation now

  • Are all your changes properly documented?
  • Are they mentioned in What’s New?
  • Did you notice other changes you know of to have insufficient documentation?

As a reminder, until the final release of 3.13.0, the 3.13 branch is set up so that the Release Manager (@thomas) has to merge the changes. Please add him (@Yhg1s on GitHub) to any changes you think should go into 3.13.0. At this point, unless something critical comes up, it should really be documentation only. Other changes (including tests) will be pushed to 3.13.1.

New features in Python 3.13

Python 3.12.6

This is an expedited release for 3.12 due to security content. The schedule returns back to regular programming in October.

One notable change for macOS users: as mentioned in the previous release of 3.12, this release drops support for macOS versions 10.9 through 10.12. Versions of macOS older than 10.13 haven’t been supported by Apple since 2019, and maintaining support for them has become too difficult. (All versions of Python 3.13 have already dropped support for them.)

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.12.6 |

92 commits.

Python 3.11.10

Python 3.11 joins the elite club of security-only versions with no binary installers.

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.11.10 |

28 commits.

Python 3.10.15

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.10.15 |

24 commits.

Python 3.9.20

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.9.20 |

22 commits.

Python 3.8.20

Python 3.8 is very close to End of Life (see the Release Schedule). Will this be the last release of 3.8 ever? We’ll see… but now I think I jinxed it.

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.8.20 |

22 commits.

Security content in today’s releases

  • gh-123678 and gh-116741: Upgrade bundled libexpat to 2.6.3 to fix CVE-2024-28757, CVE-2024-45490, CVE-2024-45491 and CVE-2024-45492.
  • gh-118486: os.mkdir() on Windows now accepts mode of 0o700 to restrict the new directory to the current user. This fixes CVE-2024-4030 affecting tempfile.mkdtemp() in scenarios where the base temporary directory is more permissive than the default.
  • gh-123067: Fix quadratic complexity in parsing "-quoted cookie values with backslashes by http.cookies. Fixes CVE-2024-7592.
  • gh-113171: Fixed various false positives and false negatives in IPv4Address.is_private, IPv4Address.is_global, IPv6Address.is_private, IPv6Address.is_global. Fixes CVE-2024-4032.
  • gh-67693: Fix urllib.parse.urlunparse() and urllib.parse.urlunsplit() for URIs with path starting with multiple slashes and no authority. Fixes CVE-2015-2104.
  • gh-121957: Fixed missing audit events around interactive use of Python, now also properly firing for python -i, as well as for python -m asyncio. The event in question is cpython.run_stdin.
  • gh-122133: Authenticate the socket connection for the socket.socketpair() fallback on platforms where AF_UNIX is not available like Windows.
  • gh-121285: Remove backtracking from tarfile header parsing for hdrcharset, PAX, and GNU sparse headers. That’s CVE-2024-6232.
  • gh-114572: ssl.SSLContext.cert_store_stats() and ssl.SSLContext.get_ca_certs() now correctly lock access to the certificate store, when the ssl.SSLContext is shared across multiple threads.
  • gh-102988: email.utils.getaddresses() and email.utils.parseaddr() now return ('', '') 2-tuples in more situations where invalid email addresses are encountered instead of potentially inaccurate values. Add optional strict parameter to these two functions: use strict=False to get the old behavior, accept malformed inputs. getattr(email.utils, 'supports_strict_parsing', False) can be use to check if the strict paramater is available. This improves the CVE-2023-27043 fix.
  • gh-123270: Sanitize names in zipfile.Path to avoid infinite loops (gh-122905) without breaking contents using legitimate characters. That’s CVE-2024-8088.
  • gh-121650: email headers with embedded newlines are now quoted on output. The generator will now refuse to serialize (write) headers that are unsafely folded or delimited; see verify_generated_headers. That’s CVE-2024-6923.
  • gh-119690: Fixes data type confusion in audit events raised by _winapi.CreateFile and _winapi.CreateNamedPipe.
  • gh-116773: Fix instances of <_overlapped.Overlapped object at 0xXXX> still has pending operation at deallocation, the process may crash.
  • gh-112275: A deadlock involving pystate.c’s HEAD_LOCK in posixmodule.c at fork is now fixed.

Stay safe and upgrade!

Upgrading is highly recommended to all users of affected versions.

Thank you for your support

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Łukasz Langa @ambv
on behalf of your friendly release team,

Ned Deily @nad
Steve Dower @steve.dower
Pablo Galindo Salgado @pablogsal
Łukasz Langa @ambv
Thomas Wouters @thomas



Python 3.12.5 released


I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.12.5:


This is the fifth maintenance release of Python 3.12

Python 3.12 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. 3.12.5 is the latest maintenance release, containing more than 250 bugfixes, build improvements and documentation changes since 3.12.4.

This version of Python 3.12 also comes with pip 24.2 by default. However, due to an incompatibility with older macOS versions, macOS 10.9 through 10.12 will downgrade their version of pip to 24.1.2 during the installation process (in the Install Certificates step). See the installer ReadMe and the pip issue on the matter for more information. Versions of macOS older than 10.13 haven’t been supported by Apple since 2019, and maintaining support for them is becoming increasingly difficult. While this release of 3.12 still supports them, it is likely that we will be forced to drop support for macOS 10.12 and older in a future 3.12 release. (Python 3.13 has already dropped support for them.)



Major new features of the 3.12 series, compared to 3.11


New features

Type annotations


  • The deprecated wstr and wstr_length members of the C implementation of unicode objects were removed, per PEP 623.
  • In the unittest module, a number of long deprecated methods and classes were removed. (They had been deprecated since Python 3.1 or 3.2).
  • The deprecated smtpd and distutils modules have been removed (see PEP 594 and PEP 632. The setuptools package continues to provide the distutils module.
  • A number of other old, broken and deprecated functions, classes and methods have been removed.
  • Invalid backslash escape sequences in strings now warn with SyntaxWarning instead of DeprecationWarning, making them more visible. (They will become syntax errors in the future.)
  • The internal representation of integers has changed in preparation for performance enhancements. (This should not affect most users as it is an internal detail, but it may cause problems for Cython-generated code.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.12, see What’s new in Python 3.12.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Łukasz Langa
Ned Deily
Steve Dower

Python 3.13.0 release candidate 1 released

 I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.13 release candidate 1.


This is the first release candidate of Python 3.13.0

This release, 3.13.0rc1, is the penultimate release preview. Entering the release candidate phase, only reviewed code changes which are clear bug fixes are allowed between this release candidate and the final release. The second candidate (and the last planned release preview) is scheduled for Tuesday, 2024-09-03, while the official release of 3.13.0 is scheduled for Tuesday, 2024-10-01.

There will be no ABI changes from this point forward in the 3.13 series, and the goal is that there will be as few code changes as possible.

Call to action

We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to prepare their projects for 3.13 compatibilities during this phase, and where necessary publish Python 3.13 wheels on PyPI to be ready for the final release of 3.13.0. Any binary wheels built against Python 3.13.0rc1 will work with future versions of Python 3.13. As always, report any issues to the Python bug tracker.

Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and while it’s as close to the final release as we can get it, its use is not recommended for production environments.

Core developers: time to work on documentation now

  • Are all your changes properly documented?
  • Are they mentioned in What’s New?
  • Did you notice other changes you know of to have insufficient documentation?


Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Some of the new major new features and changes in Python 3.13 are:

New features


Removals and new deprecations

  • PEP 594 (Removing dead batteries from the standard library) scheduled removals of many deprecated modules: aifc, audioop, chunk, cgi, cgitb, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib, lib2to3.
  • Many other removals of deprecated classes, functions and methods in various standard library modules.
  • C API removals and deprecations. (Some removals present in alpha 1 were reverted in alpha 2, as the removals were deemed too disruptive at this time.)
  • New deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16.

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.13, see What’s new in Python 3.13. The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0rc2, the final release candidate, currently scheduled for 2024-09-03.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.


Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Łukasz Langa
Ned Deily
Steve Dower

Python 3.13.0 beta 4 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.13 beta 4.


This is a beta preview of Python 3.13

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0b4, is the final beta release preview of 3.13.

Beta release previews are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature release.

We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to test with 3.13 during the beta phase and report issues found to the Python bug tracker as soon as possible. While the release is planned to be feature complete entering the beta phase, it is possible that features may be modified or, in rare cases, deleted up until the start of the release candidate phase (Tuesday 2024-07-30). Our goal is to have no ABI changes after this final beta release, and as few code changes as possible after 3.13.0rc1, the first release candidate. To achieve that, it will be extremely important to get as much exposure for 3.13 as possible during the beta phase.

Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.


Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Some of the new major new features and changes in Python 3.13 are:

New features


Removals and new deprecations

  • PEP 594 (Removing dead batteries from the standard library) scheduled removals of many deprecated modules: aifc, audioop, chunk, cgi, cgitb, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib, lib2to3.
  • Many other removals of deprecated classes, functions and methods in various standard library modules.
  • C API removals and deprecations. (Some removals present in alpha 1 were reverted in alpha 2, as the removals were deemed too disruptive at this time.)
  • New deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16.

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.13, see What’s new in Python 3.13. The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0rc1, the first release candidate, currently scheduled for 2024-07-30.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.


Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Łukasz Langa
Ned Deily
Steve Dower 

Python 3.13.0 beta 3 released


I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.13 beta 3.


This is a beta preview of Python 3.13

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0b3, is the third of four beta release previews of 3.13.

Beta release previews are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature release.

We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to test with 3.13 during the beta phase and report issues found to the Python bug tracker as soon as possible. While the release is planned to be feature complete entering the beta phase, it is possible that features may be modified or, in rare cases, deleted up until the start of the release candidate phase (Tuesday 2024-07-30). Our goal is to have no ABI changes after beta 4 and as few code changes as possible after 3.13.0rc1, the first release candidate. To achieve that, it will be extremely important to get as much exposure for 3.13 as possible during the beta phase.


Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.


Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Some of the new major new features and changes in Python 3.13 are:

New features

  • A new and improved interactive interpreter , based on PyPy’s, featuring multi-line editing and color support, as well as colorized exception tracebacks .
  • An experimental free-threaded build mode , which disables the Global Interpreter Lock, allowing threads to run more concurrently. The build mode is available as an experimental feature in the Windows and macOS installers as well.
  • A preliminary, experimental JIT , providing the ground work for significant performance improvements.
  • The (cyclic) garbage collector is now incremental , which should mean shorter pauses for collection in programs with a lot of objects.
  • A modified version of mimalloc is now included, optional but enabled by default if supported by the platform, and required for the free-threaded build mode.
  • Docstrings now have their leading indentation stripped, reducing memory use and the size of .pyc files. (Most tools handling docstrings already strip leading indentation.)
  • The dbm module has a new dbm.sqlite3 backend that is used by default when creating new files.
  • The minimum supported macOS version was changed from 10.9 to 10.13 (High Sierra). Older macOS versions will not be supported going forward.


Removals and new deprecations

  • PEP 594 (Removing dead batteries from the standard library) scheduled removals of many deprecated modules: aifc, audioop, chunk, cgi, cgitb, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib, lib2to3.
  • Many other removals of deprecated classes, functions and methods in various standard library modules.
  • C API removals and deprecations. (Some removals present in alpha 1 were reverted in alpha 2, as the removals were deemed too disruptive at this time.)
  • New deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16.

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.13, see What’s new in Python 3.13 . The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0b4, currently scheduled for 2024-07-16.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Łukasz Langa
Ned Deily
Steve Dower 


Python 3.12.4 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.12.4:


This is the third maintenance release of Python 3.12

Python 3.12 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. 3.12.4 is the latest maintenance release, containing more than 250 bugfixes, build improvements and documentation changes since 3.12.3.


Major new features of the 3.12 series, compared to 3.11


New features

Type annotations


  • The deprecated wstr and wstr_length members of the C implementation of unicode objects were removed, per PEP 623.
  • In the unittest module, a number of long deprecated methods and classes were removed. (They had been deprecated since Python 3.1 or 3.2).
  • The deprecated smtpd and distutils modules have been removed (see PEP 594 and PEP 632. The setuptools package continues to provide the distutils module.
  • A number of other old, broken and deprecated functions, classes and methods have been removed.
  • Invalid backslash escape sequences in strings now warn with SyntaxWarning instead of DeprecationWarning, making them more visible. (They will become syntax errors in the future.)
  • The internal representation of integers has changed in preparation for performance enhancements. (This should not affect most users as it is an internal detail, but it may cause problems for Cython-generated code.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.12, see What’s new in Python 3.12.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Łukasz Langa
Ned Deily
Steve Dower 

Python 3.13.0 beta 2 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.13 beta 2.


This is a beta preview of Python 3.13

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0b2, is the second of four beta release previews of 3.13.

Beta release previews are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature release.

We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to test with 3.13 during the beta phase and report issues found to the Python bug tracker as soon as possible. While the release is planned to be feature complete entering the beta phase, it is possible that features may be modified or, in rare cases, deleted up until the start of the release candidate phase (Tuesday 2024-07-30). Our goal is to have no ABI changes after beta 4 and as few code changes as possible after 3.13.0rc1, the first release candidate. To achieve that, it will be extremely important to get as much exposure for 3.13 as possible during the beta phase.

Two particularly noteworthy changes in beta 2 involve the macOS installer we provide:

  • The minimum supported macOS version was changed from 10.9 to 10.13 (High Sierra). Older macOS versions will not be supported going forward.
  • The macOS installer package now includes an optional additional build of Python 3.13 with the experimental free-threading feature enabled. The free-threaded version, python3.13t, is separate from and co-exists with the traditional GIL-only installation. The free-threaded build is not installed by default; use the Customize option of the installer as explained in the installer readme. Since this is an experimental feature, there may be late-breaking issues found; see the free-threaded macOS build issue on GitHub for the most recent status.

Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.


Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Some of the new major new features and changes in Python 3.13 are:

New features


Removals and new deprecations

  • PEP 594 (Removing dead batteries from the standard library) scheduled removals of many deprecated modules: aifc, audioop, chunk, cgi, cgitb, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib, lib2to3.
  • Many other removals of deprecated classes, functions and methods in various standard library modules.
  • C API removals and deprecations. (Some removals present in alpha 1 were reverted in alpha 2, as the removals were deemed too disruptive at this time.)
  • New deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16.

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.13, see What’s new in Python 3.13 . The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0b3, currently scheduled for 2024-06-25.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Łukasz Langa
Ned Deily
Steve Dower 


Python 3.13.0 beta 1 released

I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.13 beta 1 (and feature freeze for Python 3.13).


This is a beta preview of Python 3.13

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0b1, is the first of four beta release previews of 3.13.

Beta release previews are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature release.

We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to test with 3.13 during the beta phase and report issues found to the Python bug tracker as soon as possible. While the release is planned to be feature complete entering the beta phase, it is possible that features may be modified or, in rare cases, deleted up until the start of the release candidate phase (Tuesday 2024-07-30). Our goal is to have no ABI changes after beta 4 and as few code changes as possible after 3.13.0rc1, the first release candidate. To achieve that, it will be extremely important to get as much exposure for 3.13 as possible during the beta phase.

Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Some of the new major new features and changes in Python 3.13 are:

New features


Removals and new deprecations

  • PEP 594 (Removing dead batteries from the standard library) scheduled removals of many deprecated modules: aifc, audioop, chunk, cgi, cgitb, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib, lib2to3.
  • Many other removals of deprecated classes, functions and methods in various standard library modules.
  • C API removals and deprecations. (Some removals present in alpha 1 were reverted in alpha 2, as the removals were deemed too disruptive at this time.)
  • New deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16.

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.13, see What’s new in Python 3.13. The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0b2, currently scheduled for 2024-05-28.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Łukasz Langa
Ned Deily
Steve Dower 


Python 3.12.3 and 3.13.0a6 released

It’s time to eclipse the Python 3.11.9 release with two releases, one of which is the very last alpha release of Python 3.13:


Python 3.12.3

300+ of the finest commits went into this latest maintenance release of the latest Python version, the most stablest, securest, bugfreeest we could make it.

Python 3.13.0a6

What’s that? The last alpha release? Just one more month until feature freeze! Get your features done, get your bugs fixed, let’s get 3.13.0 ready for people to actually use! Until then, let’s test with alpha 6. The highlights of 3.13 you ask? Well:

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know. It’s getting to be really important now!)

We hope you enjoy the new releases!

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself, or through contributions to the Python Software Foundation or CPython itself.

Thomas “can you tell I haven’t had coffee today” Wouters
on behalf of your release team,

Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Pablo Galindo Salgado
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.11.9 is now available


:warning: This is the last bug fix release of Python 3.11 :warning:

This is the ninth maintenance release of Python 3.11

Python 3.11.9 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. Get it here:

Major new features of the 3.11 series, compared to 3.10

Among the new major new features and changes so far:

  • PEP 657 – Include Fine-Grained Error Locations in Tracebacks
  • PEP 654 – Exception Groups and except*
  • PEP 673 – Self Type
  • PEP 646 – Variadic Generics
  • PEP 680 – tomllib: Support for Parsing TOML in the Standard Library
  • PEP 675 – Arbitrary Literal String Type
  • PEP 655 – Marking individual TypedDict items as required or potentially-missing
  • bpo-46752 – Introduce task groups to asyncio
  • PEP 681 – Data Class Transforms
  • bpo-433030– Atomic grouping ((?>…)) and possessive quantifiers (*+, ++, ?+, {m,n}+) are now supported in regular expressions.
  • The Faster Cpython Project is already yielding some exciting results. Python 3.11 is up to 10-60% faster than Python 3.10. On average, we measured a 1.22x speedup on the standard benchmark suite. See Faster CPython for details.

More resources

And now for something completely different

A kugelblitz is a theoretical astrophysical object predicted by general relativity. It is a concentration of heat, light or radiation so intense that its energy forms an event horizon and becomes self-trapped. In other words, if enough radiation is aimed into a region of space, the concentration of energy can warp spacetime so much that it creates a black hole. This would be a black hole whose original mass–energy was in the form of radiant energy rather than matter, however as soon as it forms, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary black hole.

We hope you enjoy the new releases!

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Python 3.10.14, 3.9.19, and 3.8.19 is now available

Those are the boring security releases that aren’t supposed to bring anything new. But not this time! We do have a bit of news, actually. But first things first: go update your systems!

Python 3.10.14

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.10.14

26 commits since the last release.

Python 3.9.19

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.9.19

26 commits since the last release.

Python 3.8.19

Get it here: Python Release Python 3.8.19

28 commits since the last release.

Security content in this release

  • gh-115399 & gh-115398: bundled libexpat was updated to 2.6.0 to address CVE-2023-52425, and control of the new reparse deferral functionality was exposed with new APIs. Thanks to Sebastian Pipping, the maintainer of libexpat, who worked with us directly on incorporating those fixes!
  • gh-109858: zipfile is now protected from the “quoted-overlap” zipbomb to address CVE-2024-0450. It now raises BadZipFile when attempting to read an entry that overlaps with another entry or central directory
  • gh-91133: tempfile.TemporaryDirectory cleanup no longer dereferences symlinks when working around file system permission errors to address CVE-2023-6597
  • gh-115197: urllib.request no longer resolves the hostname before checking it against the system’s proxy bypass list on macOS and Windows
  • gh-81194: a crash in socket.if_indextoname() with a specific value (UINT_MAX) was fixed. Relatedly, an integer overflow in socket.if_indextoname() on 64-bit non-Windows platforms was fixed
  • gh-113659: .pth files with names starting with a dot or containing the hidden file attribute are now skipped
  • gh-102388: iso2022_jp_3 and iso2022_jp_2004 codecs no longer read out of bounds
  • gh-114572: ssl.SSLContext.cert_store_stats() and ssl.SSLContext.get_ca_certs() now correctly lock access to the certificate store, when the ssl.SSLContext is shared across multiple threads

Stay safe and upgrade!

Upgrading is highly recommended to all users of affected versions.

Source builds are moving to GitHub Actions

It’s not something you will notice when downloading, but 3.10.14 here is the first release we’ve done where the source artifacts were built on GHA and not on a local computer of one of the release managers. We have the Security Developer in Residence @sethmlarson to thank for that!

It’s a big deal since public builds allow for easier auditing and repeatability. It also helps with the so-called bus factor. In fact, to test this out, this build of 3.10.14 was triggered by me and not Pablo, who would usually release Python 3.10.

The artifacts are later still signed by the respective release manager, ensuring integrity when put on the downloads server.

Python now manages its own CVEs

The security releases you’re looking at are the first after the PSF became a CVE Numbering Authority. That’s also thanks to @sethmlarson. What being our own CNA allows us is to ensure the quality of the vulnerability reports is high, and that the severity estimates are accurate. Seth summarized it best in his announcement here.

What this also allows us to do is to combine announcement of CVEs with the release of patched versions of Python. This is in fact the case with two of the CVEs listed above (CVE-2023-6597 and CVE-2024-0450). And since Seth is now traveling, this announcement duty was fulfilled by the PSF’s Director of Infrastructure @EWDurbin. Thanks!

I’m happy to see us successfully testing bus factor resilience on multiple fronts with this round of releases.

Thank you for your support

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Łukasz Langa @ambv
on behalf of your friendly release team,

Ned Deily @nad
Steve Dower @steve.dower
Pablo Galindo Salgado @pablogsal
Łukasz Langa @ambv
Thomas Wouters @thomas

Python 3.13.0 alpha 5 is now available


Python 3.13.0 alpha 5 is now available:

This is an early developer preview of Python 3.13

Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0a5, is the fifth of six planned alpha releases.

Alpha releases are intended to make it easier to test the current state of new features and bug fixes and to test the release process.

During the alpha phase, features may be added up until the start of the beta phase (2024-05-07) and, if necessary, may be modified or deleted up until the release candidate phase (2024-07-30). Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Many new features for Python 3.13 are still being planned and written. Work continues apace on both the work to remove the Global Interpeter Lock , and to improve Python performance. The most notable changes so far:

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0a6, currently scheduled for 2024-04-09.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Regards from wet and chilly Amsterdam,

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.13.0 alpha 4 is now available


Python 3.13.0 alpha 4 is now available:

This is an early developer preview of Python 3.13

Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0a4, is the fourth of six planned alpha releases.

Alpha releases are intended to make it easier to test the current state of new features and bug fixes and to test the release process.

During the alpha phase, features may be added up until the start of the beta phase (2024-05-07) and, if necessary, may be modified or deleted up until the release candidate phase (2024-07-30). Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Many new features for Python 3.13 are still being planned and written. Work continues apace on both the work to remove the Global Interpeter Lock , and to improve Python performance. The most notable changes so far:

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0a5, currently scheduled for 2023-03-12.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Regards from dusky Amsterdam,

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.12.2 and 3.11.8 are now available.

Python 3.12.2 and 3.11.8 are now available. In addition to all the usual bugfixes, these releases contain a small security fix: hidden .pth files are no longer automatically read and executed as part of Python startup. (New releases of 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 containing the same fix are expected next week.)

Python 3.12.2

Python 3.12’s second bugfix release. In addition to the mentioned security fix and the usual slew of bug fixes, build changes and documentation updates (more than 350 commits), this is also the first release to include a Software Bill-of-Materials for the source packages (Python-3.12.2.tgz and Python-3.12.2.tar.xz). Full changelog.

Python 3.11.8

More than 300 commits of bug fixes, build changes and documentation updates. Full changelog.


We hope you enjoy the new releases!

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself, or through contributions to the Python Software Foundation or CPython itself.
Thomas Wouters
on behalf of your release team,
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Pablo Galindo Salgado
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.13.0 alpha 3 is now available.

We silently skipped releasing in December (it was too close to the holidays, a lot of people were away) so by date you may have been expecting alpha 4, but instead it’s alpha 3:

This is an early developer preview of Python 3.13

Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0a3, is the third of six planned alpha releases.

Alpha releases are intended to make it easier to test the current state of new features and bug fixes and to test the release process.

During the alpha phase, features may be added up until the start of the beta phase (2024-05-07) and, if necessary, may be modified or deleted up until the release candidate phase (2024-07-30). Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Many new features for Python 3.13 are still being planned and written. Work continues apace on both the work to remove the Global Interpeter Lock , and to improve Python performance. The most notable changes so far:

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0a4, currently scheduled for 2023-02-13.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Regards from snowy Amsterdam,

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.11.7 is now available


This is the sixth maintenance release of Python 3.11

Python 3.11.7 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. Get it here:

Major new features of the 3.11 series, compared to 3.10

Among the new major new features and changes so far:

  • PEP 657 – Include Fine-Grained Error Locations in Tracebacks
  • PEP 654 – Exception Groups and except*
  • PEP 673 – Self Type
  • PEP 646 – Variadic Generics
  • PEP 680 – tomllib: Support for Parsing TOML in the Standard Library
  • PEP 675 – Arbitrary Literal String Type
  • PEP 655 – Marking individual TypedDict items as required or potentially-missing
  • bpo-46752 – Introduce task groups to asyncio
  • PEP 681 – Data Class Transforms
  • bpo-433030– Atomic grouping ((?>…)) and possessive quantifiers (*+, ++, ?+, {m,n}+) are now supported in regular expressions.
  • The Faster Cpython Project is already yielding some exciting results. Python 3.11 is up to 10-60% faster than Python 3.10. On average, we measured a 1.22x speedup on the standard benchmark suite. See Faster CPython for details.

More resources

And now for something completely different

A pentaquark is a human-made subatomic particle, consisting of four quarks and one antiquark bound together; they are not known to occur naturally, or exist outside of experiments specifically carried out to create them.  

Quarks quarks have a baryon number of +1/3 and antiquarks of -1/3, the pentaquark would have a total baryon number of 1, and thus would be a baryon. Further, because it has five quarks instead of the usual three found in regular baryons (a.k.a. 'triquarks'), it is classified as an exotic baryon. The name pentaquark was coined by Claude Gignoux and Harry J. Lipkin in 1987; however, the possibility of five-quark particles was identified as early as 1964 when Murray Gell-Mann first postulated the existence of quarks. Although predicted for decades, pentaquarks proved surprisingly difficult to discover and some physicists were beginning to suspect that an unknown law of nature prevented their production.

We hope you enjoy the new releases!

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Python 3.12.1 is now available


Python 3.12.1 is now available.


This is the first maintenance release of Python 3.12

Python 3.12 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. 3.12.1 is the latest maintenance release, containing more than 400 bugfixes, build improvements and documentation changes since 3.12.0.


Major new features of the 3.12 series, compared to 3.11


New features


Type annotations



  • The deprecated wstr and wstr_length members of the C implementation of unicode objects were removed, per PEP 623.
  • In the unittest module, a number of long deprecated methods and classes were removed. (They had been deprecated since Python 3.1 or 3.2).
  • The deprecated smtpd and distutils modules have been removed (see PEP 594 and PEP 632. The setuptools package continues to provide the distutils module.
  • A number of other old, broken and deprecated functions, classes and methods have been removed.
  • Invalid backslash escape sequences in strings now warn with SyntaxWarning instead of DeprecationWarning, making them more visible. (They will become syntax errors in the future.)
  • The internal representation of integers has changed in preparation for performance enhancements. (This should not affect most users as it is an internal detail, but it may cause problems for Cython-generated code.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.12, see What’s new in Python 3.12.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.13.0 alpha 2 is now available

Well, well, well, it’s time for Python 3.13.0 alpha 2!

This is an early developer preview of Python 3.13


Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12


Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0a2 is the second of seven planned alpha releases.

Alpha releases are intended to make it easier to test the current state of new features and bug fixes and to test the release process.

During the alpha phase, features may be added up until the start of the beta phase (2024-05-07) and, if necessary, may be modified or deleted up until the release candidate phase (2024-07-30). Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Many new features for Python 3.13 are still being planned and written. The most notable change so far:

  • PEP 594 (Removing dead batteries from the standard library) scheduled removals of many deprecated modules: aifc, audioop, chunk, cgi, cgitb, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib, lib2to3.
  • Many other removals of deprecated classes, functions and methods in various standard library modules.
  • New deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16.
  • C API removals and deprecations. (Some removals present in alpha 1 have been reverted in alpha 2, as the removals were deemed too disruptive at this time.)

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0a3, currently scheduled for 2023-12-19.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Regards from lovely Czechia,

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.13.0 alpha 1 is now available


It’s not a very exciting release (yet), but it’s time for the first alpha of Python 3.13 anyway!

This is an early developer preview of Python 3.13


Major new features of the 3.13 series, compared to 3.12

Python 3.13 is still in development. This release, 3.13.0a1 is the first of seven planned alpha releases.

Alpha releases are intended to make it easier to test the current state of new features and bug fixes and to test the release process.

During the alpha phase, features may be added up until the start of the beta phase (2024-05-07) and, if necessary, may be modified or deleted up until the release candidate phase (2024-07-30). Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Many new features for Python 3.13 are still being planned and written. The most notable change so far are new deprecations, most of which are scheduled for removal from Python 3.15 or 3.16

(Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

The next pre-release of Python 3.13 will be 3.13.0a2, currently scheduled for 2023-11-21.


More resources


Enjoy the new releases

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.

Regards from lovely Czechia,

Your release team,
Thomas Wouters
Ned Deily
Steve Dower
Łukasz Langa

Python 3.11.6 is now available


This is the sixth maintenance release of Python 3.11

Python 3.11.6 is the newest major release of the Python programming language, and it contains many new features and optimizations. Get it here:

Major new features of the 3.11 series, compared to 3.10

Among the new major new features and changes so far:

  • PEP 657 – Include Fine-Grained Error Locations in Tracebacks
  • PEP 654 – Exception Groups and except*
  • PEP 673 – Self Type
  • PEP 646 – Variadic Generics
  • PEP 680 – tomllib: Support for Parsing TOML in the Standard Library
  • PEP 675 – Arbitrary Literal String Type
  • PEP 655 – Marking individual TypedDict items as required or potentially-missing
  • bpo-46752 – Introduce task groups to asyncio
  • PEP 681 – Data Class Transforms
  • bpo-433030– Atomic grouping ((?>…)) and possessive quantifiers (*+, ++, ?+, {m,n}+) are now supported in regular expressions.
  • The Faster Cpython Project is already yielding some exciting results. Python 3.11 is up to 10-60% faster than Python 3.10. On average, we measured a 1.22x speedup on the standard benchmark suite. See Faster CPython for details.

More resources

And now for something completely different

A g-factor (also called g value) is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the magnetic moment and angular momentum of an atom, a particle or the nucleus. It is essentially a proportionality constant that relates the different observed magnetic moments μ of a particle to their angular momentum quantum numbers and a unit of magnetic moment (to make it dimensionless), usually the Bohr magneton or nuclear magneton. Its value is proportional to the gyromagnetic ratio.

We hope you enjoy the new releases!

Thanks to all of the many volunteers who help make Python Development and these releases possible! Please consider supporting our efforts by volunteering yourself or through organization contributions to the Python Software Foundation.
